So this was a bug.



Don’t know what happened here.

Was this in SecCon?

We had such a Screenshot before…

Was this in SecCon?

We had such a Screenshot before…


Yep. SecCon.

It gives a new meaning to “SecCon has no MM.”

looks like a case of the game starting with 8 people and then right before that 8th person was supposed to be registered, he dc’s.

Just a guess xD That being said, ouch, what a glitch >.,< 

I feel sorry for your enemy.

Otherwise, how long were you guys in queue for this one?

Please some one in an announcer voice say “Over Kill” 


Poor guys on the other side. I send them a sweet roll of my condolences. 

looks like a case of the game starting with 8 people and then right before that 8th person was supposed to be registered, he dc’s.

Just a guess xD That being said, ouch, what a glitch >.,< 


weird, since you can’t even cancel once you are in the battle, even if you do hit cancel (e.g. for a quick change) seconds before you get notified - you will just hear the “boom” of a found match and ships are in battle and out you go triangualting… and if you disconnect you would be shown as disconnected… :smiley:


but who knows all race conditions :smiley: ?


but i’d say, this is a fair match. empire wins, all is good, earth rejoices.

3 NOVA vs 4 NASA. 


That was a hard match. and it was actually balanced. 


So it all depends. 

looks like a case of the game starting with 8 people and then right before that 8th person was supposed to be registered, he dc’s.


I had a normal PvP match a while back, where the Triangulation phase started then terminated abruptly with an error message. Maybe a similar kind og glitch there?



Happened again tonight.

The guys in Nova are obviously squaded, however, I’m unsure about the ‘SSTT’ and the ‘STR’

If they were, than it may prove to be a lack of players without squads to join in your game.

← just spouting ideas, at this point. >.,<



Happened again tonight.

at least i am glad to see Zero back and kicking

The guys in Nova are obviously squaded, however, I’m unsure about the ‘SSTT’ and the ‘STR’

If they were, than it may prove to be a lack of players without squads to join in your game.

← just spouting ideas, at this point. >.,<


Was like a 30 second queue at the beginning of SecCon. It wasn’t trying to force people in.



Happened again tonight.

I remember queueing at the same time as you guys, got a lag spike then was sent into a 3v3 match. I think I was meant to be in that 5th spot.

The devs have tweaked the MM for sector conquest now. Please provide new feedback during the next Sector Conquest cycles in this thread, to see how it works, thank you!

The devs have tweaked the MM for sector conquest now. Please provide new feedback during the next Sector Conquest cycles in this thread, to see how it works, thank you!


So you’re telling me this is intended? Could quite possibly be the worst idea ever. One team having an extra player is not fun for anyone.

So you’re telling me this is intended? Could quite possibly be the worst idea ever. One team having an extra player is not fun for anyone.

At least you didn’t have a lemming for a teammate.

So you’re telling me this is intended? Could quite possibly be the worst idea ever. One team having an extra player is not fun for anyone.

No, what you saw happens when someone disconnects right after “triangulation” (i.e. after being assigned a session) but before connecting to the server for that game session. Can happen in all game modes and can’t be helped.

So you’re telling me this is intended? Could quite possibly be the worst idea ever. One team having an extra player is not fun for anyone.

No, you misunderstood what I wrote. It wasn’t intended and I forwarded this problem to the devs. Then, afterwards, they told me that it should be good now. That is why I asked for new feedback from now on. All this happened today - so this situation with unequal amount of players should not arise anymore.

at least i am glad to see Zero back and kicking


and Dug too!   It’s good to see everybody is coming back  :good: