Space Recon: Captain mods NEED TO GO

How stupid is that :l

Dunno if its true , as ive allready mentioned , i am sry when i am insulting unfair play. but this is exactly how it happend. So it seems i am the only one who mentioning it . Perhaps it was just unlucky for the enemy cap that he had right then an disconnect and didnt do it on purpose. So still it looked very very weird :wink:

It makes sense to have the captain flag be passed to another player if the current captain suffers a disconnect.


This might or might not be abusable in some limited situations, but better to err on the side of caution than to have a team loose every time a captain player looses his connection.

As far as I can tell it is working like this. It should be changed so that captain cannot be changed if he has been damaged in recent time, even when disconnected.

A captain disconnection does not occur so often. So once a captain is chosen, there shoudn’t be any way to change him.

ive to say , since i play this game ive got one disco and that was because i somehow managed to pull out the network cable out of my pc. though i can see that i am not the only one who plays this game , so i wont generalize it and say connection loss is a “cool story bro ;)”. But we should should keep an eye on captain mode , so when that needed function is getting abused in this particular mode , a solution is needed :slight_smile:

I disagree with captain-swapping; if your captain disconnects, tough luck.

I blame the ENTIRE mentality of “camp” hating on Call of Duty and Modern Warfare franchise. For the record “camping” as it’s generally accepted is not only a valid tactic for combat, it is by definition of defense the more effective tactic. The idea that charging the enemy in a “run and gun” mentality is ludicrous. I say lay off the redbull and study up on some tactics.


An effective defense can be a real pain to defeat… the solution is a COORDINATED offense, not the usual pub style one ship at a time. I think a lot of random gamers hate a good defense because in their redbull fueled, lack of tactics mentality, they fail to see how it’s unreasonable to expect to be a lone “hero” every match using a rambo mentality.


That’s not every player, due to lots of reasons be it age, experience, lack of military training… you get the picture. To expect solid tactics out of teams created by random people is a little … well it’s delusional. Hope for the best or better yet, try to coordinate your team… you won’t always be successful, but you can improve your chances. :slight_smile:

True, this game mode lacks communitcation. Those with squads on TS will usually win the match. especially if the enemy team is uncoordiated.


Also, a helpful tip for those randomly chosen as captian. DO NOT BE A FRIGATE! you will be killed. I would go out of my way to kill you. Your just a slow moving target all ready for my Ion beam or stasis and multiple rockets. So dont do it. the best captians switch to a fighter or even a tanky interceptor

Also, a helpful tip for those randomly chosen as captian. DO NOT BE A FRIGATE! you will be killed. I would go out of my way to kill you. Your just a slow moving target all ready for my Ion beam or stasis and multiple rockets. So dont do it. the best captians switch to a fighter or even a tanky interceptor


Extremely good advice. Only times I see frigate-captain to work is in well working squad that cover its xxxx. Seen some painful 4 frigate defenses for enemy captain that are hard to get past. BUT, then it doesn’t really matter what captain chooses if he/she is well defended.

Personally i disagree with this.


Frigates are good ships to be a captain with,

  I play as frigate captain and i am starting to get quite a few survives under my belt. yes i need defense, but who doesnt. I have a special frigate for captain mode though.

All i need is 1 or 2 players to shoot interceptors behind me and buff my shield / hull. and look about for the odd player looking to warp into me.


A disabled inty does not take long to destroy, a co-ordinated missile attack from 2-3 players solve most captain figters/interceptors.


lately i am not able to be captain it never chooses me :frowning:


although in regards to the OP

I like the game mode, but think it should be less often

Frigs too big to slow , only time they survive is with hvy def .


But btw Turtling = delayed loss . Every time my or the enemy team is turtling , or at least 90% of the time , its a loss for the team doing it . There is no one left to attack the enemy cap .


And this is another point , allways , or at least try, keep the enemy Cap under fire , even ONE bar from his shield/hull can be the bit that the next attacker needs to finish what you started.


