Space Recon: Captain mods NEED TO GO

My only issues with this mode are:

1- the ability for everyone to see the capatain in any moment and at any distance (kinda defeats the whole “recon” part)

2- the ability for mini warp interceptors to warp-snipe you instantly

you’re talking absolute rubbish, sorry


the ability to see the captain is paramount, otherwise cap would xxxx off somewhere in an inty and no one would never ever catch him

miniwarp is an awesome way to assasinate said captain. Takes skill, but is a wonderful lateral way of assaulting. You have 6 frigs in a wall of fire infront of you? Well F-you, i have a counter to that!!!


Gotta agree with fatshoki (although in a slightly different tone).


Being unable to see what direction the enemy cap in would make this absolutely appalling… Think it’s ‘Campy’ now? Wait 'til you add the campy hidey no-one breathe loud aspect…


But saying that, I’ve had Combat recons where the Cap was a moron, where the Cap was sensible, but died, where the cap was the top killer of the team and charged forward etc… and I’ve been the Cap a bunch of times (for which every one I’ve found a hiding spot when possible), and let everyone else go kill the enemy…


It’s not a broke game, none of them are, you get a lot of good with a lot of the bad.  And please don’t bot it otherwise we’ll wind up with an ‘escort quest’ which are constantly painful (because swearing loudly at AI doesn’t do anything)

To the OP I had a similar thing happen to me but I WAS the captain. Before 0.8 patch I got hit with plasma web barrier was up I used my shield restore, I was within range of hull / shield regen and also shield / hull resistance buff. I almost died but all of the attackers were dead, thank god too cuz I would not have lived past another enemy ship encounter. That’s how I lived through a plasma web when I was captain. . . it was white knuckle for a minute after since I was still regenerating.

I’ve had a few Network Error disconnects… not one so well timed as that though.


If it occurred with frequency (disconnect just as was about to die), I would recommend a change but running on the assumption it isn’t a purposeful exploit, killing a Cap from Network Disconnect is a little iffy… (to my mind, with my ‘Good’ ping being 250…)

Unfortunately it is possible. It is a mechanic which is implemented to avoid, that the team loses their captain, in case he/she has a disconnect.