Sixth Ellydium Project Discussion

Welcome to discuss [The Return of Ellydium Research!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31586-sixth-ellydium-project-destroyer-weapons-%C2%A0/)


The logo looks like a dragon. 

It’s a view of the gun. Side view)

YEAH! Finaly a cannon! a real one! ^^

If we don’t get crystals ships I will be severely disappointed. Also all trust for devs’ words will be gone. ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

A ship will requier a lot of crystal tho :confused:

49 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

A ship will requier a lot of crystal tho :confused:

From the last missions making two of each I still have over 125 left. And once they become farmable that will make it even easier. Git gud.

Yea true true maybe you’ll finaly get your hunter or something close to it ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


Is this new weapon going to be effective?

Mesons have nice DPS but whatever you do to reduce the spread you start firing at another destroyer with it and even if that destroyer doesn’t have thermal resist it barely takes any dmg. Either the player is hacking or the meson is ineffective.

The coilgun has lower spread, lower dps but when you shoot at a guard with it you barely do any dmg to it.

The halo launcher despite the low dps does a lot of dmg, but you just can’t hit interceptors with it.

So what’s this new weapon going to be like?


Personally, I think destroyers need a weapon like the destructor on the guards.

Destructor. Yes but more for people who Can easily aim at something, laser gun are realy hard to use :| 

For this cannon i hope it’ll have:

Low fire rate: 1/sec

High dmg: 6k

Long range: 5600m min

20sec to overheat 

Explosive dmg

That would be great and fun ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Would be one of the hardest weapon to use. 

They got some engine cooling modules so this thing will overheat like a R9 290,not sure about the damage type,cant make anything up from its name.

I think that gona be a kinetic type, and because it’s a cannon it should have a pretty Nice explosive radius

I bet it’s going to be a positron/gauss kinda weapon.

17 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

I bet it’s going to be a positron/gauss kinda weapon.

Pretty hard to hit small ship with :o

Just now, ORCA1911 said:

I bet it’s going to be a positron/gauss kinda weapon.

That means its chargeable you uncultivated orcinus.

Well, since they did a kind of rework to chargeable guns, I guess it’s possible.

Or the fact that no destro guns really need a shared cooler but sirius have BIG bonus to it end chargeable guns usually works good with coolers…


But we’ll see soon anyway

My hope is that this weapon will be an actual tank cannon. Every game with tanks (or tank like vehicles) equips them with low fire rate, massive damage artillery style weapons. SC so far has the tanks, but equipped them with the equivalent of LMGs and DMRs. Not bad weapons, but when you see a big hulking ship, you expect its guns to go *BANG!* not *pew*.

11 minutes ago, Incarceron said:

My hope is that this weapon will be an actual tank cannon. Every game with tanks (or tank like vehicles) equips them with low fire rate, massive damage artillery style weapons. SC so far has the tanks, but equipped them with the equivalent of LMGs and DMRs. Not bad weapons, but when you see a big hulking ship, you expect its guns to go *BANG!* not *pew*.

Maybe a sound when charging gauss/positron, like what we all heard in those Sci-fi films when they load super strong weapons.

Yea like a Big “BANG!” When shooting with a explosion! So cool ^^