Signature masking not working with high resistance

hehe, hey i recently tried out some new tactics on my guard, uhm does resistance over 350 apply? cause i can get upp to 390 resistance on kinetic with modules, ca 400 (with phase shield ofcourse.)


when i turn on signature masking mk2. (need to upgrade it) and the enemy is within range. it did not take less damage. (gonna test it in custom 1v1 next to be 100 precent sure) when i had over 250 resistance with phase shields. (cause i see damage taken, i need to get hit 100 precent. but still 20 precent nerf, lets say i take 1000 dmg from singularity wich i do + 20 precent less is 800


so signature doesn’t work? i mean, if you look at it, for everytime u upgrade to mk2 or mk3 it says +3 precent dmg. (should say something else it looks like it says ur gonna take more damage.)


i mean, people ask me how i get this strong, i dont see annyone else with higher resistance. but it remains a secret.


but yea, 


also 300 resistance is = 25 precent dmg taken, and i got above that, can someone give me graph of how much damage taken upp to 450 resistance? if that even works?


and how is this with signature masking saying 20 precent less dmg taken, (for me signature should be reducing dmg taken based on what damage i take without resistance. (but thats not gonna happend)


so someone please test this out. 

Well, first of all, if you have so high resist against kinetic, you must have rubish resist on the rest am i correct to asume this?


Secondly, Think about it as percentage over percentage. For example, If a raw dammage is 100, and you have lets say, 70% resistance against it you would only receive 30 dammage, now, you have also another thing that reduces the dammage, for lets say, 30%, in any untrained mind it could mean for them that they would have 100% resists, when this isnt true, since those other 30% apply after resistance for example, and those 30% will reduce the reduced dammage, which means 30% reduction from the remaining 30 dammage which would make you receive 21 dammage. Perhaps your complaint is something compared to this example.


About reduction on resistances, on the same page you got the data about how much reduction you get theres also something telling you that no matter how much resists/reduction you have you will NEVER take 0 dammage. Perhaps theres a hard cap on how much the dammage can be reduced, whatever. Mechanics are not so transparent on this game.

It’s not worth going above 120 resists, in general, you just sacrifice way too many slots for that purpose.


There is no hard cap to damage reduction, only a soft cap, as the function is logarithmic.


i mean, people ask me how i get this strong, i dont see annyone else with higher resistance. but it remains a secret.



Triple Variative Shield Projector + Multiphase shield Adapter + Phase shield turn on Kinetic + Implant Jeri Rank 3-9 + Shield Bonus booster + Natural Kinetic resistance


(69x3) + 79 + 150 + 20 + 10 +10 +10 = 486 Kinectic Resistance.



Triple Variative Shield Projector + Multiphase shield Adapter + Phase shield turn on Kinetic + Implant Jeri Rank 3-9 + Shield Bonus booster + Natural Kinetic resistance


(69x3) + 79 + 150 + 20 + 10 +10 +10 = 486 Kinectic Resistance.

Oh noes, you know to much now, he will have to eliminate you

Oh noes, you know to much now, he will have to eliminate you

You made me laugh.

Triple Variative Shield Projector + Multiphase shield Adapter + Phase shield turn on Kinetic + Implant Jeri Rank 3-9 + Shield Bonus booster + Natural Kinetic resistance


(69x3) + 79 + 150 + 20 + 10 +10 +10 = 486 Kinectic Resistance.

explain how u get 69x3, +79 (module) +10 (booster u can buy) +20? + 10?  150 = phase shield. 

annyway. i got 270 on EM, 340 on thermal, 380 on kinetic, (for shield) 25k shield with phase and 1 other module


for armor 260 on em, 230 on thermal, 220 on kinetic, 16k hull


thats way over 120k survival. also if i get healed and i take 300 dmg per hit. upp to 1500 on singularity + emergency shield .


this is all solo build. not squad built.  so .


also signature masking not making me take less damage on any of em, hull or shield. so then what? 

explain that  xkostyan will u? 


also i was upp 36 hours stright in 2 days, i dont see u guys play tier 5 or sector conquest. where all them nasa players at?

explain that  xkostyan will u? 


also i was upp 36 hours stright in 2 days, i dont see u guys play tier 5 or sector conquest. where all them nasa players at?

Obviously we are treating our brains from cancer, after reading some of your posts here.

You made me laugh.


He’s a threat to national security…blame it on the war on terror and take him out!  


On topic though anything above 50% dmg reduction (100 resist) get’s reduced effects due to scaling.   The best guard builds are built around 1 buffer module, and 2 resist modules in the current meta.   Due to the previous guard nerfs you really need all around resists over just overall shield hp %.  


In a 1v1 or 2v2 buffer might win vs a team who only uses 1 dmg type (i.e. thermal) but in any bigger fights (i.e. sector conquest) you’ll need dmg reduction from multiple dmg types.   You’ll have teams who use EM + Kinetic or even all 3.   The point being you need to build to survive vs multiple ships over just a 1v1 as your build is.   Not only that but most people today use positron cannons for support frigates so you now have 2 dmg types to account for guaranteed (EM + Thermal from missiles/Ion Emitter) dmg done to your guard.     


