Space Games

eve, Tachyon . freespace star wolves. imperium galatica 3, homeworld,

EVE, Black Prophecy, Air Rivals, Battlestar Galactica Online (in the last one still a PL boardadmin :p).

I’ve had experiences with games that no one has heard of.

Lets say Jumpgate, Tachyon, and Vendetta Online for an example.

The flight engine I liked the most is Jumpgate, as I usually come from the Jumpgate background.

Just to see what it’s flight physics and everything else will be like.

i still have my box of jumpgate, limited edition 366 of the first 30,000 created. loved that game so much.

also have experience with X3, another great space game.

I tried playing X3 but I couldn’t get into it. The first time I played it, I spent an age trying to get the first mission to trigger (apparently I went to the wrong system). Thereafter, the storyline was really badly put together. As in it was like watching a film where some scenes were missing, or reading a book and finding a page was missing two or three times per chapter

Other space games I’ve played:

X:com interceptor

Homeworld 1 & 2 & cataclysm


Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain


My single player space games go way back to Pax Imperium. What followed was Imperium Galatica 1,2, and Hegemony. Online I started with the JTL in SWG, Taikodom, Vendetta, EVE and Black Prophecy.

EVE online , Black Prophecy , BSGO and thats about all i can remember :smiley: :fighter:

SpaceCowboy Online, EVE Online, Black Prophecy, Freelancer, DarkSpace

My experience with space games:

Darkstar One

Star Trek Online

Star Wars Galaxies (still sci-fi but didn’t have much space in it ^^)


X3:Terran Conflict

X3:Albion Prelude (sucked :/)

Space Invaders (lawl)

Black Prophecy (too dark and too buggy, real dissapointment :/)

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the space battles were awesome :D)

Wanted to play Jumpgate Evolution but never got to play it :confused: but loved the gameplay trailers :smiley:

this game remind me of freelancer… i feelin wanna install it back nao *kicked*



noticed alot of moved threads recently dose ppl know even where to post the right topics :smiley:

question : did angry bird SPACE counted as space games? *kicked to sky*

question : did angry bird SPACE counted as space games? *kicked to sky*

O…M…G please not angry birds :smiley: cant belieave you would menchin that :smiley:

Pfiu i play a lot of space games :

Space Invaders

X3 Reunion, Terran Conflict

Imperium Galactica 2

Homeworld, Homeworld Cataclysm, Homeworld 2 (i love you so much Sajuuk :3 )


Eve Onlive

Black Prophecy

Dark Orbit


Darkstar One




That all for this time ^^"

Is there an English client of this?

I can not find one.

It is not released yet. The Brazilians are currently testing the open beta and secondinterview of the President of Hoplon (developer of the game) the final version should bereleased in August. Only after that the international client will be released

Stay away from this game. This game sucks.

Not so bad, the last update fixed the colors, a big step :fed004:




Living Taikodom Universe (A totally different game from the first version of Taikodom)

Air Rivals

Black Prophecy

BattleStar Galactica

and the best space game, Angry Birds Space \ o /

It is not released yet. The Brazilians are currently testing the open beta and secondinterview of the President of Hoplon (developer of the game) the final version should bereleased in August. Only after that the international client will be released

Do you know where I can find this interveiw. The Gamerfirst Taikodom site hasn’t had an update since febuary and the only post in a month on their forum is a Brazilian beta tester poster who basically said what you did.

Information is fustraitingly pathetically on the dry side. If you have any pages or forums that tell more even if I have to translate them that would be great.

I find it so annoying that the Developers can’t take 5 minutes to type something for their large international audiance.

Oh my… let me see…

  • Privateer 1

  • Privateer 2

  • Wing Commander 4 (i think)

  • Tachyon the fringe

  • Freespace

  • Freespace (with the discovery mod)

  • Star Trek Online

  • Black Prophecy

  • X3

  • X3 Terran Conflict

  • Homeworld

  • Homeworld Cataclysm

  • Homeworld 2

  • Sword of the Stars

  • Imperium Galactica 1&2

  • And a few others whose names i cannot remember right now :stuck_out_tongue:

Argh ! FFFFFUUUUU i forgot Nexus the Jupiter incident, i’m wait the following like Max Payne 3, Duke Nukem, and Homeworld 3

Vendetta Online is a 3D space combat MMORPG developed by Guild Software for the platforms of Android, Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. I was playing Immortal Realms on facebook, but I didn’t have enough neighbours to finish the quests. If you are pleased to help me, please PM me to tell me your name,I will add you soon on facebook.

Lunar Lander

Space Invaders


Eve Online (Horrible)

some random things like Eternal Silence, a mod for the half life 2 source engine.