Special Ship Parts

So after grinding for ages to get a special ship from parts, you are faced with a huge wall: the next thing to grind for.

I find it crazy strange that you must grind for different parts that don’t drop in normal gameplay even after grinding for ages to get the ship itself. For instance, after getting the Reaper you still must apply huge amounts of time to get the Bastion shield. This is simply craziness. It’s like adding all these new resources to get destroyers; Redundant and annoying.

I suggest that all crafted special ships simply have the option to use either or special module instead of having to suffer through yet another grind wall just for a single module. Any parts that people had gained so far could be transferred via some rate in to GS or maybe some other resource. I just can’t stand all this grind.

It won’t happen. Why do you bother? It’s pointless.

You can’t have everything for free. You need a magic currency - MONEY.

2 hours ago, Koromac said:

It won’t happen. Why do you bother? It’s pointless.

You will never get anything if you don’t ask. I’m just putting it out there in the hopes that something changes.

I’m having trouble understanding this but, the idea is to reduce or cut out the special module part farming after acquiring the premium ship?

Looks like that.


I would settle at least halving the total parts needed. I mean, it’s unnecessary really, not even something of the bling-bling category tbh. Or maybe top the parts needed with monos, 60 parts=60 monos. I’ll see myself out…

15 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I’m having trouble understanding this but, the idea is to reduce or cut out the special module part farming after acquiring the premium ship?


10 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I would settle at least halving the total parts needed. I mean, it’s unnecessary really, not even something of the bling-bling category tbh.


Before that there were Premium ships available only with GS, now - they’re craftable with special parts, found after battles. We want to give an opportunity to all pilots to get them. There can not be reduce the costs without increase it somewhere else, that’s the core model of any F2P game.

3 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

There can not be reduce the costs without increase it somewhere else, that’s the core model of any F2P game.

Well then remove the “Lucky Container” and cut part costs in half. There’s your trade-off. XD