Singular Loot

I suggest that loot after battle gets a very small rework. It would require putting different loot in to different tables to allow players to “aim” for the prospective loot that thy want.

I suggest that after each battle that is won, the loot spots be generated with different colours to represent different loot tables, like the examples below:

Loot table colours:

-White : Credit and Iridium loot. (Majority of spots?)

-Green : Crafting Materials. (As common as White.)

-Purple : Stays the same, one per day and guarantees good loot.

-Gold/Yellow : Premium part drops. (Requires the maxed rank ships. Is mainly there so that players who have the ships can avoid them.)

-Red : Destroyer/SP ship parts. (Super rare and requires a maxed ship of rank.)

-Blue : Misc rare items.

-Black : Secret Items and other things that only spawn once per 82637 years and the like. (Rare af)

-Rainbow : Fox’s Stuff. (Vulpanium, The Button, Trinkets, Pirate Flares, FunMods, Fox Statue, Alien stuff, etc.)

Some after-battle loot spot examples would be:

  1. White, White, Green, Green, Yellow, White, White.

  2. White, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, White.

  3. Purple, Green, White, White, White, Green, White, White.

  4. Purple, White, Red, Yellow, Rainblw, Black, Blue, White.

Just random spots with different colours to allow players to get specific loot instead of 100% random stuff with the high chance of utter trash.

I approve of this idea.

I suggest that loot after battle gets a very small rework. It would require putting different loot in to different tables to allow players to “aim” for the prospective loot that thy want.

I suggest that after each battle that is won, the loot spots be generated with different colours to represent different loot tables, like the examples below:

Loot table colours:

-White : Credit and Iridium loot. (Majority of spots?)

-Green : Crafting Materials. (As common as White.)

-Purple : Stays the same, one per day and guarantees good loot.

-Gold/Yellow : Premium part drops. (Requires the maxed rank ships. Is mainly there so that players who have the ships can avoid them.)

-Red : Destroyer/SP ship parts. (Super rare and requires a maxed ship of rank.)

-Blue : Misc rare items.

-Black : Secret Items and other things that only spawn once per 82637 years and the like. (Rare af)

-Rainbow : Fox’s Stuff. (Vulpanium, The Button, Trinkets, Pirate Flares, FunMods, Fox Statue, Alien stuff, etc.)

Some after-battle loot spot examples would be:

  1. White, White, Green, Green, Yellow, White, White.

  2. White, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Yellow, White.

  3. Purple, Green, White, White, White, Green, White, White.

  4. Purple, White, Red, Yellow, Rainblw, Black, Blue, White.

Just random spots with different colours to allow players to get specific loot instead of 100% random stuff with the high chance of utter trash.

So basically, you are suggesting to make you see if you dropped good stuff before actually looting it, right?


It could be fun. +1

We actually thought about this some time before. So it may happen, but I suspect groups can be different from above.

Well personally I’ve stopped collecting purple loot because I know ahead of time it’s worthless to me, so that’s the main reason I support this change.

As much as we will know what we are getting I am all in into this!