"Spring Victory" tournament (discussion)

If team is registered before May 5, its prize fund will be increased by 10%.






tbh, i’m really sad/mad.


11 oclock to 2 oclock at night on a saturday night? no way i can do that. :confused:

it’s time to start having u.s. tournies. 


Edit: it’s actually 11 in the day lol. 

tbh, i’m really sad/mad.


11 oclock to 2 oclock at night on a saturday night? no way i can do that. :confused:

it’s time to start having u.s. tournies. 

 May 10 18:00 would be the middle of the day on Sunday  EDT wouldn’t it?

wait what?

u r mad coz there is tourney on sunday during day?


It’s kinda good for you compared to EU which is sunday 19-23

tbh, i’m really sad/mad.


11 oclock to 2 oclock at night on a saturday night? no way i can do that. :confused:

it’s time to start having u.s. tournies. 


Do you even math bro?

18:00 UTC+3 is 11am for me (Mountain Time).

Do you even math bro?

18:00 UTC+3 is 11am for me (Mountain Time).

LOL. it said am not pm. hahahaha. 

LOL. it said am not pm. hahahaha. 


Clearly you don’t understand military time then. 18:00 = 6pm, I dont know where you get 6am out of that.

They always write times in military.

Clearly you don’t understand military time then. 18:00 = 6pm, I dont know where you get 6am out of that.

They always write times in military.

It is “military” for NA, for Europe that is “normal” time convention.

Clearly you don’t understand military time then. 18:00 = 6pm, I dont know where you get 6am out of that.

They always write times in military.

i googled the time conversion to pacific time and misread it…thought that was fairly obvious. but guess it wasn’t.

i googled the time conversion to pacific time and misread it…thought that was fairly obvious. but guess it wasn’t.

You Are absolutely right, time conversion is fairly obvious for all of us, and not you.

I have mixed feelings about this tournament.

I like how the reward system works, but not too stoked about T5. T5 has some balancing issues not seen in lower tiers (mainly R13 and R14 implants).


As for the gamemode, I like it, but I see a potential for a huge game-breaking playstyle. The destructor in capture the beacons essentially renders beacons incappable, so a team with a destructor guard that protects it well can prevent the other team from capping any beacons.

As for the gamemode, I like it, but I see a potential for a huge game-breaking playstyle. The destructor in capture the beacons essentially renders beacons incappable, so a team with a destructor guard that protects it well can prevent the other team from capping any beacons.


A good start could be to “Put a Ship” Between the Beam and the Beacon or Just “Engage the Guard” or drop a “Static Barrier”. 

But apparently, players prefer to find Hardways instead of the most logical things to counter some game’s mechanics.

A good start could be to “Put a Ship” Between the Beam and the Beacon or Just “Engage the Guard” or drop a “Static Barrier”. 

But apparently, players prefer to find Hardways instead of the most logical things to counter some game’s mechanics.


Put a ship between guard and the beacon where guard’s player can press 1, 2 and 3: leaving you without missiles/afterburner and in range for pulsar and missiles… nice solution.

STATIC BARRIER??? First of all, it’s hard to find an engi in t5 apart octopus (and no one with at least one neuron will waste an active module for that cra*), then consider that the static barrier doesn’t cover all the beacon…

“Engage the guard” Well, if the guard is sitting at 5 km from beacon and he is alone and no one follows you: maybe after one minute or so you can kill him (meanwhile opposite team capped the beacon, and now they are coming for you). If he is not alone:  you are dead

If you squad up with someone to face the guard, leaving the beacon -> the other team will cap even faster.


Nice solutions dude, nice solutions indeed. That thing is unbalanced, no logical solutions can be applied.


And again: why i do even bother? I’m out from this tourney, t5 it’s cra**ier than ever. 

(Now that I stopped the blood from my eyes after reading this)


  1. A guard using MPI/SM/AMS/Pulsar is a guard that can’t stand a burst, is a guard countered by ECM, is a guard having difficulties against Recon, Is a guard Suffering against Tackler, Covert Ops and is a guard with an Insane Energy Consumption.
  2. You don’t need to cover all the beacon, just the Guard’s firing arc on the beacon with Static Barrier. 
  3. You don’t need to kill the guard, just to force it to focus you instead a beacon.
  4. 5000m range on the Destructor Imply the sacrifice of 1 implant; 1 CPU and 1 Ammunition, Including the Degressive Yeld due to Optimal/Maximal Range, Including the penalty on the Horizon, including the a % of its DPS is based on the DoT, is meaning that you should have the Number Advantage on the beacon, that the Destructor DPS will be low and that you will not be in range of Guard’s modules.
  5. And, there is something else… Somethings called “Strategy” or “Tactics”… Am I meaning that the teams coming with a Destructor in their Line-ups have prepared the tournament, used all the informations to be able to be competitive? No, that’s not possible, nobody use all the mechanics allowed ingame to prepare an Event.


What I see is players refusing to evolve from the T3 metagame, you have the tools to counter it, you have the mechanics ingame, learn to use it.

As already stated it would be sufficient that destructor aura doesn’t work hitting static targets like beacons. In order to hit thr near ships you got to shoot at another ship :wink: Destructor should slow down capturing not stopping it at all just shooting to a static beacon imho.

