Spectre Field

The devs probably had in mind this as the modules purpose:

-When activated any surrounding team members will be cloaked for a limited amount of time, allowing for the guard to head to the enemy with allies under cover close by.

In theory it’s a great module if you coordinate your team; but with it’s current time span you aren’t going anywhere.

Yeah, no one’s gonna do that. It’ll likely be used, RARELY, to save a friendly Engineer from death or some such.

i can see troll squads appearing with 3 guards using this module + 1 engi. should be fun :smiley:

i can see troll squads appearing with 3 guards using this module + 1 engi. should be fun :smiley:


Doesn’t sound scary…

Reminds me of Starcraft Arbiters, the module itself is nice.


I loved the arbiter, in fact Judicator was the first title i ever got :smiley:

I loved the arbiter, in fact Judicator was the first title i ever got :smiley:


in case you also played the arcade mod StarBattle :slight_smile:

Going to test if you can get two guards to cloak each other later today. Might see if I can make it turnover fast enough in PvE so that the squad can stay invisible the whole match. Using the R13 mod, ofc.

5 seconds may not be much, but using R13, you could move an entire squad of guards across a map easily.

5 seconds may not be much, but using R13, you could move an entire squad of guards across a map easily.


Why move them across the map?


Get to beacon first, wait for enemy challengers to arrive, cloak friendly units, ambush.

Why move them across the map?

Get to beacon first, wait for enemy challengers to arrive, cloak friendly units, ambush.

*captain recon and enemy cap on other side of small map*

*cloaks team of gunships and tacklers and such*

*enemy only sees a guard approaching and disregards him as easy target*

*whole fleet of gunships unloads on enemy captain*

But yeah, that is a good idea. There’s a beacon full of people, when enemy shows up only sees one guard. XD They have no clue.

You realize that a captain, even cloaked can be seen by every ennemy as well as a Captain can see all the enemy (even if they are Cloaked)?

You realize that a captain, even cloaked can be seen by every ennemy as well as a Captain can see all the enemy (even if they are Cloaked)?

People tend to ignore the obvious.

For me the ultimate use will be :


  1. Go to a Beacon
  2. Clean the Beacon
  3. Tryhard to capture it
  4. See 10 randoms Interceptors trying to steal my hard work
  5. Use the Module to sacrifice them while I’m capturing the beacon
  6. Laugh because they will insult me
  7. Repeat.

You realize that a captain, even cloaked can be seen by every ennemy as well as a Captain can see all the enemy (even if they are Cloaked)?


If a Guard uses this module on a Captain, he may still be ‘visible’, but he cannot be targeted. Meaning, active modules and special abilities that require a target lock cannot be used on him.


That’s pretty helpful.

If a Guard uses this module on a Captain, he may still be ‘visible’, but he cannot be targeted. Meaning, active modules and special abilities that require a target lock cannot be used on him.


That’s pretty helpful.

Working like the Tackler module :slight_smile:


If he receive damage, use a module, a missile or its weapon, bam “Adios Amigos Invisibilitos”

I understand that captains can see people no matter what. But the inability to ping or lock on while cloaked makes this less of a problem.

Also captains seem to not pay attention to groups as much as a lone attacker, so even if you can make or look like you’re still grouped up, it will be easier. Most captains are also xxxx and park themselves in one spot and just go AFK for the rest of the battle. EM Torps combined with singularity a or something are the way to go. Imagine being captain and seeing an entire fleet of bubble gunships and guards flying your direction and your team has no clue.

If a Guard uses this module on a Captain, he may still be ‘visible’, but he cannot be targeted. Meaning, active modules and special abilities that require a target lock cannot be used on him.


That’s pretty helpful.

Against the myriad laser-based ships out there?.. Sure… Why not…

So far I’ve discovered that two guards CAN indeed cloak each other while maintaining shield capacity. You can also cloak ships while they’re warping and before they warp. This makes recon ambushes much more devastating. Also I teamed with a pro engi that set up a warp for my squad that led right to target, I cloaked entire team and we all suddenly appeared on the other side of map and owned some shiz. Enemy had no clue we were even there.

Working like the Tackler module :slight_smile:

If he receive damage, use a module, a missile or its weapon, bam “Adios Amigos Invisibilitos”

Actually, no. With this module, you can still use modules and weapons freely. Probably because it is a buff applied from a different ship. But either way, once yer invis, you stay invis until it wears off.