So what's up with the game

I’ve been playing the game for a few days now, and I liked it a lot at the start so I got an Elite Pilot pack on Steam.

Now that I understand more and more of the game, I’m really annoyed by the balance issues nobody seems to notice.

Is it really fair that Frigates can just lay back the ENTIRE battle, but being able to deal the same ( maybe even more ) damage than Interceptors, who need to get up really close and personal if you play them with (for example) Rapid Fire Plasma weapons? 

It doesn’t add up if you compare Interceptors and Frigates, in my eyes, because this is how I see it.



  • Need to move around ALL THE TIME in order to survive

  • ‘Okay’ damage at close range

  • Extremely squishy

  • NEEDS to be up close & personal in order to do damage, thus being in the enemy’s face at all times (extremely risky)


  • Can lay back the entire game, no enemy gunfire or risk taken at all

  • Is able to dish out tons of damage

  • Doesn’t require the player to move, once

  • Tons of Hull and Shield


So either I’m missing something HUGE, or the game is extremely imbalanced.

Someone please enlighten me.




You left out fighters, probably because they’re the really weak middle ground, and isn’t that what you should focus on?

Also a HUGE drawback to frigates which you missed is lack of mobility and inability to actually pull off wins (as opposed to sitting there trying to accumulate frags). In my experience a good interceptor is a greater asset to the team, to objectives, and yes he has to move around a lot to do it but he IS an interceptor, that’s his role. As you mentioned you don’t have to move in frigates, this is very true if you don’t like to win.

That said the real weak link is fighters, they lack mobility to survive the way interceptors do and defense to survive the way frigates do.

It seems our views on the mobility is quiete the opposite then, that’s okay.
Still, in my opinion, a team only needs 2-3 interceptors or fighters to actually get the objectives done, because frigates can EASILY take down the entire enemy team from a safe place. (which I’m seeing a lot)


About fighters, they just lack a tiny bit of mobility, which their make up for with better hull and shields than the Interceptors.

Maybe I’m just playing interceptor all wrong, but to me Frigates sort-of ruin the game.

Frigates are good at camping, but for planting the bomb or capturing becaons they are far behind Interceptors.

Have you gotten into T2 ships yet?

Cause your point of view is kind of twisted in my eyes…

Interceptors can easily get in and out of battle, without much danger.

Frigates can sit at range, or brawl, it’s up to how you want to fly your ship, HOWEVER, an interceptor can easily take out a frigate ganking it.


Frigates have no rear guns and they turn slowly, stay behind them, use any gun neutralizing utility you have as well as damage amplifiers.

Also watch out for their ability to use the Pulsar module.

A frigate just sitting by sniping through the whole game is no good for its own team.


I noticed many interceptors pick the hull/shield regeneration modules for active slots, which denies them from doing what they are supposed to…

The interceptors are not fighters, they stop the enemy from doing the harm in the first place, not sustaining it.

They are ultimate ganking ships, especially the Empire’s interceptors, due to their warp ability.

An interceptor can’t be sniped if flying well enough.


All classes have up/down sides, which can be countered in multiple ways.

This does make the game more interesting.

There can be no imbalance in the game due to the fact that both teams can use the exactly same utilities.


Also keep in mind, sometimes one player can simply be better than another.


If all ship classes were balanced to the same playing style, why have different ship classes?


I hope this helps you.

I like flying both frigates and interceptors, depending on what the team is missing already.

Yes, I tried T1, T2 and T3 ships and battles.


Maybe I just suck at the game lol.



Or my Interceptor setup could be all wrong.

There’s nothing wrong with fighters, they’re a jack of all trades.  They can definitely take more laser hits from a frigate close range and have a better chance to survive a pulsar or mine field explosion.  The most underrated thing people forget with fighters are their command modules.  The Valkyrie buff is sick 16% more damage to the entire team?  yes plz.

If you are in an empire interceptor, try the emergency barrier passive module under “Tactical”.

As soon as it triggers, just align out and warp to safety. (8

There’s nothing wrong with fighters, they’re a jack of all trades.  They can definitely take more laser hits from a frigate close range and have a better chance to survive a pulsar or mine field explosion.  The most underrated thing people forget with fighters are their command modules.  The Valkyrie buff is sick 16% more damage to the entire team?  yes plz.


For real.  Don’t see enough people rocking command fighters, but they are beasts.

I may have given up fighters too early based on what you guys are saying. I’ll keep an open mind and work on getting a decent command fighter.

No you have it right. It’s true frigates do have downsides like poor mobility and poor turning, but their upsides totally eclipse them.


Slow? Who cares you can snipe from spawn with a minor amount of maneuvering

Blind spots? Who cares you are AT SPAWN easily covered by your allies. Laugh as they try to take down your huge HP

Frigates bad for capping? Who cares the whole other team is dead, hiding, or taking huge amounts of time to come fight you. Have 1 inty cap everything

No you have it right. It’s true frigates do have downsides like poor mobility and poor turning, but their upsides totally eclipse them.


