slightly revised loyalty system for (mark - III upgrade system)

Got tired of re-paying loyalty vouchers for the same mk III modules?

Accumulating vouchers to get the same duplicates without any change, if you need more than one?

Got tired of constant repetition?

All of the above?


Solution is at hand!


It will require the Workshop with a bit of revisement as well.


For example, we bought a piece of weapon/module/equipment, which requires/uses specific faction loyalty vouchers.

If we want more than one weapon, we need to spend more of accumulated same type of loyalty vouchers.


I have a solution.


With new implemented system we could:


  • earn mark III module “once” for each, equipment, module or weapon for that specific tier and ship role

  • after it’s “earned” or unlocked and not “learned” or got from any other source, since there is currently no way to obtain mark III’s, we could just invest money, like credits and materials to construct another duplicate

  modules, until we ran out of money or resources.

  • upgrade for mark III can be bought by a “bribe - GS” for a hefty amount of Galactic Standards currency from your own pocket to Blasphemerous/Thieving/Crooked hands.


The Workshop should have also sections for mark III upgrade kits from now on, since mark III is always limited to Loyalty vouchers.

Mark I and mark II mechanics should remain unchanged.

Mark III option is as already described it above.

Mark IV - If you own mark III piece in your possession, you need an upgrade (upgrade kit) for that piece as well. Once it’s learned, you can craft the item the same way as with mark III, with the use of credits, materials and additionally artifacts, for each same piece you want to upgrade. If you don’t have an upgrade kit, you also have the option to pay for mark IV with artifacts, but if you do that, the price of artifacts is 2x as high (100% increase) for the first time, before you earn an upgrade. As you can see, even though you got earned access, you still need to pay in artifacts later, but at least you will pay less artifacts, since the mark IV’s final schematics are in your own possession already.


Note: If you already earned and upgraded those items in the future, the system should include them without any need of re-doing the same steps all over again.


Mark V - I alredy explained how the system should work in this thread:


However, it has one flaw. You still need monocrystals for every mark V piece. Even duplicates.






Madness below!


That’s why I have a suggestion, that it’s possible to own a device in your possesion, which will reduce the cost of monocrystals for 75%.


The name of the this “mysterious” device is Monosynthesizer.


It’s possible to obtain the components through already established materials. You just need to buy a “blueprint” design for it, which will cost you 20000000 credits with 2000 artifacts and 500000 loyalty vouchers for each Faction’s sub-faction, that’s 3000000 (3M) total cost of loyalty vouchers.

To assemble it to final stage, it will cost you additional 40000000 of credits.


How to construct one, is pretty much simple.


Device has 3 components:


Just an example:


Device Main Core Battery - 100 computing chips, 30 monocrystals, 25 screened batteries

Device Conversion System - 75 Osmium Crystals,  50 Metal Blanks, 25 graphite plates

Device Processing Unit - 25 computing chips, 50 processing blocks,  60 monocrystals


Maybe it could get more complex, but also more demanding to construct.


Once you have built your device, you would get an achievement called “Monocrystalizator” status gained.

The icon would pop out near the premium license onwership to remind you of it, every time you log in.


Owner of this device will have an additional option when upgrading to mark V weapon, for example.

For example: Sell, Salvage, Upgrade, with one additional option Upgrade with monosynthesizer/monocrystalizator/amplifier/etc… in your warehouse.


or just give us GS option to buy mark - V also with GS currency option only for the “rich”.


Are you rich?


Simple, isn’t it? xP

supporting the idea

With new implemented system we could:


  • earn mark III module “once” for each, equipment, module or weapon for that specific tier and ship role

  • after it’s “earned” or unlocked and not “learned” or got from any other source, since there is currently no way to obtain mark III’s, we could just invest money, like credits and materials to construct another duplicate modules, until we either ran out of money or resources.