Now think about all those high end players like me who kill you all the time.   I use kinetic dmg because atm everybody is building for thermal resists due to the dominance of Ion Emitter gunships.   Now you have to worry about all 3 resists.   If you don’t build for thermal resist I’ll bring out my Cov Ops, plasma arc, then plasma web you, and then kill you with my shrapnel cannon and piercing missiles before you can think “now is the time i should use my Phase Shield”.    


Then you run into the problem of "oh now I have at least 50 resist in all 3 categories, but I can’t tank dmg for an extended period of time now.    That’s what you have to balance.   Dmg reduction vs the ability to take shots, shrug them off, and keep going.      


If you play smartly with good positioning and given at the very least decent teammates and at least 1 engi you’ll come out ahead with a buffer build (2 buffer modules, 1 resist module).    For lower tier play though you’ll need at the very least high Thermal and Kinetic resist to be able to survive more than 1 fight.

explain that  xkostyan will u? 


also i was upp 36 hours stright in 2 days, i dont see u guys play tier 5 or sector conquest. where all them nasa players at?


I play odd hours.   If nobody from my corp is online to squad with in Sector I won’t even bother even though I’m full T5.   I’d rather play T3 than have to put up with under geared or unexperienced players on my team.    Have you looked at the repair costs for T5?  If you lose the battle and die more than 2 times you lose more money than you make.

u dont know reload speed of modules so it doesn’t matter, 


so if i got emergency shield to regen 18k shields with over 300 resistance, that means that shield with 0 resistance is same as 60 000 shields, ca x3. and that cooldown on that module, if i kill a ship it does not take me long to use it again + my shield i got 25k with 300 resistance is same as 25x3, 75k. now dont forget regen, if im around a engineering.  = way greater survival again.


i got no problem surviving when 3 ships shot me, 2 gunships aswell. only if they are singularity, if ION i take maximum 400 dmg per hit. having 50-70 sec cooldown and or i get assist or kill it reduced by 15 precent.


you can always use brain.


and what u mean by this?

He’s a threat to national security…blame it on the war on terror and take him out!  


the signature masking doesnt work on higher resistances. can someone give me an answer. ? 


oh yea lets not forget hull, 230 resistance + on everything with 16k hull = 30k hull with 0 resistance.


logic :) 


2 gunships with singularity without supernova gets maximum 5000-5500 dps with overdrive, that last 10 or 15 seconds. 


= for 10 seconds they can do 50k dmg, and thats not even half of what i can survive. if 3 gunships + 25k. think about it bro. 

find other guards that survive so much longer* and they need to survive my damage aswell meanwhile that time, if iget close they take a torpedo to their face + impulse with 15k damage, 


so basically if i got full shield and no cooldowns on modules they need to deal around 90k damage to kill my shield and hull, if i use 2 modules, including emergency shield that will be 150k damage, (depends if you kill me faster than 20 sec) lets say i use it instantly. but there is weaknesses and so on, so, i normaly only die when over 5 ppl target me at the same time, but meanwhile that happends my team is taking beacons and or killing off those who shoot me. so i become like a target but thats the point. i also have been rank 1 in most damage dealt per match several times on leaderboards. you ain’t got nothin. 

I play odd hours.   If nobody from my corp is online to squad with in Sector I won’t even bother even though I’m full T5.   I’d rather play T3 than have to put up with under geared or unexperienced players on my team.    Have you looked at the repair costs for T5?  If you lose the battle and die more than 2 times you lose more money than you make.

compared to everyone else i play for free, 2 deaths is ca 100k repairs for lvl 15. maximum 180-195k repair (doesnt go above 200k repair nomatter how much u die.), normal battles with more than 1000 score you get 220k credits, also yea replenish ammo can go upp to 50k aswell.


if you premium thats no problem. if you fully t5 i bet you have been using premium :) 

Obviously we are treating our brains from cancer, after reading some of your posts here.


can someone just answer the question?


why doesnt signature masking work on high resistance as 300+

can someone just answer the question?


why doesnt signature masking work on high resistance as 300+

It does. You just get so little damage, that 20% or w/e of very little is, inherently, VERY LITTLE.

can someone just answer the question?


why doesnt signature masking work on high resistance as 300+

Because T5 Signature masking will reduce dmg by less than 5% if you have 300+ resistances to a dmg type. Are you 100% sure that it doesn’t reduce those mere 5%? If you are - go to custom battle and make a video than go to Bug report section and make a thread.

can someone just answer the question?


why doesnt signature masking work on high resistance as 300+

because little of little of little = almost nothing 

How much damage you receive you can see here, there is also a formula: [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-damage-resistance/)


here a short table how much damage you receive depending on resits:

300 = 25%

350 = 22.2%

400 = 20%

450 = 18.18%