(Now that I stopped the blood from my eyes after reading this)


  1. A guard using MPI/SM/AMS/Pulsar is a guard that can’t stand a burst, is a guard countered by ECM, is a guard having difficulties against Recon, Is a guard Suffering against Tackler, Covert Ops and is a guard with an Insane Energy Consumption.
  2. You don’t need to cover all the beacon, just the Guard’s firing arc on the beacon with Static Barrier. 
  3. You don’t need to kill the guard, just to force it to focus you instead a beacon.
  4. 5000m range on the Destructor Imply the sacrifice of 1 implant; 1 CPU and 1 Ammunition, Including the Degressive Yeld due to Optimal/Maximal Range, Including the penalty on the Horizon, including the a % of its DPS is based on the DoT, is meaning that you should have the Number Advantage on the beacon, that the Destructor DPS will be low and that you will not be in range of Guard’s modules.
  5. And, there is something else… Somethings called “Strategy” or “Tactics”… Am I meaning that the teams coming with a Destructor in their Line-ups have prepared the tournament, used all the informations to be able to be competitive? No, that’s not possible, nobody use all the mechanics allowed ingame to prepare an Event.


What I see is players refusing to evolve from the T3 metagame, you have the tools to counter it, you have the mechanics ingame, learn to use it.


You can reply even if blood came out from your ears, i don’t care if some “staff members” loose controls ranting with arrogance. It’s not the first time you know.


1 A guard just need 2 healings modules and some “smart shield works” and apart some crit gunships and waki AE, one on one can roflstomp anything if you are not an ape. 


2 You don’t need to cover all beacons, just the active one if it’s “beacon hunt” and apart that you can still defend 2 of them with pulsar on the nearest and destructor on the second one in others game modes. 


3 You don’t need DPS for that weapon. Pointing out that adding range means removing dps it’s the proof that you can’t understand what we are we talking about.


4 “Strategy and tactics”, here there’s one tactic available due to broken mechanic. 


It’s not only me (if you are not honest enough to consider that i have probably five times t5 matches than you, not including sector conquest or the facts that i’m pretty much able to fly not only frigs) saying those things about t5 and destructor. Apart that, stating that those are just rantings coming from “t3 nabs” it’s once again the demonstration on how arrogance it’s at an insane level in too many people “staff related”.


As already stated it would be sufficient that destructor aura doesn’t work hitting static targets like beacons. In order to hit thr near ships you got to shoot at another ship :wink: Destructor should slow down capturing not stopping it at all just shooting to a static beacon imho.


Yes it could be a nice idea, another one is removing that weapon from the “tank”, i mean guards. Since the time you spend to kill them (if you can , since most of the time they sit in the respawn nearby or in the middle of enemy team) it’s enough to make the team cap. 

The weapon is a Guard weapon to force you to enter in the Guard’s Gameplay. This is what you refuse to understand. 


The Destructor is made to give to the guards that are using it a “Tempo/Aggro” tool which was not available before. The mechanics isn’t broken it’s an answer to beacon’s rush/Swarm forcing you to take care of the guard instead of just ignoring it due to the -30% Capture speed on Objectives and after that the pulsar was cancelled/Finished.


You don’t want to be catch by the guard’s mechanics, it’s up to you to manage the guard(s) using it. 


If you let them take position and start their “Tempo”, you have the do what you need to stop it, it’s exactly like a Beacon Rush/Swarm by Interceptors/Fighters. If you can’t prevent it, you will have to deal with this problem soon or later.




About this :

i don’t care if some “staff members” loose controls ranting with arrogance.

i’m pretty much able to fly not only frigs) saying those things about t5 and destructor. Apart that, stating that those are just rantings coming from “t3 nabs” it’s once again the demonstration on how arrogance it’s at an insane level in too many people “staff related”.

It’s well known that I only have frigates and I’m never use my others ships.

There is a legend saying that if you have the 12 Guard’s Idols, and the special spell, you can see me in an Interceptor. And if it’s during an Eclipse, I will be in a Fighter.


If you think that was “Arrogance” that’s meaning I expressed myself in a wrong way, accept my apology for this.


What I was trying to say is :


There is a difference between the Metagame in T3 and T4/5. This metagame’s differences imply the evolution of mechanics for some ships while others already have the majority of their tools unlocked. 

The destructor is just a tool answering to a mechanic and adding a gameplay for the Guards.

You are saying the “Destructor” is OP because it’s preventing players from Capturing a beacon " Guarded" by Guard (Which is pretty logic, A Guard guarding something it’s supposed to guard because it’s a guard).

As far as I remember, players complained that Guards were not Guarding, and now they can guard something because they finally have the weapon for, players are complaining that guards are guarding :confused:



The suggestion about “Reducing capture speed” will not work due to the simple fact that all the ships don’t have the same Capture Speed.


There is still one thing which is interesting me :


You are saying that the mechanics are Broken on the Destructor, what exactly do you find broken?

Is it the fact it’s allowing guards to guard a beacon or the fact that a Guard using this weapon is imposing you its dynamics/gameplay?

My only “problem” with a destructor is a range capability on prem guards. 4k is fine, 5k questionable, but more than that is ret4rded.

My only “problem” with a destructor is a range capability on prem guards. 4k is fine, 5k questionable, but more than that is ret4rded.

4.3k is the range you have with only 1 Horizon module

4.8k is the range you have with 1 Horizon module and the Flat Reflector Ammunition

5.5k is the range you have with 1 Horizon module and the Flat Reflector Ammunition and the Implant R2-2.


Max Range you can reach on a Patriarch is 7397m with 3 Horizon modules and the Flat Reflector Ammunition and the Implant R2-2.