Singularity needs nerf

Singularity, have EXTREME DAMAGE and also pass through the static barrier (Oh yeah nice :(), and all people is using it.

The fix for this is: White noise jamer

The fix for this is: White noise jamer


The fix would be to fix the weapon its completely broken.


  1. Goes through anything

  2. Has tremendous DPS output

  3. Literally 3 shots Jericho Frigates

  4. Is completely Overpowered in PvE As it can wipe waves of enemies in a few hits, and destroy multiple PvE objectives at once due to being able to go through multiple targets

  5. Can go through the Shields which are supposed to stop enemy fire.


Its completely broken and unbalanced.

Damage should be reduced by 2x(in this case aoe size should be reduced) or maybe even 3x

Damage should be reduced by 2x(in this case aoe size should be reduced) or maybe even 3x

That would probably work yes.

Remove it…?

No need to remove it. It’s fun to have some sort of aoe weapon, that behave different, than usual weapons. It just needs to be balanced.

Half it’s size, slow it down by 25%, reduce DPS to 700. And make barriers and buildings stop it. While it does go through ships.


That should be good right?

I’d say keep the damage output where it is but lower the rate of fire by like 50%.  It’s the ability to literally spam bubbles at the enemy as fast as you can click that makes it OP.  Take that away and everybody will be dodging them.

I’d say keep the damage output where it is but lower the rate of fire by like 50%.  It’s the ability to literally spam bubbles at the enemy as fast as you can click that makes it OP.  Take that away and everybody will be dodging them.

Everyone but frigate. Perhaps a few, but Jericho frigates who are weakest to these death traps will still more than easily get caught by them.


Half it’s size, slow it down by 25%, reduce DPS to 700. And make barriers and buildings stop it. While it does go through ships.


That should be good right?


This would work, or at least be a very good step in the right direction.

Brilliant weapon for making the tachyon cocoon/metastable forcefield even more worthless then before.

Folks… the Devs are well aware of this issue, as I think most if not all of the GM staff has pointed it out even before these posts were made and they do agree. I dont have exact times or when’s, but… it will be worked on.

I’ve had somewhat good success at dodging Singularities in my Cerb 2/Styx.   All it takes is the Fed rank 5 implant and you can strafe out of the way of most of them.   Jericho Frigates though still get the short end of the stick.   The hit box for shields is just too big compared to hull making you an even easier target.


It also helps that I revamped my engi to have 114 hull EM resist :stuck_out_tongue:

Java it all depends on who is shooting at you. I see a lot of people with plain “damage increase” and are -somewhat- avoidable. The people with Booster circruit however…And it also depends on how far they are from you :slight_smile:

DE could kill guardginer with beach balls facetanking it if so desired.
dodge this



The hit box for shields is just too big compared to hull making you an even easier target.

Btw have you confirmed, that shield have larger hitbox compared to hull? I’v heard that before, but as far as i know, it’s just a superstition.

The only good thing about the weapon, PvE is farming, not playing.  It also counts as a bad thing.  I just won three in a row.  Before I’d have to get lucky with teammates.

Mortar is as good as beach balls in pve (maybe even better actually), so don’t worry about a nerf, pve will still be easier after that :slight_smile:

I’ve had somewhat good success at dodging Singularities in my Cerb 2/Styx.   All it takes is the Fed rank 5 implant and you can strafe out of the way of most of them.   Jericho Frigates though still get the short end of the stick.   The hit box for shields is just too big compared to hull making you an even easier target.


It also helps that I revamped my engi to have 114 hull EM resist :stuck_out_tongue:


Jericho Ships have a double slap in the face against Singularity weapons.


  1. Jericho Ships are weakest to EM (Since they are shield tankers) and have incredibly low amounts of hull HP. With Singularity damage being not only EM, but the highest DPS main weapon in the game… yea… Your doubly weak to that weapon vs any other faction/frigate.


  1. Jericho Ships are the slowest in the game. This is doubly so for Jericho Frigates. Which are insanely slow even with the module that increases maneuverability etc, so you have utterly no chance of ever dodging the Singularity attacks.


The only thing a Jericho frigate pilot can do against a player who decides to start shooting at him with a singularity weapon, is decide which ship he wants to pull out next as his frigate is being destroyed. As it takes only 3 direct singularity hits to destroy a Jericho Frigate. (4 if they have an EM amplifying shield hardener)

The going through everything seems to be the confirmed bug part of this weapon.

I can propose a rework:


It should function like the Bio-Gun in UT.

What does that mean?:

The weapon could be tweaked to shoot in for like 3/1 of its current dmg and in small baloons that are travelling fast, additionally able to charged up and fired, producing a larger ‘baloon’ with higher dmg and diameter(collision size) and additional splash after a certain treshhold like 50%(hereby using the ‘heat circle’ for that, for charging up you clickhold, upon releasing the mouse button projectile comes out) but slower projectile speed.


The problem lies in the tremendous amount of dmg that is being granted right out of the barrel at this weapon, coupled with a fast fire rate and a projectile that is travelling fast its a headache in current state.