Some Questions on Corps

Hello all, I just have a few questions regarding corporations.


First, how is the membership capacity expanded? I see that it starts at 20, but that seems a bit small.

How is the leadership handled? Is the founder of the corp automatically the leader? What if he doesn’t want to be? Can he transfer total leadership to someone else and become just another member?

Are there different ranks in the corp, such as officers and the like?

Are there tools for allowing members of the same corp to join the same games, or do they have to add each other to their friends lists?


Thank you, and I appreciate any help you can give me.


You can expand your member capacity with Gold Standards until 150 members.

The founder will automatically be the corp leader, but he is able to transfer it to another member.

Currently we have these ranks:Ceo,Officer,Private(normal member).

There are no special games for corps yet, but they can create squads like normal players.


Hi, and thanks for the reply.


How much does it cost in total to purchase a corp, then upgrade it to 100 members?

Is it possible to expand your corp to more than 100 members? I’m currently part of a group that could potentially easily surpass that.

The creation costs 3000GS and you will have place for 20 members.

For 1500 GS you can increase the member limit +10 places until you reach 50 spaces.

From 50 spaces you can purchase +50 members for 7500GS until 150.

Do you have plans to include clan only content in the future or something? because it seems weird to have to pay to group up… social grouping should be the foremost way to gain and keep people playing. 

In the future you will have corp vs corp battles.
Corps will be able to build Dreadnoughts and these will be included in special battles.

Is it possible for someone other than the CEO to raise the membership cap? 

Is it possible for someone other than the CEO to raise the membership cap? 

Currently only the CEO.

OK. Are there any limits (or costs) to transferring CEO-ness? Can we just push the job around to people with gold until we’re done spending, and then give it back to the founder?

OK. Are there any limits (or costs) to transferring CEO-ness? Can we just push the job around to people with gold until we’re done spending, and then give it back to the founder?

You should be able to transfer the CEO rank without any costs, but you should be carefull about giving it to strangers.

  1. there is no documentation on corporations - please add this to the wiki. Questions i would like to see answered in the wiki are as follows:

1a. Does a tag come with the initial purchase, or must it be purchased after corp is setup.

1b. how many corporation roster slots come with the initial purchase. (cause i would not have bought it with only 20 slots, this is rediculoous)

1c. What is iridium and what is it used for?

1d. Are you automatically assigned your side of the conflict or do you start with no side and must pay for it initially.

1e. how do you gain PVP and PVE rating?

1f.  Do you earn per clan member?

1g. What are the text commands for the corporations, both for special features and for general text chat with your corp.

1h. How do you get dreadnaughts?

1i. how do you expand the number of available corp roster slots


None of this is anywhere to be found and poorly needs addressing.

1a. As I can remember, no, the tag costs an extra 1000 GS. As does changing it or the corp name.

1b. 20 is the initial. I think its enough for the start.

1c. Iridium is refined through Artefacts by the corp members in the corporation tab with the refine button (each member refines its individual artefacts to the common corporation iridium storage with a max of 3k). It will supposedly be used by corps to build stuff, probably dreads, but does nothing at this moment. you find artefacts in loot.

1d. initialy i didn’t have to pay for the first decision, changing your sides costs 1 mio credits. (not GS)

1e. PvP Rating is earned by team member winning or losing a match, you can see the details while hovering over the tab. A squad of 4 corp members winning a T3 match earn you points worth of 3*4*match price, (you get more for hard fights (320), less for easy fights (80), normal for balanced fights (160) - and defeat would decrease it (-80), less in hard (-40) and more in easy fights (-160)). Additionally your accumulated points lose 1%per hour. Custom Battles with custom rules don’t count I suppose. PvE is really just the points added together? Not sure about that one.

1f. yes, when he is playing. so naturally more players means more points gathered, but also more points lost. since you win more than you lose in points, even losing 50% would accumulate points.

1g. i googled the text commands for star conflict, they are in the wiki. you have a corporation tab to chat. the default chat color is green.

1h. - we don’t know yet but iridium is a hint -

1i. paying GS per expansion, as stated before in this thread.

1j. How does a corporation gain control of a sector

1j. How does a corporation gain control of a sector


There are two active sectors under attack at any given time. As players fight in battles, both sides on the conflict (factions) will rack up their win %. If the attacking faction has a higher % than the defender when the timer expires, the sector is claimed by the corporation which is listed with the most points in that sector at the time.


Only the top-3 scoring corporations are shown on both sectors. I hope they include a ‘your corporations current score’ style listing in addition to this.


Points are gained by corporation members/squads flying PvP missions and winning matches. To my knowledge, this only counts if said corporations members finished in the top-5 of the winning side.

another question (since it is really hard to find any information)


What are sectors for? Or will be for?


Do they give any advantage?


Same question goes for pvp ranking.


What does it mean to be number 1? That you simply made more points (aka hours of playing)?

another question (since it is really hard to find any information)


What are sectors for? Or will be for?


Do they give any advantage?


Same question goes for pvp ranking.


What does it mean to be number 1? That you simply made more points (aka hours of playing)?

Sectors are, currently, useless and the devs are extremely reluctant in giving any information on that matter other than “there are plans for it”.


Being “number 1” in those rankings basically means how many ships you killed. It’s like an EvE killboard and serves no other purpose. Are they good pilots, overall? Perhaps. All those statistics tell you is “how effective are they at killing”.

Same question goes for pvp ranking.


What does it mean to be number 1? That you simply made more points (aka hours of playing)?



Being “number 1” in those rankings basically means how many ships you killed. It’s like an EvE killboard and serves no other purpose. Are they good pilots, overall? Perhaps. All those statistics tell you is “how effective are they at killing”.


Please note that this is not entirely correct at the present. I’ve actually compiled quite an enormous document on the mechanics behind the corporation pvp leaderboards over the weekend.


The very short jist of it is that at the present this leader board heavily favors larger corporations with poorer pilots. I know this sounds odd, but due to the calculations used to gain/lose rating, having more skilled pilots is currently a disadvantage. In fact, in situations where everything else is equal and only the individual skill of the squads/pilots are different, the corporation with the ‘better’ pilots gains rating 8 times less quickly than the less skilled group.


In addition, ‘good’ corporations need to win approximately 75% of their matches or they drop in points - whilsts ‘below average’ corporations only have to win 15% of their matches (e.g., simply show up) to produce an increase in net rating over time.


Ergo, a corporation with a larger number of squads containing pilots of below average skill will rise the leader board incredibly rapidly, whilst corporations with primarily squads of above average skill pilots will generally drop in ratings or struggle to maintain their current rank.


In addition to the above comments, the rating decays by 1% every hour, so constant activity is required to stay up there. 


This is why people are often surprised to see many of the teams which perform very well in PvP matches and tournaments not listed in the top-5 or even top-10 of the leader boards.

Oh, he meant the corp rankings… Man, having some 20 simultaneous conversations is a pain…

Large corp with poorer pilots… *cough cough Dynamis cough*


Joking aside, what EvilTactician says is true. Just ask anyone who was playing during the past few months. Dynamis was really only able to stay on top because of sheer activity. Heck, officers were supposed to kick you after a few days of inactivity to make room for a new, possibly more active member. Most of the skilled players left DYN on their own to join NASA, TheWolfPack, and other highly ranked corps that recieved their rankings with skill more so than numbers.

Large corp with poorer pilots… *cough cough Dynamis cough*

Let’s not forget Dynamis 2.0, CORP.