so much weeks ...............

so much weeks to find néodium,  more to find beryllium, so much farm and work to  get enough electrum.
so much pvp to get ship parts for a nice, new, powerfull, stronger destroyer r 14.
assignements all time,  almost never forget that. NEVER forget !! or even with all this work = no destroyer !!

and  finally i got Tyrant.

after was same for Vigilant, but was harder, so harder !
I’m not a fan of pvp you see, but had to go, without xp, with my invincible… was terrible, almost alone most of time.
and again so much weeks to get all i need to build this destroyer.
wasn’t funny,  but finally i got Vigilant.

After, had to lvl up all modules . was  a little long but ok for Tyrant, i could find too some vouchers in os, was before …
for Vigilant, it’s only now i got all modules mk4. well, not  vaccum resonance laser, not yet.

but  finally, for what ???

Tyrant or Vigilant, both are killed  in 10 sec by thar ga or cov ops !!! one is enough ! oh, ok, sometime it’s harder for them, to kill my destroyer:
instead  to kill it in 10 sec, they kill it in 1mn !!! so bad from them, isn’t it ? very bad timing.


strangely, it give me a little nausea

WTF, WTF !!!

no thanks dev.
Nice BALANCE, but probably you have fun.

I dont agree with the new dmg multiplier when enemies are closer than 750m (i would rather a survb drop at any distance, in lower amount of course), but that doesnt leave you helpless; you can still counter many atempts if you are good enough and aware. You can fire ships aproaching to your direction (set mines where they will pass to reach you), use wormhole before hand or do a short jump after you start getting hit (good to gain distance, remove the dmg multiplier, get a better angle of fire, avoid self fire, etc), fire tempest when enemies are close (but carefull if they are too close. I use tempest on bottom so its great to deal with people sneaking from below), use control to change flight mode and be able to shoot better the enemies flying near you (preventing the gimbal lock. This is good for enemies that are way too close: you move your mouse very little instead of turning your camera like crazy. Photon works quite well in this situation…at cost of high self fire tho. This also helps screwing enemy accuracy (giving them a hard time to blow up your modules), specially for plasma arc), keep your eyes open for cov ops with adaptive camo (its not that hard to see them, specially when you see its engine trail or the distortion bubble. A lock warning without seing enemies nearby should be a great clue that a cov op will use plasma arc soon against you. If you get white noised then chances are way higher than that will happen…thats the moment to look at your engines).

And as some would say, im a “dessie lover”; im fat (see my pic?) and i like fat things ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)

Pyro and turrets are excellent mosquito repellents. Plasma arc oneshotting may look and feel silly or out of logic, but it prevents dessyballs that were quite a cancer while ago. Now its proper fire support craft, can do wonders if team actively protect you.

Just give me fed dessie agility back. 

Guys destroyer is a SUPPRESSOR and if you die because a ship is near to you, this signify that you couldn’t able to do a good closure. Now destroyer has a tactical sense 

still,  kill a destroyer should be a team work, not an never a one shoot’s man in  10 sec. or it isn’t a destroyer anymore, but a recon r 6, without spécial module.

even if i can reconise  my no experience,  it’s not a reason.

here too there’s a logic.

35 minutes ago, isalac said:

still,  kill a destroyer should be a team work, not an never a one shoot’s man in  10 sec. or it isn’t a destroyer anymore, but a recon r 6, without spécial module.

even if i can reconise  my no experience,  it’s not a reason.

here too there’s a logic.

This is the problem, isn’t right a ship need focus for being destroyed

In your opinion it’s right a ship need 3player for being destroyed? a team with 3 destroyer it’s immortal.

16 minutes ago, Ogrande18O said:

a team with 3 destroyer it’s immortal.

yes, much more logic than a  cov ops alone, or a thar ga alone killing 1 destroyer in 10 sec.

i mean, after all the work done to get it ??  better to stay with normal ship, just unlock it with credits, lvl up it, take mk4 modules from other ships you don’t use, and if you die from a cov ops,  ok, np, this stay logic.

4 hours ago, isalac said:

still,  kill a destroyer should be a team work, not an never a one shoot’s man in  10 sec. or it isn’t a destroyer anymore, but a recon r 6, without spécial module.

even if i can reconise  my no experience,  it’s not a reason.

here too there’s a logic.

A good destro still take more than 1 shot. The shields can defend completely from long range attacks, and the weapons have enough range so you don’t need to get close to your enemy. IMO destros got balanced finally. Thar’ga is another story, that can oneshot almost any ship so its not the destros fault.

i don’t speak about long ranges, slow  ships or even other destroyers , i speak about cov ops and thar ga :

got 1 cov ops in camo  near me and shooted at me with arc plasma : all modules died and 3 sec after dessie was died too.

same with thar ga
after update, had same, but only 2 modules died, and dessie died in 20 sec.

is it a normal killing timing for a cov ops ?, for a thar ga ??? better to kill a r14 destroyer in 1mn ?  will be acceptable ?

NOT FOR ME ! sorry.

14 minutes ago, Gizmomac said:

A good destro still take more than 1 shot. The shields can defend completely from long range attacks, and the weapons have enough range so you don’t need to get close to your enemy. IMO destros got balanced finally. Thar’ga is another story, that can oneshot almost any ship so its not the destros fault.

How to one shot a destroyer without any difficulty :

  1. Take a covert ops.

  2. Equip it with plasma arc and maybe adaptive cammo. 

  3. Use Cammo to go in the back of your target

  4. Arc

  5. Enjoy


5 hours ago, isalac said:

still,  kill a destroyer should be a team work

Right there, you just described 90% of all complains of players with thousand of hours who left the game and gave negative reviews on Steam souring the new players into joining.


A Destroyers should be just a sturdier Frigate. not an unkillable flying fortress of doomy doom that requires team coordination to kill.


They way they were before was an un-balanced mess that was finally curved.



yes, just what i said

2 minutes ago, isalac said:

got 1 cov ops in camo  near me and shooted at me with arc plasma : all modules died and 3 sec after dessie was died too.

same with thar ga
after update, had same, but only 2 modules died, and dessie died in 20 sec.

is it a normal killing timing for a cov ops ?, for a thar ga ??? better to kill a r14 destroyer in 1mn ?  will be acceptable ?

NOT FOR ME ! sorry.

I only can repeat myself.
covops is normal. if it can get close to you your team s*ck hard, or your position was wrong. Destro is a normal ship not a miniboss. you don’t have to survive longer than any other ship. 

Thar’ga is another story…

16 minutes ago, Coldjaguar said:

True Gizmomac, the only problem at balancing the most hyper ship is the thar’ga, i could believe that a destroyer alien could one shot another destroyer but a little ship like, to much OP.

But you know, players are having fun, i do love when i can kill one with a torpedo.

Yes I don’t want to see how op will be the alien destor.

4 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

How to one shot a destroyer without any difficulty :

  1. Take a covert ops.

  2. Equip it with plasma arc and maybe adaptive cammo. 

  3. Use Cammo to go in the back of your target

  4. Arc

  5. Enjoy


yes, it’s just what i said

5 minutes ago, Knight_ldr said:

Right there, you just described 90% of all complains of players with thousand of hours who left the game and gave negative reviews on Steam souring the new players into joining.


A Destroyers should be just a sturdier Frigate. not an unkillable flying fortress of doomy doom that requires team coordination to kill.


They way they were before was an un-balanced mess that was finally curved.



a destroyer should be hard to kill, just bc it’s a destroyer, or better change it name by frigate.

I can survive with any frigate to a covop using plasma arc against me. Lots of then lately. Yet a destroyer is unable… Can we get a better way of balance destroyers?

Gizmomac, ok, a cov ops is normal, don’t change cov ops, change destroyers.

it become a no sens for me

2 minutes ago, isalac said:

Gizmomac, ok, a cov ops is normal, don’t change cov ops, change destroyers.

it become a no sens for me

no I mean its normal if that can kill you. its the damage interceptor. with plasmaarc you can kill anything in a few sec. but with the desto you can also kill it very fast. 
Destros are good as it is now. Now the Thar’ga is un-balanced.

12 minutes ago, ntboble said:

I can survive with any frigate to a covop using plasma arc against me. Lots of then lately. Yet a destroyer is unable… Can we get a better way of balance destroyers?

think all dmg are really différents against destroyers, because  too much complains too , about power of destroyers… now,  it’s just still un-balanced, in the other side…anyway, had too much work to get both dessies to accept this; as i said," better to stay with normal ship, just unlock it with credits, lvl up it, take mk4 modules from other ships you don’t use, and if you die from a cov ops,  ok, np, this stay logic. "

4 minutes ago, Gizmomac said:

no I mean its normal if that can kill you. its the damage interceptor. with plasmaarc you can kill anything in a few sec. but with the desto you can also kill it very fast. 
Destros are good as it is now. Now the Thar’ga is un-balanced.

There’s a huge difference between dying fast and being one shoted by an invisible fast ship.


Even a LRF survive for at least 10 seconds with orion + arc. 

jericho and fed dessies don’t.