Some Module Sugestions

Before my module suggestions I would like to suggest a tweak to the current jericho long range frigate module, guided torpedo.

With the changes of the last patches, mainly the new abilities, the guided torpedo gained alot of disadvantages while not getting any advantages, specifically compared to its federation counter part’s desintegrator.

comparing the two, and I’ll mark the new advantages/disadvantages from the patch:




-2k more range (assuming its a straight line to target, its easily more as the torpedo needs to maneuver within its fuel range to hit targets)

-more single target dps, especially at long range

-near instant travel speed

-can squeeze in more shots per long range module (due to module duration and shot reload time)

-cannot be prevented or countered (there are no modules that can negate you hitting your target)


-cannot hit from/in cover

-no aoe


<Guide Torpedo>


-AoE dps

-Can attack from/in cover


-can hit friendlies

-2k+ less range (maneuvers inside its radius effectively decrease its range)

-Significant less single target dps (due to travel speed/reload time)

-has less torps affected by long range module

-can be prevented 100% long term with a wide radius of protection


so even before patch torpedo had the least advantages and the most disadvantages, now the torpedo has less potential blast radius, its actually not as good as a aoe ability, tho granted still a good aoe ability for PvE scenarios, while still having much less single target dps AND being potentially completely negated.

you can literally spend 30s to a minute firing 2-4 torpedos that will hit nothing, while a desintegrator fires 8-10 shots without them being negated, not to mention that the damage boost long range module will obviously get more damage per use on the desintegrator than the torpedo, due to significantly more shots fired during its duration.


suggestions to tweak it:

1- (what I would find cooler) make the ability work like 2 extra missile slots, as in you press the missile switch button to select it, the special module button to toggle between two different torpedoes, and mouse 2 to fire it.

the first torpedo type would be a single target (very small blast radius) faster, more maneuverable and shorter range (4-6km).

the second would be the normal aoe torpedo like it is now, with a speed increase and blast radius increase, prly a damage decrease of 10% or so to compensate (to improve long range capability to be more on par with the desintegrator)


2- keep everything like it is but either increase damage, by at least 20%.


3- give suggestions, cuz I don’t think this module is on par with the others, it wasn’t then, and it surely isn’t now.




<Anyhoo, new modules suggestions >


Long range:

-EM Charge

your next Desintegrator shot or Guided Torpedo will disable any who it damages for 3s


deploys a device with 100 hull that projects an image of your ship, and fires at the closest target for 0 damage

-Interceptor drones

launches small drones with X(no idea how much would be fair, since they would be small and nimble, hard to hit) life that will fly towards your target and attack it until destroyed or out of power (duration 30s or something)



-Hull Probes

deploy probes that will repair nearby ally ships

-Drive Probes

deploy probes that attach to the engines of nearby allies that increase their base and afterburner speed by 50%

-EM pulse

Charges an EM pulse that disables all ships in a X radius, including your own and friendly ships for 3s



-Self destruct

like we already have for other ships


micro warp towards the nearest ally under attack up to X km

-Ramming Speed

your ship will do (X base damage * Y speed) collision damage for Z seconds



-Sensor scramble

will make all enemy ships sensors consider every friendly ship hostile in a X km radius



that’s it for now, if anything is OP, just think about a tweaked version of it










Attack drones already exist at T3.

Engineering frigates already have remote hull repairs at T2.

EM pulse sounds like a great device for griefing. It would put even the Jericho torpedo to shame. Also, it’s a bit similar to the Tachyon Cocoon.

Holo-emitter sounds fun, but probably unconvincing to anyone who’s seen it before. Also, why on Long Range? seems like an Engineering or Guard thing to me.

Attack drones already exist at T3.

Engineering frigates already have remote hull repairs at T2.

EM pulse sounds like a great device for griefing. It would put even the Jericho torpedo to shame. Also, it’s a bit similar to the Tachyon Cocoon.

Holo-emitter sounds fun, but probably unconvincing to anyone who’s seen it before. Also, why on Long Range? seems like an Engineering or Guard thing to me.


didnt get to tier3 yet I’m exploring everything I can at tier 2, so scratch that if we have attack drones already.


what is the remote hull repair module for engie frigates? I haven’t seen or notice anyone using one? :o unless you are referring to the aoe aura, if so that is not what I meant with the drones, I meant actual destructible drones like the ones we have on our special module, that heal allies hull proactively and directly instead of just passively regen’ing it slowly overtime.


the EM pulse maybe could be used only when shields are down or something to avoid most griefing situations, yes its similar to  cocoon, but on engie frig… not in a interceptor, and it doesn’t make you invincible and always affects friendlies, so… hmm quite different actually.


Holo-emmitter on long range because its a passive defense that works best at long range since its easily destroyed… meaning if you are going to lead enemies into attacking a decoy… its better to have them travel a long way.

the idea is to have a decoy placed somewhere while you go on to give fire support somewhere else, and hopefully draw away attacks to it rather than you directly, OR at least buy you some time when they are coming for you, by having them a chance of targeting the “wrong you”


suggestions to tweak it:

1- (what I would find cooler) make the ability work like 2 extra missile slots, as in you press the missile switch button to select it, the special module button to toggle between two different torpedoes, and mouse 2 to fire it.

the first torpedo type would be a single target (very small blast radius) faster, more maneuverable and shorter range (4-6km).

the second would be the normal aoe torpedo like it is now, with a speed increase and blast radius increase, prly a damage decrease of 10% or so to compensate (to improve long range capability to be more on par with the desintegrator)

Not a bad idea. However I feel that the torp. is mainly a zone control ability, not a damage ability. However I think this would be awkward to implement. if this was more of a toggle it wouldn’t be that bad. but i’m not sure how to implement this, as key bind space is already pretty tight.



2- keep everything like it is but either increase damage, by at least 20%.

Damage is being increased in the next patch.


3- give suggestions, cuz I don’t think this module is on par with the others, it wasn’t then, and it surely isn’t now.

i’d like to see something added, rather than damage. I think the damage was actually fine. but i’m not going to complain about it either. I’d like to see something to solidify this as a more utility based tool rather than damage. perhaps add a debuff effect that lowers resistances or reduces shield/hull regen for a short duration.


Other than the decoy, i’m not sure the others are needed. what gaps do they fill? some are redundant with existing modules. others give frigates the ability to do what other classes of ships can do. overall i think these give the frigates too much utility. frigates are in a pretty good place right now IMO.

the ECM one also isn’t needed. ECM cepters already have plenty of great tools. not opposed to it per se, just don’t think its needed, it’s not really filling any gaps. I do think it would be great on the recon cepters. that ship needs some love and that wouldn’t be a bad place to start, allowing them to sow chaos into enemy ranks. I think decoy would be better on recon ceptors as well.

I think decoy would be better on recon ceptors as well.

Oooh, now this is an idea I could get on board with.

How’s this for an idea: Holo-emitter, active module for recons. Creates ghost images of several ships around the recon that are fakes of other players on the recon’s team. Also masks the recon from sensors (so it’s not really obvious what it is because of the recon in the middle). The entire effect will be cancelled if any enemy comes within 3k or if exposed to a micro-locator or if the recon fires or activates another module, but will otherwise appear convincing in space, on the scanner and on the map. Max 20s duration.

This would be a tool for the recon to create the temporary illusion of a large force attacking somewhere they’re not.