
im new to this if i make a mistake it will have been the unintentional lapse of an old man. that being said:

just a couple things i would ask you to ponder

  • Fix/change the images on the     bundles for the destroyer pack. Why is there a pic of the “Brave” (R11 Destroyer) on “Rare Destroyer Parts” which is for R8 Destroyer such as the Invincible? May we please have a pic any R8 destroyer instead?

  • We have modules and weapons which are represented as type cards on the bottom of our screens within the hanger. If you look at the weapon slot and then look at your ship many will notice they DO NOT match. Perhaps taking the time to make sprites for these weapons / modules or changing the picture to where they will correspond better. Sure it will take time but isn’t that the idea? Take the time to make a game where everyone will love to play. These minor details can add to a lot in the long run.

  • Just manufactured the “A1MA 13” looking at the picture of the module I was thinking I might get an R2D2 type looking module added to my ship shooting lasers. But NO! Its some side arm gun sticking out the side of my ship. ![-_-](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/009j.png “-_-”)


+1 for everything except for third and second. None of those would matter that much. Even if I depicted myself as a developer of sc, I wouldn’t waste time on that. It is simply good as it is. Also, there are many unused sprites / icons (just look at the mosule table in the “autumn sale” poster) that could be used instead of some existing ones. No need to make additional ones.

5 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

+1 for everything except for third and second. None of those would matter that much. Even if I depicted myself as a developer of sc, I wouldn’t waste time on that. It is simply good as it is. Also, there are many unused sprites / icons (just look at the mosule table in the “autumn sale” poster) that could be used instead of some existing ones. No need to make additional ones.

Sure it doesnt matter in the sense that the moduels are going to do what they are supposed to do. Though i wouldnt say its good as it is but OK (Personal prespective). Thats not the point. Why not make that effort to make the sprites look like what you click on? Are these small details not worth the time and effort to make the game nice and shiny? If they are not worth it then i say, “to bad”. But im sure there are some who have questioned the fact that their weapons don’t look like whats in the picture.



i agree thumbs up



On 25. 11. 2016 at 8:43 PM, jungfaha said:

Sure it doesnt matter in the sense that the moduels are going to do what they are supposed to do. Though i wouldnt say its good as it is but OK (Personal prespective). Thats not the point. Why not make that effort to make the sprites look like what you click on? Are these small details not worth the time and effort to make the game nice and shiny? If they are not worth it then i say, “to bad”. But im sure there are some who have questioned the fact that their weapons don’t look like whats in the picture.



They were, originally, before the wep. open beta update xxxx… it up. How it works > how it looks. You would always make the shitti… looking destroyer if it had +30% passive weapon boost and the others didn’t have such a feature. You shouldn’t care about how the stuff looks, seriousely. For example, no one IN YEARS reported that one bug with missing tormentor ship series icon in the tactical “menu” (Tab in battle). It still uses the crusader icon. Or that all those R12 series got a retexture update, except for the literally worst looking one - spartacus series. The ship itself looks very good, but its textures are just way off. All those ships have transparent glass cockpits, and there you go, freakin argonaut with gray glass, pixely wings. No one seems bothered by that, yet there are people bothered by something we are all used to and which does not need any change.


Btw, the tormentor icon is missing since like forever.

And it’s annoying ;p

I made a suggestion to improve the castor series fighter’s textures back in 2012…