Somewhat more reasonable chat filter

Star Conflict has a completely ridiculous (cough) chat filter that I’ve never seen implemented in any other game. If it detects a banned substring, your entire message gets blocked from being sent. Regardless of message length or validity of the blocked word being banned.

How about taking a second look at the filter to make it more gentle, without abandoning its entire purpose?

After reading [this post](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30635-questions-to-the-developers-of-star-conflict-summer-2016/&do=findComment&comment=377351), I figured I should turn it into an actual suggestion.

Actual suggestion: For every banned substring that the chat filter finds, the message should be sent with the word containing it replaced.

Here in Star Conflict, we might do this by replacing “f**k” with “Ms. Summer”, or “b***h” with “ECM”. “A**” might become “Jericho”, and “c­um” could change into “Ice Belt”. There’s a lot of room for creativity here. The important point is to let all messages through, replacing the profane words with things that I’m sure everybody can approve of.

This way, we still make sure to filter exactly the same curse words as before. Nobody’s eyes will be sullied by having to read the word “di­ck”. All the innocent children can stay innocent and never learn why angry people keep talking about Ms. Summer.

Meanwhile, offenders can keep sending messages, unaware that their contents are being changed for the reader. Instead of putting spaces in the middle of words (like “sh it”, a common phrase seen when someone wants to get past the filter today) and making it harder to catch them, they’ll probably type in the words as they would normally. Combined with an automatic report system like we have now (whether it exists or not…), we can still catch repeat offenders.

And, as a cherry on top, bystanders who just want to use words that are wrongly filtered can send messages that take minutes to type without worrying about having the message blocked and having to type the whole thing all over again.


Now tell me why I’m right/wrong/a terrible person for thinking that this would ever work.

You can simply press up arrow to get last message.

But would be nice if it replaced or removed or even told us which word was wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Its just unnecessary “filtering” even thou the game has the pegi stuff,so why bother to put a filter anyway?I don’t think we made it clear WHY they added it in the first place,its just ridiculous.


6 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

You can simply press up arrow to get last message.

But would be nice if it replaced or removed or even told us which word was wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

99% of the time that doesn’t work btw.


And as for OP’s idea I’d like anything but the current system so +1.

Whoever came up with this new filter  needs to be fired.

I use arrow down, works often, but not always.

I use Alt+F4 and then kill myself,always works.

44 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

I use Alt+F4 and then kill myself,always works.


We probably will introduce new algoritm for it’s working soon, but we’re continuing to tweak it every time. Working much better now. According to this idea, the problem is that the message with an actual insult will be delivered. The good thing in our system that it encorage ppl to chose another words to express themselves.

6 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

We probably will introduce new algoritm for it’s working soon, but we’re continuing to tweak it every time. Working much better now. According to this idea, the problem is that the message with an actual insult will be delivered. The good thing in our system that it encorage ppl to chose another words to express themselves.

The problem I have is that messages with insults can be passed with a few spaces (“as shole”), while messages without them are blocked and difficult to get through (“the idea is to have the recon jerk the enemy team around to the opposite side while we cap the command tower”).

Seriously, try typing both of those out and see which one is blocked.

TBH no filter would definitely be better than the current one.