So what's up with the game

Nope personally I never complain about snipers in games like (any game ever made) because the snipers do not also carry the (assault rifle/chaingun/BFG) and have the most armor and hp in (any game ever made). Nice personal insult though! I can tell I am a newb based on your comments and will commence immediately with ceasing my well thought out and presented argument because you are an ~expert~

I actually didn’t insult you. If you want to take a statement as a insult your more then welcome too.

Your “well thought out” point is not well thought out at all. I just started playing the game last week and I have yet to say… “ug how unfair”

You are simply upset that your being killed by a class that you do not understand how to counter.

Your being told your wrong over and over by many of these player and yet you just bring up the same reasons why they are unfair.

Yet we have given you a number of ways to counter them and deal with them.

Your simply making your self look foolish because you are 100% sure the sniper class is OP.

@Bazeleel Comparing snipers (frigates) to assassin classes in other games is completely wrong. Most ‘assassin’ type classes in other games have tons of mobility. Frigates don’t.

@Bazeleel Comparing snipers (frigates) to assassin classes in other games is completely wrong. Most ‘assassin’ type classes in other games have tons of mobility. Frigates don’t.

Which is my point…Sniper have no movement advantage.

I’m not disagreeing with that. Simply pointing it out in a way that makes people think.

I just don’t understand how everyone can have such a basic failure of comprehension. My argument is “there are too many advantages to sniper frigates”. The response is “Look I killed this frigate ONE TIME, in a CERTAIN SITUATION, while COMPLETELY IGNORING THE REST OF MY TEAM AND OBJECTIVES they are obviously not OP”


For every “Oh look at me I kill frigates all the time” there are just as many “Oh well I play frigates and yeah it’s tough in CQC except for when I do smartbombs/gates/whatever. Then I kill them because I am such a good player hue hue hue”


e: oh sorry I forgot to mention the hugely popular “Oh woe is me my sniper frigate has such a hard time shooting people with my 12,000 range weapon because of mobility”

Yeah… any good sniper frigate pilot will have no problem dealing with gankers. Its kinda bullshit.


First of all, they usually hang around together near the spawn. So you’re not just fighting one Frig, you’re fighting at least several others, plus any spawning fighters/intys.


Secondly, yes, they are not that maneuverable  But many frigates have multiple point blank AOE abilities, from mines, to pulsar module, hell torpedo frigs can detonate the torpedo right on top of them, take you out and emerge unscathed because of their ridiculous shield resists/hp.


The only reliable way I have of killing a frig before I get taken down by his other sniper buddies is to get an empire fighter and use it’s overdrive special to burn it down before I die. And even then, that’s not enough sometimes.



When I saw the frigate class I assumed they would be tough brawlers, or fragile long range snipers. Lo and behold its the exact opposite- the Fed frigate is arguably the weakest ship in the game (when it should be the strongest), and the Jericho and Empire frigates just hang back spamming their specials all match long while boasting ridiculous tanks (when they should be glass cannons).


It needs to change. Soon.

Is there a reason you are venturing into the enemy spawn alone?

Can’t believe people have such problems with them.

At least I know their weaknesses and how to use that to my advantage, but sure, go ahead and nerf them, I’ll be able to kill them way easier xD

If by chance anyone will dare to set a foot in them again after they lost their reason to exist lol

Is there a reason you are venturing into the enemy spawn alone?

To kill the sniper that is sitting there? Is this a real question?

To kill the sniper that is sitting there? Is this a real question?

Then you deserve to get ganked when his buddies respawn.  


Do not enter the enemy spawn alone.  It’s a simple rule.  Follow it and you will excel at Star Conflict.  Eventually you will learn when it is ok to break this rule, but by then you will be well past complaining about frigates.


To explain more, whether you win or lose against this sniper, he still succeeds in pulling you out of the fight for an extended period and leaving your teammates undermanned.  He will respawn and be back sniping, and your little crusade was a pointless waste of time.  Think of it like crowd control.  You are willingly allowing yourself to be crowd controlled.  Focus more on protecting your teammates sixes and you will find success in this game.