Slow? Who cares you can snipe from spawn with a minor amount of maneuvering

Blind spots? Who cares you are AT SPAWN easily covered by your allies. Laugh as they try to take down your huge HP

Frigates bad for capping? Who cares the whole other team is dead, hiding, or taking huge amounts of time to come fight you. Have 1 inty cap everything


This is a lot easier to agree with for sure than the other replies saying Frigates are balanced.

Of course there will be players (who most likely play the ship and don’t want it nerfed) who will argue it’s fine l2p till they are blue in the face. It is not fine, it’s un-fun, and it’s a crap trade off for anyone not in a sniping frig.

That is an unfair and biased accusation from you Kryptic and you owe quite a few people an apology for that if you had any honor.


I do not have a frigate in my lineup since T1 and I still say it is balanced, primarily because I specially hunt these guys down in my interceptor, usually solo though if I see a blue triangle following me, I’m estatic.


So how can these things be so OPed when someone piloting the WEAKEST of all the ships can specialise in killing them solo? (Love the “Taking down the Support” Contract BTW, free cash for me).


BTW, please post your Inty build. Think it might be a problem of your configuration actually.

Thanks for the tip on command fighters, I gave up on fighters super early in the game, boy was I missing out. My interceptor setup went through a few nerfs and now it’s current setup is only good for frigate hunting bu this fighter just wrecked everything. Just got it loaded out, 5 kills (including their top 2 guys), 12 assists, 1 cap. My interceptor just has trouble hitting smaller targets but this thing excels and is a great asset to the team as a whole. Running Aegis, Flares, Valkyrie, and Rapid Fire Railguns.

@Kryptic I’ve always preferred interceptor over the frigate which is why I was uppity about the nerfs to the Jerry Int, right now I’m also a fan of my fighter more as well. Actually my Int is gonna drop to 3rd place soon and freighter to second after last patch through my own stubborn fault of not adapting its rig up to the times. I’m running all the old good stuff that’s now bad, I’ll fix it on my next int and be back to loving interceptors.

2 patches back my favorites were

  1. Int
  2. Frigate
  3. Fighter


  1. Fighter (already lol)
  2. Frigate
  3. Int

but once i get my next Int my frigate will drop back down I’m just running an anti frigate only loadout on my int atm and I don’t enjoy hunting frigates, I prefer dogfighting. Not sure what will be on top then, fighter or int, probably int though.

Of course there will be players (who most likely play the ship and don’t want it nerfed) who will argue it’s fine l2p till they are blue in the face. It is not fine, it’s un-fun, and it’s a crap trade off for anyone not in a sniping frig.

So… go ahead, lower the hp and dps in a frigate, and try kiting around in it.

Now they are useless, and there is only interceptors and fighters in the game.

Theres no variation left, the cycle is broken. Frigate–>Fighter–>Interceptor–>Frigate–>Etc.

You’ll fly around in your small ship, shooting at other small ships, who does the same to you.


There will be no epic ganks to take out the sniper who previously took you down, there will be no epic frigate brawl fights or supporting ships.

The game will be an endless cheap freelancer copy.


Go ahead, play freelancer instead and leave this game to have epic different game play styles which sure can be countered in multiple ways, as whining is not a way to counter it.


I have never ever had problems taking anything down when picking the right ship type and modules, I have killed and been killed, and been in epic close call fights with and against other players.


Can people drop the Freelancer thing already?


A few of the things that made Freelancer a great game were the facts that there’s a TON of other stuff to do besides mindlessly killing enemy ships.

You’re saying if we want to be endlessly dogfighting we should play Freelancer. Just shut up already, you have no idea how wrong you are.

No you have it right. It’s true frigates do have downsides like poor mobility and poor turning, but their upsides totally eclipse them.

Slow? Who cares you can snipe from spawn with a minor amount of maneuvering

Blind spots? Who cares you are AT SPAWN easily covered by your allies. Laugh as they try to take down your huge HP

Frigates bad for capping? Who cares the whole other team is dead, hiding, or taking huge amounts of time to come fight you. Have 1 inty cap everything

Another person butt hurt about the assassin class. You need to learn how to counter them and not just assume the are as unbalanced as you claim they are. If you get snuck up on your dead. They also can turn or have very good dog fighting abilities.

I take it you complain about snipers in other games? Maybe you also complain about assassin classes in other games too?

You need to learn to counter them and learn how the game is played.

Or you can keep your OP frigate and have fun sniping in a game that runs off new players because they think it’s bullshit such a powerful sniping ship also has the most hit points and most guns of any ship in the game? Then we can say “Go play Star Conflict and stop trying to make snipers the “DO EVERYTHING” ship” when the next space combat game comes out…

Another person butt hurt about the assassin class. You need to learn how to counter them and not just assume the are as unbalanced as you claim they are. If you get snuck up on your dead. They also can turn or have very good dog fighting abilities.

I take it you complain about snipers in other games? Maybe you also complain about assassin classes in other games too?

You need to learn to counter them and learn how the game is played.

Nope personally I never complain about snipers in games like (any game ever made) because the snipers do not also carry the (assault rifle/chaingun/BFG) and have the most armor and hp in (any game ever made). Nice personal insult though! I can tell I am a newb based on your comments and will commence immediately with ceasing my well thought out and presented argument because you are an ~expert~