solution for non-obtainable blueprints/monocrystals must be implemented in PVP and PVE mode + Invasion tweaks

Listen very carefully, I shall say this only once!




Developers want us to farm in Invasion. I understand that.

What I don’t understand, is why are they refusing to give us an option, especially for those, who are willing to get them in the Workshop.

I am talking about those blueprints, which can only be found in Invasion. Use of Spatial Scanner is mandatory, if you wish to detect and get them, if you can survive long enough…



There are some excruciatingly annoying things, which cannot be ignored any longer, so I will start counting them down now.




  • getting the same blueprints all over again from a “mysterious container”.

  • tier 5 mark V weapon/module blueprints are way too rare and they spawn on completely random locations

  • mandatory use of spatial scanner (preferably T5) for the detection of “mysterious containers” and very close and precise proximity to those objects





Modify “mysterious containers”


  • determine the content and the design (technological level) of the blueprint by the person, who is searching for it, by using the spatial scanner and by uncovering it/it reveals itself

  (this means that if you’re are flying with T4 ship, there is a 25-50% bigger chance that a blueprint will be of 4th technological level)

  (T5 ship also applies to the same rule listed above)

  • ships of top secret design should always 100% uncover T5 weapons and modules with a better chance to uncovering weapon blueprint designs as well

  • searching for a specific module/weapon will require the knowledge of the weapon by knowing it’s origin/use of vouchers/technology)

  (this means that weapons/module blueprints based on Empire Loyalty Vouchers will only be found in Empire Sectors, Federation in Federation Sector and Jericho in Jericho Sector)

  • if you already learned the blueprint in the Workshop, you won’t get it again, but instead you will get the loyalty vouchers module of 15000 loyalty voucher points

  (this means, if you’re present in Federation Sector, you will always get Federation Vouchers, sub-faction of the same faction will be determined by your total amount of Federation

   vouchers in this case and that will determine the type of loyalty voucher, which can only be Armada or Vanguard)

  • if you’ve already full loyalty vouchers, the mysterious container will spawn precious credit loot (BUT NOT CPU!!!), like thermal cooling unit or a light cell (may let there be light)

  • if the Aliens come through the portal to attack a Sector you’re in (green color), there is a 25% chance that a picked “mysterious container” could grant you 1 monocrystal

  (rules above still apply)


Alien Stash should represent another color (or not) and it should ALWAYS CONTAIN at least from 20 to 150 artifacts, or all the alien technology random loot given for credits

(depends in which Sector it was taken)

Unknown Space should have better loot chances for artifacts and credit loot rewards, especially MONOCRYSTALS.

They need to be common, not ultra-rare in alien space.





IMPLEMENTATION of Monocrystal shards and Invasion only related Blueprints designs in PVP and PVE mode


Each day, 1 daily mission reward at the end of 1st PVP and PVE match, which was successful, should always give you the option of selecting those options:


  • mark IV upgrade kit, as it is now (no changes here)

  • random faction based loyalty vouchers (PVE based loyalty vouchers are based on the mission scenario: Captured Dreadnought T5 scenario should give you Legion or Wardens

  loyalty vouchers - amount 15000 loyalty vouchers, random selection of sub-faction


  • mark V blueprint weapon/module (T5 Scenario will provide you with a T5 blueprint design, which is now “only obtainable” in Invasion)

  (blueprint design should never repeat itself, if you learn it in the Workshop)

  (to compensate for the cost of superior upgrade kit - the blueprint, the cost of the blueprint must be paid in full, in such case, since you did not obtain it for free - 9900000 credits)


  • convert to 1 Monocrystal Shard per day

  (pay with the “artifacts only”, directly from your total amount from your “artifact account number, like 30000 artifacts”)




Remember, we need to have a choice!

So far, we do not have it!


This game is F2P and it should also present us with a choice.

There should “always” be an alternative.



If nothing else, gives us the option to earn up by 2 daily monocrystals or blueprints, based on the matches or Scenario, we are playing (1 PVP and 1 PVE daily).

If this gets ignored, you will definitely just prove one thing. We all know, what this means.


If someone needs to ask me some additional questions, I will edit the thread and add more information later.

Feel free to comment.




Sincerely, Koromac


Edit: Changed the font type and size to 14, as requested by readers.

+1,  however, I wouldn’t mind the chance of being able to get the same prints twice. I’d like to be able to help out corp-mates via simply handing them the bluebirds. Also, add in the chance to gain these prints via killing bios,  since these are *obviously* their stashes in the first place.

The only problem is what you have already pointed out. They are trying to monetize on Spatial Scanners by making rare loot practically impossible to find without one.


So unless the dev team gets their heads on straight and figures out how to properly monetize customizations, they’re probably not going to change this, as the pay-to-win route seems to be their next method of choice.

The only problem is what you have already pointed out. They are trying to monetize on Spatial Scanners by making rare loot practically impossible to find without one.


So unless the dev team gets their heads on straight and figures out how to properly monetize customizations, they’re probably not going to change this, as the pay-to-win route seems to be their next method of choice.

  • there is very small difference between mk3 and mk4. and its even smaller between mk4 and mk5.  :001j: 
  • i like exploring without scanner. it makes a lot of fun and haven’t bought it yet 
  • with scanner you will probably find everything very quick and there will be nothing to do 


  • with scanner you will probably find everything very quick and there will be nothing to do 


Not really. Scanner just helps you to find mysterious containers, which are just alien stashes but cloaked. They can give you photon counters, fuel sensors or BP, like alien stashes.


Other than that, I haven’t found any difference in finding stuff.


  • there is very small difference between mk3 and mk4. and its even smaller between mk4 and mk5.  :001j:
  • i like exploring without scanner. it makes a lot of fun and haven’t bought it yet 
  • with scanner you will probably find everything very quick and there will be nothing to do 



You are clearly masochistic if you enjoy the tedium of searching for cloaked containers.


And as far as having nothing left to do? How about grinding for vouchers, artifacts, synergy, monocrystals, and crafting materials so I can finally build a custom ship? That’s at least 3 months of “fun” right there.

I’m at about 230 monocrystals right now. This is torture… Granted I only farm them when I have premium. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


  • there is very small difference between mk3 and mk4. and its even smaller between mk4 and mk5.  :001j:
  • i like exploring without scanner. it makes a lot of fun and haven’t bought it yet 
  • with scanner you will probably find everything very quick and there will be nothing to do 



i never saw you in the game, Nekromant.

Please, don’t pretend like it’s okay.

Also, if you’re not the one, who I think you are, then post your profile and I will post mine for comparison, since apparently, I don’t grind enough…

Then we will talk again. Also, I have the spatial scanner and I still don’t have all of the blueprints. Your logic is flawed.

Well, the servers and development must be paid somehow.
So I have no problem with paying for a spatial scanner.
It’s support for this game and in the end all will profit from it.

The best solution for those lacking the money - find a good corp.

There are always players who will distribute surplus blueprints
among corp mates.

The best solution for those lacking the money - find a good corp.

There are always players who will distribute surplus blueprints

among corp mates.


Thats what I do for Finn Members.

thanks for the input - forwarded to Devs


and this time I got it the first time :slight_smile:

thank u. we had this idea before and we might make that true in the future.