Some Imperial ships are too ugly

After flying Jericho for some time, it feels embarassing to fly Empire ships. Not all, but several of them are plain ugly. For example, the Dvergr and Dwarf are just terrible. I know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, yet cant something be done about it?

This would also have the benefit of giving Empire ships are more distict look, since they are too similiar to Federation style.

After flying Jericho for some time, it feels embarassing to fly Empire ships. Not all, but several of them are plain ugly. For example, the Dvergr and Dwarf are just terrible. I know that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, yet cant something be done about it?

This would also have the benefit of giving Empire ships are more distict look, since they are too similiar to Federation style.

As you said, it depends on the eye of the beholder. I really like the empire ceptors, and the bulky looks of the frigates.

This would also have the benefit of giving Empire ships are more distict look, since they are too similiar to Federation style.


Empire: Big, bulky, rectangular design denoting large amounts of armor. Square engines. Pilot area is well armored at the cost of visibility for protection.


Federation: Lean, rounded, lightweight design denoting speed with minimal armor. Round engines. Pilot area is open and free of obstruction to promote maximum battlefield awareness.


Jericho: Big, intimidating, angular design denoting highly advanced technology. Triangular engines. Pilot area is completely enclosed and has glowing sensors, suggesting the ship is controlled remotely.



They really aren’t that similar.

Jericho: . Pilot area is completely enclosed and has glowing sensors, suggesting the ship is controlled remotely.


IIRC they are piloted, but the pilot is inside the ship instead of in a cockpit.

I love empire ship designs, especially the Styx design and the Naga/Archdragon design.


The interceptors are awesome also!  The Storm Viking reminds me of the vipers from BSG

Most of the empire ships look fine to me except for the poor old castor (who I will always call the pug) and the hydra.

T1-T2 Empire ships may be ugly (they’re the most retro-looking among all the T1-T2 designs, and I like them for it), but they get slicker as the tiers progress.



Most of the empire ships look fine to me except for the poor old castor (who I will always call the pug) and the hydra.


Are you implying that the Hydra isn’t the comfiest?

Are you implying that the Hydra isn’t the comfiest?

It’s just a cute little baby wanting to grow up to a Styx.


My twin boys ruined me.  :fed003:

IIRC they are piloted, but the pilot is inside the ship instead of in a cockpit.

Razer and Caltrop are remote neural links. And so far the only Jerry ships with visible cockpits are Sawtooth and Cutter.

Caltrop is a horrid name. Should be sounded like “Flyingwang” but spelled like “Phlingwengh” so it looks Asian like wazikashi.

Efefay, are you drunk?

Efefay, are you drunk?

Are you? O_o

Define “shrekd”.

Razer and Caltrop are remote neural links.


Source? The devs stopped giving a xxxx about lore quite some time ago. Where did you read that caltrop and razor don’t have a pilot inside?


Don’t tell me is because of the size, because their size is big enough to have a single pilot inside.