  • upgrade for mark III can be bought by a “bribe - GS” for a hefty amount of Galactic Standards currency from your own pocket to Blasphemerous/Thieving/Crooked hands. xP


Koromac, that’s the way the system used to work before the ‘Voucher’ update. Granted, you are talking about using vouchers to buy blueprints, but the core concept is the same.


I hate to say it, but if the developers scrapped the original “player friendly” system for the current grind-monstrosity, there is little hope they’ll change it back.

I hate to say it, but if the developers scrapped the original “player friendly” system for the current grind-monstrosity, there is little hope they’ll change it back.

Are you implying old system was less of a “grind” for new players?

Are you implying old system was less of a “grind” for new players?

No, but it involved a lot LESS grind.

No, but it involved a lot LESS grind.




Right. That explains why so many veterans were frantically stocking up on Mk 3 items before that patch.


I swear, it’s 1 step forward and 2 steps back every time, and people call it progress. Yeah, they made it “easier” to unlock the modules you actually wanted, but they also turned the unlock system into consumable vouchers. Before, once you had reached a specific reputation level, all you had to grind was credits. Now you have to manage 6 different faction currencies.


And don’t even try to tell me that you can earn vouchers faster than we used to earn credits.

Before “that” patch it took me 1000 LICENSED PVP games (with win ratio 1.7+) unlocking T3 MK3 equipment for 6 factions to start MK3ing my T3 ships, and i had plenty of prem ships and loyalty gain bonuses from DLCs, in order to enter T4 (we didn’t even had T5 back then) i would have needed another 1000-1500 games to just enter T4 with half MK3 Gear, and keep in mind that you could not upgrade to mk2 with credits you had to loot mk2 and mk4, so if you don’t play the tier and only preparing to enter, you can either go with full mk1 gear of pre farm loyalty to unlock mk3. “Tier rushing” was not possible by game mechanics back then as well, so you could not reach T5 in a week to farm PvE to supplement your progress.

 So cut the crap with “unbearable grind” already, now, with 1000 PvP LICENSED games one can easily have multiple T5 ships in Mk4-mk2 gear

Oh, and you can do it in LESS time for all your ships now?

Oh, and you can do it in LESS time for all your ships now?

And having mk3-mk4 modules for every single ship you have is obviously mandatory to play this game, you do know you can swap passive modules? (for stupid people, that is sarcasm)

 “That” patch hit me at around 1500 PvP games mark, at that point, i had no T4/T5 ships, nor equipment, and i had about 6 roles fully mk3 decked In T3.

So in 2000 games in a worst time zone there is, with constant 500-600 pilots online i got:

(keep in mind that they buffed progression speeds numerous times since “that” patch, vouchers, equipment gradation, synergy gains. So i did not have 2000 games with current fastest progression yet, but spread over multiple grades)

  • In t3 i can field up to 3 ships of the same role fully mk4, for every single role so it is not like i bought all T3-mk3 equipment prior to the change, not even a quarter of it.

  • i obtained 90% T4 and T5 ships since then and maxed out synergy on ~70% of them

  • i can field full mk4 for any role in t5, I can field 4 roles full mk4 in 2 ships simultaneously 

  • i cant remember how many mk3-mk4 modules i have in T4, should be enough for 4-5 ships as well


And since new year my play time was cut tremendously, so while i had 2000 games, active players had 5000-6000 games


There is no F way i would have been able to come even close to this with 2000 games with “old” progressions, i doubt i would have been able to even have T5 ships mk1 gear


Old system was fairly good for T1 and T2, unlocking all mk3 items for these 2 tiers was “fairly” quickly and cheap, but starting from T3 it was exponentially harder and slower. Oh and did i mention T4 credit profitability under old system? No? 1 Death in T4 costed you your win reward (in case you actually win), you die once and lose the game you are in negatives.

I had unlocked most T4 factions when the system changed. And, despite the fact that I already had to swap out a lot of modules in between ships, I absolutely loathed the voucher system; I still do. It’s just pointless grinding!!


