so far its very good, but...

I started 2 days ago, really more one day. Since i started i just want to say, ZOMG THIS GAME IS AMAAAZZIINNNNGGG. I move from black prophecy, and ive been looking for a 3/4 mmo to play on my top list, and this moved up there. I also played wot and i love how this is just pvp based. Very very good graphics, i love the russian radio dialogue XD though i dont understand it. Overall a 4.5/5 for me, .5 because this isnt the final thing so i dont know if itll get better or worse, of course we all want better :smiley:

Ok only things i have a problem with is, i think they suggested it already, but for the minimap or main map, use maybe the type of ship icons instead.

Tutorial does need some work, i mean i was very confused lol, but i got most of it right now.

I think the skill tree should be worked on, its kind of confusing to look at and understand in my opinon. I think maybe add mini videos for new players that explain the hanger, skills, contracts. Simlilar to black prophecy

Bots need work, cant explainw aht but just do XD

Add some new type of weapons? like idk, i havent progressed much, so i dont know if there are varities under the 3 type of current weapons. but add a 4th weapon class. i just dont know XD

I love the game music, add some more so its a good variety.


Hello and welcome,

it is nice to hear that you enjoy the game and thanks for the feedback.

The tutorial is worked on from time to time according to the feedback from players.

For the skilltree there are some changes planned, but I cant give any detailed information at the moment.

For weapons there are 3 main types and every main type has some different sub weapons which have different stats.

See you in Space.

Thanks a lot for such a warm words at the adress of the game!

I’ll send all your wishes and comments to the developers!

See you in Space! :01212:

Thanks you two