Spatial Scanner feeze my loading screen!

It is very difficult bug. Sorry

Today I was using the scanner on my rockwell… afether a long loading screen… I… ah… WHAT?

Edit: I aways kneew I had a secret ship… please put it in my hangar. A Guarceptor with t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 modules looks interesting

Today I was using the scanner on my rockwell… afether a long loading screen… I… ah… WHAT?

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[screenshot-150418-145714.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=9135)

Edit: I aways kneew I had a secret ship… please put it in my hangar. A Guarceptor with t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 modules looks interesting

Huh. See [this thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26686-launched-to-invasion-and-ended-up-in-weird-solo-match-with-bizzare-ship-and-invalid-set-of-modules/), seems like the same bug.

Huh. See [this thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/26686-launched-to-invasion-and-ended-up-in-weird-solo-match-with-bizzare-ship-and-invalid-set-of-modules/), seems like the same bug.

yeah… I had the same problem in the past once, with sector conquest mode. but nothing so werid. I was in a normal T2 ship and alone in the battle.

looks like it aways happen if I stay too much time with the scanner in invasion. Afther 20 minutes more or lees, I jump to any map and start a very long loading and then start a mach against nothing with this werid ship or a devger 2.

For who is curious about the ship:

Federation dreeadnought’s defense ships/drone maybe?


… Please, Can someone… admin or developer test it with my account? just to teel me if the problem is with my pc. and find the heavy blaster BP to me…

Edit: Nevermind… my friend logged in my account and he is with the same problem.

Does your friend has the same problem, when he is logged in from his own account?

Does your friend has the same problem, when he is logged in from his own account?

I don’t know, he don’t have The scanner.

we’ve made some fixes in patch 1.1.6. But still we haven’t reproduced the problem on our pc. So if the problem will stay, contact me again.

we’ve made some fixes in patch 1.1.6. But still we haven’t reproduced the problem on our pc. So if the problem will stay, contact me again.

I aways wanted a naga with pulse. lol. And system hack T1??? :o


And the loading screen is still taking forever with the scanner equiped. ;(

Edit: I self destructed… now i’m stuck in a eternal respawn screen.

So… what if the reward for the Ms. Summer quests is one of these weird ‘premium’ ships capable of cross-class modules/weapons?

Wouldn’t that be fun.

damn i have the same issue: maps usually load pretty fast, but sometimes takes like 10 times more to load and the loading animation freezes just like in your videos, but never figured out it could be caused by spatial scanner (i usually carry spatial scanner with T4 ships when going to invasion)…ill pay attention to that now.

So… what if the reward for the Ms. Summer quests is one of these weird ‘premium’ ships capable of cross-class modules/weapons?

Wouldn’t that be fun.

Hybrids ships could be amazing (a Little op, maybe), but I guees those from The bug are just radom NPC ships. Because I noticed they all have mixed tier modules, unlimited energy and a very low shield regen… Like NPCs.

Sorry, I tested in 1.1.5! I can’t enter 1.1.6 to test it yet. :confused:

Played some hours at open space ( version): maps loaded fast as usuall (about 3-5 seconds) without equiping spatial scanner…tried the usual ships i fly there. But with spatial scanner equiped i get this extra load time/freeze after jumping 2 or 3 maps.

1.1.6 and still lagging and taking forever to load.

same prboelm here…spatial scanner freezes between game maps and only the scanner every other cpu works fine and theres tons more peple who have the same issiue who iv talked to in the game please fix it XD ~Huricane[MEFF]

If somebody have this issue, please, create a [dump](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25356-game-freezes/)