Space Games

Any experience with 3D Space Game?

Who are you asking this question? What type of experience are you asking about? Your question is very vague.

yes but it was a lame game. battlestar and black propcey

I’ve had experiences with games that no one has heard of.

Lets say Jumpgate, Tachyon, and Vendetta Online for an example.

The flight engine I liked the most is Jumpgate, as I usually come from the Jumpgate background.

Just to see what it’s flight physics and everything else will be like.

My personal favorite is, of course, Freespace. It’s more military like and very streamlined. You don’t get to customize your ship. You just pick a ship and weapons, but you can manage your ship’s energy, not unlike Wing Commander. It’s still fun, though, and the SCP team is adding new stuff. Recently there has been an increase in demand for tertiary weapons and inventory.

The ships in Star Conflict’s weapons are quite like that of Freelancer, where they look almost like turrets (which I’m not very big on). In fact most of the modular design seems rather inspired by it.

I also played som other space games. I think the offline games arent the interesting part.

I played Sto for some time but it is kinda boring for me.

At the moment I am still playing Black Prophecy since the closed Beta.

I’ve played X-Wing vs TIE Fighter and the other games included. Additionally, I played Descent 2 and 3 - this was much more of a ‘real’ space game cause you could thrust yourself in one direction and shoot in another. With my Siatek Throttle, Pedals and the CH Stick and TrackIR, I really should try that game again. Haha.

I did try to play an MMO space game once, but it hardly qualified as a ‘space’ game, more like a World of Warcraft type on a 3d simple flight environment with point and click interface.

I’ve had experiences with games that no one has heard of.

Lets say Jumpgate, Tachyon, and Vendetta Online for an example.

The flight engine I liked the most is Jumpgate, as I usually come from the Jumpgate background.

Just to see what it’s flight physics and everything else will be like.

Im new here, this is my first post - but Jumpgate is the reason i am here too!

  • Nick

Other than flight Simulator X I have no experience with these sorts of games, flight or combat, so this should be really interesting, can’t wait to see what’s in store.

Started off with Elite back on the Spectrum. then the Elite Frontier series on the Amiga. Played many other types over the years was in Jumpgate beta back in 2000 and also played and still do sometimes another space game that gets very little publicity and is run by one developer plus fan devs which is called Darkspace. Also played EVE Online off and on since 2003 and have tried Black Prophecy beta but wasnt impressed with the gameplay and Battlestar Galactica. Oh and I forgot Vendetta Online too.

I have played EVE Online a lot. It is slow but good with lots of options.

Battlestar Galactica Online as well but the tediously slow PvE Grind plus the terribly designed PvE made the game more annoying then fun. F2P Options were all about get it now, now, now for a ton of money while anyone who wants to play the game has to endure the badly thought out PvE. You couldn’t buy Game Play advantages like Double XP, Double Loot which would lessen the grind but still let you earn what you need. Content and even XP is sold off in chunks and needed to actually drop money to get new ships and gear in a timely manner. To be able to play the PvP game you had to spend more then $15 a month which I pay for EVE to be competitive and since competitive PvP is the major part of that game and a very unbalanced part both in ships and faction territory I just decided to leave.

Tried Black Prophecy and didn’t really find it that fun ether despite its potential. Vendetta Online was okay but not really worth the cost and the flight mechanics while good didn’t make up for the games various content and graphic short comings.

Darkspace has a lot of Ships and gear but the UI is horrible.

My first “Space” game was typed in by hand on a TRS-80 back in 1982,Lunar Lander…

I sure am glad the graphics have gotten better since then! :wink:

Sure loved the Epicness of the wing commander series, that was the “Space” game of its time, IMO.

I have huge experience playing Space Invaders…

I have huge experience playing Space Invaders…

there is a former Black Prophecy clan called Space Invaders…and some members like ERROR are about to test the cbt of SC…

experience with 3D?

Homeworld 1,2 and Cataclysm; Privateer; Star Wraith IV Reviction; Edge of Chaos: Independence War 2; Black Prophecy; X3 Reunion and Terran Conflict;

Dark Star One; Star Trek Leagacy

I’ve had experiences with games that no one has heard of.

Lets say Jumpgate, Tachyon, and Vendetta Online for an example.

The flight engine I liked the most is Jumpgate, as I usually come from the Jumpgate background.

Just to see what it’s flight physics and everything else will be like.

Vendetta i have played and jumpgate i have look at it but dident get it

i have experience with:

BattleStar Galactica Online

Star Trek Online

Black Profecy

evochron mercenary


And now, i hope have experience with Star conflict

ive played battlestar galactica,black propecy,x3 territal combat i think thats how u spell :stuck_out_tongue: freelance ive also played ace online



Ace Online




Battlestar Galactica


Is there an English client of this?

I can not find one.

Stay away from this game. This game sucks.