Something Something

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

what unsporting? he shared it with everybody.

There is combat log out put pretty much live, you can make all sort of things with those. If devs dont want all of that - make combat log delayed so all you can use it for statistics or encrypt it so it can be used for bug reports only, otherwise it is like - here is the bike, but you cant ride even if you know how to.

but it refreshes only every 0,5sec or so… That’s what [@niripas](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/244639-niripas/) said


Also we are popular guyz.




Just now, MightyHoot said:



Next week: New listed category. Ban by popularity.

4 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

but it refreshes only every 0,5sec or so… That’s what [@niripas](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/244639-niripas/) said



so what, you can create an overlay that will track enemies CD’s with 0.5 second accuracy, or as back in the day snib did - overlay for open space that lists every single player on the same map even if they are out of your sensors.

Or you can create an overlay that will analyse dmg out put of enemy team/players/ w.e/ by dmg types so you can adjust on the fly.


I am sure you can do all sort of fun announcements for Ariadne Thread too

Just now, xKostyan said:

so what, you can create an overlay that will track enemies CD’s with 0.5 second accuracy, or as back in the day snib did - overlay for open space that lists every single player on the same map even if they are out of your sensors.

Or you can create an overlay that will analyse dmg out put of enemy team/players/ w.e/ by dmg types so you can adjust on the fly.

[@g4borg](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239042-g4borg/) [@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) You should do it! 

Kosty is giving you todo list ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Just now, MightyHoot said:

[@g4borg](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239042-g4borg/) [@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) You should do it! 

Kosty is giving you todo list ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

in the end everyone here in the thread is banned

1 minute ago, MightyHoot said:

[@g4borg](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239042-g4borg/) [@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) You should do it! 

Kosty is giving you todo list ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/)


1 minute ago, John161 said:

in the end everyone here in the thread is banned

Well… they didn’t ban me for spamming their player data api ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

you misunderstand tillo. just as snib in his young fresh time did lots of stuff, the longer you code, the more lazy you get.


i code now for 24 years. you know how lazy i am?


those todos are definitely for you.

1 minute ago, g4borg said:

you misunderstand tillo. just as snib in his young fresh time did lots of stuff, the longer you code, the more lazy you get.


i code now for 24 years. you know how lazy i am?


those todos are definitely for you.

no idea, I don’t even live that long XD 

now i feel old.

*pushes away his trolley walker*

4 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

[@g4borg](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239042-g4borg/) [@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/) You should do it! 

Kosty is giving you todo list ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

if you can give me good code to put graphical overlay that updates in dx9 game (and anything more would be plus) then I will be happy with that alone. Coding updating graphical overlays is something I am having trouble with. I can add static images or updating text but not updating images.

4 minutes ago, g4borg said:

you misunderstand tillo. just as snib in his young fresh time did lots of stuff, the longer you code, the more lazy you get.


i code now for 24 years. you know how lazy i am?


You needed to code for getting lazy? Beginner, I got born lazy.

2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:

if you can give me good code to put graphical overlay that updates in dx9 game (and anything more would be plus) then I will be happy with that alone. Coding updating graphical overlays is something I am having trouble with. I can add static images or updating text but not updating images.

check that C# library i linked, it’s sole purpose to do that.


I am not sure how it does with images, but it renders shapes no problem


5 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

[@xXConflictionXx](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/258345-conflictioin/)


OHHHH nice, lol

I will certainly check this out; I have been looking for something exactly like this…

Just now, g4borg said:

now i feel old.

Sorry, Roger. I didn’t want you to feel old.


also I forgot to post script with to create lies.txt


import os, json, localefrom datetime import datetimefrom pprint import pprintfrom everything import proper\_statsimport bs4 as bsfrom urllib.request import Request, urlopendef api\_stats(ign): url = '' req = Request(url+ign, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}) webpage = urlopen(req).read() soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(webpage, 'lxml') keks = soup.findAll('p') string = str(keks).strip('[\</p\>]') data = json.loads(string) data = data['data'] player\_stat = {}for entry in data.keys():if entry == 'pvp':for key in data['pvp'].keys(): value = data['pvp'][key] player\_stat[key] = value elif entry != 'nickName': player\_stat[entry] = data[entry]if entry == 'clan':for key in data['clan'].keys(): value = data['clan'][key] player\_stat[key] = value if 'clan' not in data.keys() and 'name' not in player\_stat.keys(): player\_stat['name'] = 'w/o corp' player\_stat['tag'] = '\>.\<'if 'karma' not in data.keys() or 'prestigeBonus' not in data.keys(): player\_stat['karma'] = 0 player\_stat['prestigeBonus'] = 0return player\_statdef stats(players): data = {} amount = len(players) num = [x for x in range(len(players))] starting = multi(player, i): start = kek = str(i).zfill(4)try:#data[player] = proper\_stats(player) data[player] = api\_stats(player)except:print(f'{kek} kurwa nie działa')pass end ='{kek} out of {amount} which took {end-start}') pool = ThreadPool(16) pool.starmap(multi, zip(players, num)) pool.close() pool.join() finish ='\nGot all data in {finish-starting}')return data players = chat\_parser(parser()) + json.load(open('names\_dump.txt', 'r'))print(f'Players in logs: {len(players)}')players = list(set(players))print(f'Unique players in logs: {len(players)}') data = stats(players)print(f'Players which didn\'t change nick: {len(list(data.keys()))}')json.dump(data, open('lies.txt', 'w', encoding='ISO-8859-1'), default=str)


This thread is out of control!

I think painting pics isnt implemented in that, but if you would use only the dx part, i am sure you could just hang it in.

on the other hand, nobody expects an overlay to paint lots of pictures ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


import bs4 as bs




i like your variable names. much more personality than the usual fu-bar. my favourite first ones were

  • lala (just really really not sure what this variable will do!)

  • titi (if local vars i, n, t, and ii and iii are taken)

  • desoxyribonucleinacid (short for “x”)

3 minutes ago, g4borg said:

import bs4 as bs




i like your variable names. my favourite first ones were

  • lala

  • titi

  • desoxyribonucleinacid

keks are mostly useless variables to shorten lines 

5 minutes ago, g4borg said:

I think painting pics isnt implemented in that, but if you would use only the dx part, i am sure you could just hang it in.

on the other hand, nobody expects an overlay to paint lots of pictures ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Ultimately I would like to recreate the Steam Browser which the internet contains images so this is why I need this but I am still learning a lot of this stuff and its pretty complicated especially for someone like me who hasn’t done much at all with dx.


I like to write my own version of good programs that do what I want and not what they, for example, steam - valve, wants.