"Spring Victory" tournament (discussion)



You are saying the “Destructor” is OP because it’s preventing players from Capturing a beacon " Guarded" by Guard (Which is pretty logic, A Guard guarding something it’s supposed to guard because it’s a guard).



I’m saying that the destructor is not OP: it’s broken. Because the guard “guarding” the beacon it’s not even there fighting. They do it from “safe spot” kilometers away from it. When you try to shoot them, they keep shooting the beacon…


This is not “guard gameplay” or something that i should learn how to counter in t5. This is broken.

What my Activity pick are doing here?

What my Activity pick are doing here?

backing up your statements  :012j:

backing up your statements  :012j:

And in what activity pick are showing any form of game Knowledge?

Is it a new API that return activity or are you guys stalking on everybody grabbing data every night?

Is it a new API that return activity or are you guys stalking on everybody grabbing data every night?

They made some tiny little program which stalks forum warriors and other ppl they like  :01313:

They do it from “safe spot” kilometers away from it. When you try to shoot them, they keep shooting the beacon…

That was hard but I finally have something.


Saying that a mechanic, a module or a weapon is broken is not helping to find a problem.

In one sentence you told me more about “Why” you find it broken that all the post before.



That was hard but I finally have something.


Saying that a mechanic, a module or a weapon is broken is not helping to find a problem.

In one sentence you told me more about “Why” you find it broken that all the post before.


Once again: it’s not only me… something you too would know if in the last months you were here playing.

They made some tiny little program which stalks forum warriors and other ppl they like  :01313:

Am i worth stalking? Is there my graph?

Once again: it’s not only me… something you too would know if in the last months you were here playing.

It’s not because you don’t see it that I was not here :wink:


I perfectly understand the frustration of the players involved by the “Destructor” (Saying that I’m not yelling when I’m trying to capture a beacon and shooted by a 6km Destructor is false, I’m Yelling)

I saw 2 posts about the “Destructor”, one was udapted recently (moved by Sephiroth), the other one was udapted for the last time March 5th. If players have problems with a weapon, they can post what is annoying them, what they find unbalanced.


Players are invited and encouraged to post their feedbacks. Keep it visible (Udapte it time to time, invite players to express themself about subject ectect)


Do you realize that I had to jump with a red target painted on my back to have feedback and informations?

I don’t like destructor at all. It just ruins capturing games and beacon hunt above all. It has to be nerfed. In randoms vs randoms a single destructor could prevent all the captures and it requires zero skill. The player using it usually comes last in scores. I didn’t notice the problem since I removed my adaptative Rex from my ships layout. It was the only counter to those sitting inquis shooting at a static beacon.

It has to be reworked. You got to hit another ship to get the additional damage on the others nearby ships. End of the story. It would also be nice increasing DPS a bit to compensate. But this change has to be done. Just try.

It’s not about counter or whatever. The point is that that weapon simply removes lot of fun from then match. And that is a damage for the game.

Same with the cruise engine avaiable on fighters… You want a fast ship? Just get a recon. Game was way better b4 the 700 speed drones pooper tacklers spam. Could the gazzillions drones spam be the reason of the heavy lag…?

Am i worth stalking? Is there my graph?

We both are :012j:

and yes

On topic please.

On topic please.

I would love to join tournament.

Team’s Name : The WolfPack [WPK]


Captain : Kurdi


Pilots : OmegaFighter








Reserve : Arakis, Margys, Summit, Syrinx, NoSkillzNLD


Q: Am i allowed to change this lineup till 10th May?

Team’s Name : Wiggle 'em ALL


Captain : Tillowaty











Reserve : brainzzzzz, shiva, Lelo, pheonixfire009


1) Tillowaty

  1. niripas

  2. JCNB

  3. Aggressor

  4. brainzzzzz

  5. pheonixfire009

  6. Lelo

  7. HawkHunter

  8. fasz

  9. ZDemon

  10. shiva

  11. kazaddum






Hawk Hunter






I can’t wait to be part of this tourney!


PS See they don’t care about rewards!

Just about fun in games vs best of the best!


and just from time to time they whine about ESB hunting them :006j:

Guys last warning, stay on topic.