Sniper Tank/Frigates - New Builds

Playing t2 with out people spamming frigate abilities, has shown me i am right, and these abilities are badly damaging the game. Please remove them now



Sniping in the game is still having a hard time. with the buff to frigate life, we make snipers

even stronger then ever. 


I purpose the following


Step 1 (Re balance frigate)

Reduce range of all sniper weapons to 2.8-3.2k Optimal

Reduce RoF on all sniper weapons. Max Shots per minute =  

(Plasma) 4 Second Reload 

(Laser) 5 Second Reload

(Rail) 6 Second Reload



Step Two Building Frigate - Tank

New Hull Passive (Frigate only) - Increase Hull by 25% and all resistance by 25 (Mk I) 28 (MK II) 30 (MKII) 35 (Mk IV)


New Shield Passive (Frigate only)- Increase Shield by 25% and all regeneration by 5% (Mk I) 10% (MK II) 15% (MKII) 20% (Mk IV)


Step Four Building Frigate - Snipe

To Snipe Frigate will need to equip 

CPU - Target range

Passive - Charge Speed

Passive - Charge Spread

Passive - RoF



These will grant sniper players the need to build their frigate for tank (close-mid range) and snipe (long range) but will make snipers weaker then tank frigates.

lastly add the following


Plasma - Reduce shield regeneration by 10% Per stack, and damages for 10% of damage over 3 seconds per stack

Laser - Heats the hull, dealing 10% of damage per a tick of laser fire

railgun - when hitting a target, ammo explodes dealing 25% of aoe damage to all enemies in 1000m

nice…good advice…by the way, a sistem of stoping the spawn killers from scoring,and giving penalties to the players and squads that do that

OMFG man stop crying, the whole purpose of sniping is to SNIPE. If you reduce the range its just like any other weapon. Just hide behind cover and play!

being that you are new, i will excuse that post.


I dont want to nerf sniping, i want to buff it, but i dont want to do it in a way that it 1 shots or 2 shots people.

“I will excuse that post”




2.8-3.2k optimal range for sniper weapons? You are delusional.


This topic goes to “I’m right, you all are wrong - by Uhmari” collection.

Guys I would like to introduce all you new players to Uhmari… He is EVO!!!

I am not always right, i offer logical arguments, and evidence to support my position, if you want to contend with it, give the same

back to prove it a bad position.


By reducing the range, and forcing the sniper players to use extension modules you remove the tank on the frigate-snipers.

causing them to become glass cannons. very balanced approach. if they are going to do damage, they need to be weak

at something else (for example taking). The optimal change is something that will support the viability of the modules.

The point is to be able to counter a sniper, not for a sniper to counter himself. Most snipers already have this super obvious red laser pointing right at you and it lets you know to duck. Maybe you should just equip a cloak and stop trying to change what you clearly do not understand. If you are maybe complaining out of experience that you are always blowing up it is because people target you exclusively during fights due to your attitude.

I suggest you make a new account and keep your opinions to yourself since your reputation is completely ruined already.

The point is to be able to counter a sniper, not for a sniper to counter himself. Most snipers already have this super obvious red laser pointing right at you and it lets you know to duck. Maybe you should just equip a cloak and stop trying to change what you clearly do not understand. If you are maybe complaining out of experience that you are always blowing up it is because people target you exclusively during fights due to your attitude.

I suggest you make a new account and keep your opinions to yourself since your reputation is completely ruined already.


Not to sound arrogant here, but i know more then most testers who work in the office with the developers. So please do not use straw man attacks to defend your position.


I use a cloak on my set ups (if i am in a interceptor) I am very skilled at dodging fire, however, laser fire is not the issue.


The problem with sniping abilities is that they produce a badly undesirable effect on the game. One of the many benefits and excellent

things this game has to offer is its face place game play. Sniping however at later tiers causes clustering, and destroys this. This is something

that needs to be address to maintain that fast pace combat play of the game.


I am sorry to be the barrier of bad news, but these abilities are being talked about, and are likely to get reworked.


As for my reputation, I am not worried about this at all. As a player who has been in top world Guilds/clans and corporations

I know that superior position on ranking systems brings about some sort of hatred, more specifically jealousy. In the mean time

you may want to consider your position and saying things like


“you dont know what your talking about, im right Waah /QQ” because it only makes you look a fool.

Don’t worry you all… The devs will look at this and have a cow, they’ll laugh so hard. 

 You just said make the snipers 2.8-3.2k Optimal :facepalm: … ROFLAMO :lol:    That’s the typical laser range just about… a sniper is ACROSS the MAP shooting. 

 P.S. No I don’t snipe. - Oh and you can counter them many ways… Sadface that this TROLL post hasn’t been caught and shut down yet.


No one cares about your reputation but you. Get in a fighter cloak, use cover to get behind the sniper, and wreck him/her… It’s your problem, not the Snipers.

Don’t worry you all… The devs will look at this and have a cow, they’ll laugh so hard. 

 You just said make the snipers 2.8-3.2k Optimal :facepalm: … ROFLAMO :lol:    That’s the typical laser range just about… a sniper is ACROSS the MAP shooting. 

 P.S. No I don’t snipe. - Oh and you can counter them many ways… Sadface that this TROLL post hasn’t been caught and shut down yet.


No one cares about your reputation but you. Get in a fighter cloak, use cover to get behind the sniper, and wreck him/her… It’s your problem, not the Snipers.

Good lord, he’s all “my reputation blah blah” again? lulz

Sorry Uhmari, you did walk into that one.


I posted on another topic previously that it might be better to give the rocket packs to the Federation fighter instead of the Interceptors, this allows them to “flush” their missile load faster, making it easier to kill a sniper from ambush. Never liked the idea of nerfing things, this boosts the DPS of the fighter as a counter to tank snipers.


If you really think the Disintigrator is OPed, just remove the leading crosshair, let them estimate by fall of last shot and by eye.