Space Recon: Captain mods NEED TO GO

Most boring game mode ever created favors camping and its not PuG friendly.

Yes i agree, Captain mode is extremely boring.

It definitely gets campy T2 onwards.  


I do coordinated attacks with a squad of Interceptors, though, we assassinate in the first two minutes maybe a third of games in T2?

Take an Empy Interceptor, go high above or below the deck and fly behind them, even T2 players will rarely look that far up or down.  


I also just tooled up my Imperial FIghter and drove in a beeline towards the enemy captain.  To see what would happen.  
I almost bumped into him before I got taken down, Didn’t do much damage but my team got ahead while I tanked.  


It really needs a coordinated team on Teamspeak to do.  

I suspect that is why we have 4 man squads.  

The game should be played as squads.  


Pugging in World of Tanks is so tedious.  

You can barely influence the game.  

That might be a better game for you if you solo exclusively.  


I like team tactics.  

I would rather get rolled now and then by a well-coordinated team than putz around solo and not learn anything.  

Its a mode made for clan vs clan but it DOES NOT work with pugs

NPC captains fix everything. Well except for the campyness of it. 

Should change it for some kind of huge battleship escort to the otherside or something and the defendinf team will try to kill it.

In my opinion 12vs12 has increased the campyness quite a bit.


In 8vs8 battles, having a lot of guys respawning after a clash gave easier opportunities to attack the Captain.

This does not work so well in 12vs12, and in addition to that a larger group of players per match seems attracted to playing dedicated defense.

You’re right.  


It is the larger game sizes that make for campy battles.  

In my opinion 12vs12 has increased the campyness quite a bit.


In 8vs8 battles, having a lot of guys respawning after a clash gave easier opportunities to attack the Captain.

This does not work so well in 12vs12, and in addition to that a larger group of players per match seems attracted to playing dedicated defense.


Quoted for truth.


I have a short story to tell though. I was in a pick up group and we were getting our asses kicked in one of these combat recon matches. The enemy team was just killing us, but not our captain. Our team was just flying into the enemy airspace one or two at a time. Just a few minutes into the game and the enemy team has 21 kills while we had 3. I typed into chat: “Wow, they have SEVEN times as many kills as us” and that’s when people started pulling their heads out of their asses and started typing into chat. Somebody wrote in caps “STOP BEING ***SIES AND ATTACK THEIR CAPTAIN”


I typed “How about I drop a warpgate and we all warp on top of him?”

A couple people typed in that they would offer help. So I took a careful approach to a location where I could safely deploy the warpgate without it getting shot down by enemy snipers. Guess what? It worked - even though the ENTIRE enemy team was camping on their captain. We killed him. It was glorious.


Here’s the thing: It would have been a lot easier to organize this if we had been using teamspeak. Having to stop to type means your ship is a sitting duck, or you’re not helping your teammates. We had to take the time to actually TYPE into the chat, but it paid off. I think it paid off so well because since we were losing to bad, most of the players on our team actually stopped aimless dying against a wall of enemies and paid attention to chat. Once that had happened it was a little different than your typical 4-man squad using teamspeak. Nearly our ENTIRE team knew what was happening, not just 4 of us. 


Anyways, I love the combat recon mode. I haven’t played for a few days though because of the stupid patch that was released last week. Hopefully the developers pull thei-- fix what they did :slight_smile:

i like the combat reconnaissance mode, usually i stay with the captain (because of heal-frig :smiley: ) but sometimes i go with the others just to make their life a bit longer. too many people try to take the whole enemy team alone and feed them kills >.<

Combat Recon has a 2 very simple objectives.


In order of priority:


  1. Ensure your captain survives

  2. Kill the enemy captain and the remaining team.


If your captain dies it becomes almost impossible to win unless your team are very skilled and well organised enough to zerg the enemy captain AND mop up the remaining forces before being eliminated themselves.


“Camping” could perhaps be better described as “Defending the objective”.  And for a PUG that’s the best strategy, turtle up and consider next move.  If the enemy team has a few interceptor pilots with god complexes they can just sit back and farm the kills, problem solved.


I far prefer combat recon to detonation, which is the complete opposite, ordered strategy breaks down so fast in this game-mode it’s a wonder we bother to begin with.

Don’t limit variance. It is OK that some game modes are different than other gamemodes.



Instead of removing a game mode totally from everyone, please ask instead for tools to be able to limit personally the propabilities of ending up in subjectively unwanted game mode. Let others play it if they want.


Captain mode is atleast “realistic”, without magically appearing bomb that you need to use to destroy unrealistically poorly defended and strategically poorly placed beacons (right next to a magically appearing bomb! Maybe theyre science beacons, trying to understand the strange anomality of “the appearing bomb!”).




I like this game mode. Do not remove it please. Personally, i don’t camp on it unless i am the captain of course. Thanks.

Its all about survival, and there are many ways to claim victory just as there are ways to lose it.

Most boring game mode ever created favors camping and its not PuG friendly.

Oh, it is very pug friendly, just not idiot friendly. Having a bad captain or bad team is just as unrewarding here as every game mode, actually maybe more here.

Recon is my favourite game mode, even with pugs. And these days, there aren’t so many idiot captains as when it first came out. Maybe that’s because i’m playing higher tech levels…

When im with my corp and on TS we always win. Why? communitcation. If Im the captian, then my squad will stay with me the ENTIRE match, leaving 4 or 6 other people to KILL the enemy captian. When you have dedicated roles and people step up to the plate and the captian, or aka the leader of the match, start giving orders to win, LISTEN, DESTROY, and PROFIT!


![r_dash_5000_crush kill destroy swag]( kill destroy swag by_elmodesigns-d4wyeby.jpg)

So yesterday i’ve played a Captain game where i damaged the enemy cap to near death and before i died put a plasmaweb on him. After his emergency Barrier wears off , he would be seriously dead, i thought and died satisfied and grinning. So while respawning , i realize that no massage or the change of cap logos appear that he/she/we is down. Instead i see that the enemy Team has a new Captain cause the old one disconnected . So my question is now , is it possible to disconnect before death to avoid running Captain game without captain? Sorry for insulting such a shamefull behavior , but it was a little to weird to see this happen, to be an accident of his connectivity.

Ps: Or the question should be , should it be possible that when smb. disconnects on purpose ?

Looks like a new exploit is found.  :what:

That is bad, if true.


Sounds plausible, sadly.