Being Cap : just stay with your friends , its nothing more annoying then to see that your cap is attacked but he went to border of the f.u.c.k.i.n.g. Galaxy . From back there no one can get to the enemy cap in a reasonable time and no one can be faast enough there to save you.

Yes, above all else, we can agree that without a squad protecting you or attacking in unison the captian, the game mode gets boring or downright rubbish. I seen a match end within 30 seconds of it starting…pity.


And as regards for frigates being captian, your right, unless you have a frigate built to tank, or have at least another member helping you, then you have a good defence that even will give me, and intercepotor pilot trouble. 

Yeah , just yesterday ihave reached the point , whee i must seek me a corp.


I had games where i just wanted to cry , RLY ! I dunno where those players are coming from , may be they moved up from T2 , where it seems the modes get played totally differently . Thats the only way i can explain it to me , how those player acting in the different game modes.


Only a few examples: Cap Mode : sitting back or in middle , not ONE of them tries to attack the enemy cap besides me. After a couple of minutes with alll those sourunding ym Cap , he is DEAD … hmmmm , how i like it .

                                                      The enemy Cap laughes all the way to the bank …


                                  Beac. Hunt: Fighting at beacons which are not activated any more or even fighting at the enemy spawn … or just sitting back with a sniper/torp boat and dont care if the beacon gets overruned .

                                                     My fat hull/shields are too fragile for holding the beacon…


                                  Capt. beac.: See the last one above …


                                  Emp runs :  This mode only gets in trouble when everybody of the team takes a slow ship and no one is there to actually “run” with the bomb …



BUT i had also a few games where everything works fine, where PuGs worked together automatically , where everybody fits into the mechanism like its in a good oiled machine.


And really there are some Corps out there where you are happy too see them at your side and its a pleasure and awefully fun to play with them and against them . Established Clans like ESB and DNO and FROG but also some fresh like 420 ( thsoe Corps just spring into my mind) and some other.


Sad but true there are some Corps where i dont know what to think of . Do they play like that on purpose to xxxx of the game or are their plans so weird that it is in totally opposite to how i play the game modes.



PS: To Cap Mode : Dear Captains , if u need something like Hull-Repair or Missle Defence or smth else then PLEASE say it , so one of your team mates can take a ship which supports what you need or comes back

                               from front to aid you.

                               While trying to kill the enemy Cap we cannot so see whats there for you or not, thx :salute:



to Topic: No the Cap Mode does not need to go , you just have to play it right !

lol, u all mad?


captain hunt is one of the few things that are still FUN in this game


you can go defensive, you can go offensive and push, you can try to flank them all and assasinate the captain…

This is, with Domination, the only thing that is still awesome in this game. Other modes are just a massive clusterfuck, while PvE is mind numbingly boring… (and no, being hard doesn’t make it more interesting)

Join NASA for good Team Speak Squad destruction fun. 


Captian hunt should have a vote feature for prospected captians. 


Would you like to be a captian? Yes/No/ I dont care.

My only issues with this mode are:

1- the ability for everyone to see the capatain in any moment and at any distance (kinda defeats the whole “recon” part)

2- the ability for mini warp interceptors to warp-snipe you instantly

This mode encourages camping in my opinion (I’m sure a lot of people can agree with that), so how about something that encourages/forces captains out of their little “nests”?


For example, some objective that captains buff in a significant way, or even an extreme whereby only captains can achieve the goal?


It’s just a quick thought, but I’m seeing more and more games where everyone just camps and the team with the most kills automatically wins at the end; a dull win criterion for this game mode, in my opinion!





If the captain wasn’t visible to everyone on the map, it would create enough uncertainty that the game would be much more dynamic.

I really don’t get why they haven’t added Team Deathmatch to this game, seeing as 80% of players seem to be trying to play that mode anyway.