Specific servers for specific timezones for events.

I propose that events for specific regions take place only in servers of those regions; in example, if theres a dreadnought battle at USA time, make all games take course in USA servers. Therefore each region has its own time zone (those times are set to allow players of that region to play), wich should be accompanied too with its own server; this would be fair and everyone would have their piece of the cake. Why this? because many times players from a region in its own time zone have to play in far away servers with high ping cofrussiacof. Yes, im so sick of having to play with 250-300 ping in MY timezone region when RUS players have their servers at all times, wich i cant, because i always get russia. Is it beacuse russian players cant wistand play with 80 ping and then start bitching about it?

Oh btw, today in USA tournament timezone i had to play vs rus wing in rus server (of course, rus guys never get another server but rus), we lost, and next game we faced the same wing again! (let me remember…russia server again!, what a surprise)…of course we lost again, wtf is that. And for 3rd game we got…again…russia server in USA timezome. Is it clear why im mad?

It will never happens, maybe on a bigger game you have some chance to see hat. Since this is a russian game (which is a small “country” according how they relates to the whole world) you will never see something like that. Deal with it. 

Don’t expect anything from Russian EA

Thanks for your suggestion, we will discuss it.

I like this idea. At least then you can get an idea of what ping to expect when entering the tournament. Lag was pretty bad last night in some matches.

Prompted to put my thoughts in this thread.


Last night, I had another lovely battle on RU server for US dreads - and by that I mean awful and we lost almost entirely due to the inability to dogfight.

This is completely unacceptable. The bias should be for the respective timezone, and ONLY give servers for that region. If it’s RU primetime (Empire), then give RU servers. US primetime (Federation), US servers.  Regardless of the region of the teams in the match.


I’m willing to put up with a lot of things. But I will not be pushed out of my own region’s primetime by xxxx ping.

Dreads are one of the biggest reasons I have stayed in this game.

This needs a fix.


Prompted to put my thoughts in this thread.


Last night, I had another lovely battle on RU server for US dreads - and by that I mean awful and we lost almost entirely due to the inability to dogfight.

This is completely unacceptable. The bias should be for the respective timezone, and ONLY give servers for that region. If it’s RU primetime (Empire), then give RU servers. US primetime (Federation), US servers.  Regardless of the region of the teams in the match.


I’m willing to put up with a lot of things. But I will not be pushed out of my own region’s primetime by xxxx ping.

Dreads are one of the biggest reasons I have stayed in this game.

This needs a fix.





The RU bias in this game is atrocioius and inexcusible. If you want to prove you aren’t biased towards Russians, or if you want to continue to have an international playerbase, this is something that will help your cause. Dreads were initially setup to give all the major regions a time to play dreads, so why is it that all the times seem to end up as Russian anyways? Frankly, I’m quite tired of this bullsh*t. It needs to end. I’ve already quit doing weekend tournaments for this same reason, nothing but RU servers and RU bias. Dreads and Leagues are the only 2 things keeping me in this game, although dreads are slipping from that list rapidly.

 I’ve already quit doing weekend tournaments for this same reason, nothing but RU servers and RU bias.

8 Russian Servers and 2 USA. If servers are chosen by level of current use, its no wonder the RU servers get priority - they have four times as many.



why is it that all the times seem to end up as Russian anyways?

I’m not sure why the second fedspace timezone got moved forward so far. It should have stayed at 1am EST - this way Eastern time has one timezone (the first one, 10pm now for them) and Pacific would have one (1pm EST, 10?pm PST).


The first one was moved by petition. We asked for that change. I have no idea why the second one was moved, since they basically just gave it back to the Russians.

So formally, to whoever’s in charge of this: We’d like all of Fed space back, please.


Though even in USA Fed Space, Russians can still stay up late, fling an attack, and always get on RU server for the battles. Against USA players in their own timezone.

Thank you for reminding about this, guys.

Thank you for reminding about this, guys.


You are most welcome Doomb0t  :01212:

This would obviously mean, any corporations planning on taking anything in Velorum or Corsa Triama will be forced to compensate for the ridiculous ping of the South Asia server. However, since the lack of activity in these sectors is very apparent to us from any South Asian corporations, I can finally support the suggestion that maybe it’s time the division settled a bit.

I do have other things I’d like to address, however, not prime time relative. But we do need more dread battles in the day and not just four possible events.

This would obviously mean, any corporations planning on taking anything in Velorum or Corsa Triama will be forced to compensate for the ridiculous ping of the South Asia server. However, since the lack of activity in these sectors is very apparent to us from any South Asian corporations, I can finally support the suggestion that maybe it’s time the division settled a bit.

I do have other things I’d like to address, however, not prime time relative. But we do need more dread battles in the day and not just four possible events.

i would be happy with only 1 in its proper time and server.

This would obviously mean, any corporations planning on taking anything in Velorum or Corsa Triama will be forced to compensate for the ridiculous ping of the South Asia server. However, since the lack of activity in these sectors is very apparent to us from any South Asian corporations, I can finally support the suggestion that maybe it’s time the division settled a bit.

I do have other things I’d like to address, however, not prime time relative. But we do need more dread battles in the day and not just four possible events.

Actually that timezone isn’t very good for the SEA players, from what I’ve been told.

And it really should be given back to the NA players. Having the timezone at 23:00 and 0100 would work out nicely.


Still getting RU servers in NA timezone, btw. Not pleased.