I find as an interceptor I excel at middle ground support. I hover between front lines and frigate sniping lines, boosting where help is needed. Interceptors are not supposed to be insta sniper killers.

Currently in T2, sniper frigates aren’t that bad. The maps have TONS of debris and asteroids, so it’s pretty tough for snipers to get a clear LOS. I see they are OP in T1, or at least extremely hard to deal with. An if the opposing team has snipers, your team probably has snipers, so it evens out.

Currently in T2, sniper frigates aren’t that bad. The maps have TONS of debris and asteroids, so it’s pretty tough for snipers to get a clear LOS. I see they are OP in T1, or at least extremely hard to deal with. An if the opposing team has snipers, your team probably has snipers, so it evens out.


Which is the main issue, all the T1 pilots are complaining that ships are unbalanced. This is the learning stage of the game, I am only T1 my self. 


It wont matter what we say, there are going to be players like Kryptic57 that will never listen to reason.

I would say in T1, the disintigrator beam is “OP”. In T2, guided torps are “OP” (which was addressed in last night’s patch). I don’t know about T3, but I’m sure there is something super strong in that tier which we will call OP.


TLDR: Deal with it. It can be outplayed.

Oh and I’d like to make clear something else.


My point the entire time is pretty much the ‘skill’ it requires to play an Interceptor succesfully compared the ‘skill’ you need to play a Frigate succesfully.

Oh and I’d like to make clear something else.


My point the entire time is pretty much the ‘skill’ it requires to play an Interceptor succesfully compared the ‘skill’ you need to play a Frigate succesfully.


Fair enough, the skill floor is lower for playing frigates. That’s fine, since the skill ceiling for interceptors is higher. But that’s what it really boils down to, being a more skilled pilot than your opponent. I don’t see an issue.

Then you deserve to get ganked when his buddies respawn.  


Do not enter the enemy spawn alone.  It’s a simple rule.  Follow it and you will excel at Star Conflict.  Eventually you will learn when it is ok to break this rule, but by then you will be well past complaining about frigates.


To explain more, whether you win or lose against this sniper, he still succeeds in pulling you out of the fight for an extended period and leaving your teammates undermanned.  He will respawn and be back sniping, and your little crusade was a pointless waste of time.  Think of it like crowd control.  You are willingly allowing yourself to be crowd controlled.  Focus more on protecting your teammates sixes and you will find success in this game.


Let me put this in simple perspective since you seem to know what happens but completely ignore it’s implications:


“Never enter spawn you will die. You are willingly allowing yourself to be crowd controlled”


Fight Sniper = BAD

Don’t fight Sniper instead get shot by sniper = BAD

All solutions is BAD


Maybe I can start drawing pictures with finger paint…

You sure finger painting is something at your level?


He means attack as a squad. Other people want to solo, let them. You follow them in, make an impromptu squad. More often than not, you’ll end up with the killshot anyway.


Most of the time, I bet you end up in your own world and never see what your teammates are doing.


Did you post up your interceptor build? As I said I suspect a misconfiguration.

On second thought, since Snipers are primarily a T1/T2 problem, why not just pull yourself up to T3 and avoid all of that in the first place?

Probably locks on and tunnel visions instead of watching what’s happening on the rest of the battlefield.

He means attack as a squad. Other people want to solo, let them. You follow them in, make an impromptu squad. More often than not, you’ll end up with the killshot anyway.


Kryptic, WillOWisp covered my point exactly.


Further, ignoring snipers is a good option.  Obviously stay moving and use cover, but they’re otherwise hurting their team if they can’t force you to Light Brigade them.  Maybe they hit you and drop your shields, but so what, keep moving and they’ll regen.  You’ll be fine.  Yeah, sometimes a sniper kills me when I get caught in the open with half hull and my shield down, but them’s the breaks.  No shield and low hull is a tough situation.


Maybe you could try out Federation.  The cloak ability is extremely useful.  If I want to go out in the open, I try to make sure my cloak is available, so the instant someone tries to snipe, I can cloak and get out of the way.


Also, post your build, someone here might have some advice for you.