With the previous system, you actually had a feeling of achievement whenever you reached a new mark to purchase new gear…


Now? Reaching that mark feels like punishment because YOU KNOW you’re going to have to do it AAAAAAAAALL over again to get ANOTHER item…

I had unlocked most T4 factions when the system changed. And, despite the fact that I already had to swap out a lot of modules in between ships, I absolutely loathed the voucher system; I still do. It’s just pointless grinding!!


With the previous system, you actually had a feeling of achievement whenever you reached a new mark to purchase new gear…


Now? Reaching that mark feels like punishment because YOU KNOW you’re going to have to do it AAAAAAAAALL over again to get ANOTHER item…

So problem is not in the system, but rather in your own head.

You are making it like getting a new T5 mk3 upgrade is a big deal, while currently (if you have a licence) it is a matter of 1.5 - 2 hours of PvP (that is after simplifying gains, but proper way to say that would be 2-3 T5 Mk3 per 4-6 Hours of PvP, since you don’t get enough vouchers for 1 modules in single session ).

It’s definitely not in my head. I notice just how hard it is to get your hands on any blues.


And with the current prices, swapping between factions is even worse… Sure, you can fly from one station to another, but that only gives you access to HALF the stuff you’d want.


Upgrading to Mk3 isn’t that big a deal. Upgrading to Mk4, however…

keep in mind that they buffed progression speeds numerous times since “that” patch, vouchers, equipment gradation, synergy gains.


Oh? Does that include how they doubled the requirements for most of the voucher contracts?


Because I’m pretty sure we didn’t have one that read “Win 4 battles without losing any ships” back then.


Oh? Does that include how they doubled the requirements for most of the voucher contracts?

Because I’m pretty sure we didn’t have one that read “Win 4 battles without losing any ships” back then.

Oh? Do you remember that you were not able to do up to 30 contracts simultaniously, only 3? Do you remember that each contract was rewarding about half of what we have now on top of only 3 at a time? And longer cooldowns? And no vouchers dropping from loot? No r8 repeatative contracts as well?

Regardless of the truth, the current system APPEARS to increase grind, which means it may as well do.

Regardless of the truth, the current system APPEARS to increase grind, which means it may as well do.


oOh? Do you remember that you were not able to do up to 30 contracts simultaniously, only 3? Do you remember that each contract was rewarding about half of what we have now on top of only 3 at a time? And longer cooldowns? And no vouchers dropping from loot? No r8 repeatative contracts as well?


There was a time when loyalty was earned in a match the same as credits and synergy. So just by playing you would gradually unlock stuff. Of course, that was before either of us joined the game. Though I do remember several veterans talking about the backlash that happened when the removed that feature and introduced contracts.

There was a time when loyalty was earned in a match the same as credits and synergy. So just by playing you would gradually unlock stuff. Of course, that was before either of us joined the game. Though I do remember several veterans talking about the backlash that happened when the removed that feature and introduced contracts.

heh, i was here when that was in the game, that is how i got my T3 mk3 equipment at that time, but you use to get it only for victories, and amounts were fairly low that is why it took me 1000 games to unlock full mk3 T3 equipment. While you would get more than a R1and R8 contracts per victory, in a 2-3 hour span you would gane way less than you do atm, and unlocking thresholds in T4 were enormous. And if i remember it correctly that is how you use to unlock your ships as well, by leveling factions with that abysmally small loyalty gains.

heh, i was here when that was in the game, that is how i got my T3 mk3 equipment at that time, but you use to get it only for victories, and amounts were fairly low that is why it took me 1000 games to unlock full mk3 T3 equipment. While you would get more than a R1and R8 contracts per victory, in a 2-3 hour span you would gane way less than you do atm, and unlocking thresholds in T4 were enormous. And if i remember it correctly that is how you use to unlock your ships as well, by leveling factions with that abysmally small loyalty gains.

Well, this suggested system may still be valid. We need to ask the developers about this.