So this was a bug.

and Dug too!   It’s good to see everybody is coming back  :good:

The only way to get Dug back online was to promise him that he can Mine that new iridium map during the battle, man enjoys mining asteroids too much…

Lol yeah all he ever wanted to do in other games was craft…sounds like Dug :stuck_out_tongue:

3 NOVA vs 4 NASA. 


That was a hard match. and it was actually balanced. 


So it all depends. 

You guys should work on a coordination of focus fire or/and team composition, final score didn’t deserve any sweet rolls in that game.

You guys should work on a coordination of focus fire or/and team composition, final score didn’t deserve any sweet rolls in that game.


Hush, we won. thats what matters. 

Not sure if he took a screenshot, but JPhack got a 1v3 earlier today.

Grruuahhhhhhh!! Why is my computer down at a time like this!? I want that 1 vs 3… With me being the 1, of course.

This might make battles more realistic, and I would have loved it to death…

speaking of which, if I go into queue alone, could you make a feature so I (me alone, or masochists in general) can fight on one side while all of the other players are on the other side? (up to 4) No bots.

speaking of which, if I go into queue alone, could you make a feature so I (me alone, or masochists in general) can fight on one side while all of the other players are on the other side? (up to 4) No bots.


May I direct your attention [here](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22416-gm-hosted-event-gm-barrage/)? 

True, but I wouldn’t mind having all of the enemy with the same tier of ship/s.


OK so reading through this thread it seems the problem should have been solved by now, however we got into a match like that (3 v 4) in sector conquest earlier on today, and of course lost…



Thanks for reporting. Forwarded.