Shrapnel Cannon projectile speed bugged?

Alright, can’t tell if I’m just imagining things at this point, since this is really hard to get actual screenshots of the behavior I am experiencing.


I’ve been trying to use the Shrapnel Cannon on my Sai, but to no avail. Each PVP match I’ve been in, the lead marker doesn’t seem to accurately predict where the shot will land, unless the target is directly in front of me. I figured boosting the projectile speed with both the implant and Uranium ammo would help, but this only seemed to exacerbate the problem.


I decided to test this in open space, yet I have been unable to reproduce the same behavior.


I have a few theories (provided I’m not crazy) but I would like to hear from other players who have used this weapon.


  1. It is possible that the coding for the gun is bugged to where it doesn’t actually increase its projectile speed, despite what the lead marker says.


  1. The projectile convergence path is completely dependent on having your cursor directly on the lead marker, which makes near misses into complete misses.


  1. Or the weapon becomes completely useless due to ping over 100.


So, am I just imagining things, or does the Shrapnel Cannon really not shoot anywhere near the intended point of impact unless the target is directly in front of you?

The position of the lead marker is 100% ping independent so it become increasingly inaccurate the higher your ping is.

To compensate, if you shoot while your cursor is in the circle of the marker, the game will adjust the trajectory so that it will hit if the target doesnt move out of the way.

Imo you should stop bothering with the shrapnel, it’s the worse of the 4 interceptors weapons and it’s only redeeming feature is the damage type.

The position of the lead marker is 100% ping independent so it become increasingly inaccurate the higher your ping is.

To compensate, if you shoot while your cursor is in the circle of the marker, the game will adjust the trajectory so that it will hit if the target doesnt move out of the way.

Imo you should stop bothering with the shrapnel, it’s the worse of the 4 interceptors weapons and it’s only redeeming feature is the damage type.

And none of this is true

Well actually the game does indeed start aiming for you if you rest your cursor directly in the middle of the aiming circle. It’s quite helpful. (does not happen to “instant” weapons like lasers)


I have also found that if you use the new “always active” lead marker without a lock-on, this effect is not produced. It may be that you were shooting at a target that was not locked on to. (also, yes, high ping does kill any aiming at all)

Aim assistance in options works only on locked target. Try it with gauss/positron to see difference.

So, am I just imagining things, or does the Shrapnel Cannon really not shoot anywhere near the intended point of impact unless the target is directly in front of you?


You are not imagining things, it has happened to me too, my ping is pretty xxxx most of the time too, and I’ve noticed that shooting the reticle makes you miss a lot sometimes. Idk why or how, but well, you’re not alone. 

And none of this is true


Everything I say is false.

And none of this is true


Except some of it is. I made a bug report a while ago about how the ping-aware prediction doesn’t properly work, and I received confirmation from Skula that ping-aware prediction doesn’t work when your ping is too high (so it doesn’t work for most American pilots on any server aside from US, or EU/RU pilots on US servers, or for SA pilots on any server).

Except some of it is. I made a bug report a while ago about how the ping-aware prediction doesn’t properly work, and I received confirmation from Skula that ping-aware prediction doesn’t work when your ping is too high (so it doesn’t work for most American pilots on any server aside from US, or EU/RU pilots on US servers, or for SA pilots on any server).

that is not what he replied or even implied in that reply

I’ve even tested it. And I have video evidence of it not working in high ping. I could record that same scenario in low ping with the ping prediction still on and it would work, I would be able to hit things. Even if that isn’t what he implied, through my game experience I have found that it doesn’t work properly in high ping (over 150ish), especially for Shrapnel Cannon.


Ever wondered why you rarely see US pilots use Shrapnel cannons on high ping servers? Something is up with ping aware prediction and shrapnels’ aiming.

Ok good. I’m not crazy.

I was seriously about to go out of my mind trying to figure out how to dogfight with the blasted thing when the bullets are always several degrees off from the intended trajectory.

I’ve even tested it. And I have video evidence of it not working in high ping. I could record that same scenario in low ping with the ping prediction still on and it would work, I would be able to hit things. Even if that isn’t what he implied, through my game experience I have found that it doesn’t work properly in high ping (over 150ish), especially for Shrapnel Cannon.


Ever wondered why you rarely see US pilots use Shrapnel cannons on high ping servers? Something is up with ping aware prediction and shrapnels’ aiming.

Dont worry i have seen your “evidence”

Ok good. I’m not crazy.

I was seriously about to go out of my mind trying to figure out how to dogfight with the blasted thing when the bullets are always several degrees off from the intended trajectory.

Yeah, for slow projectiles like singularity (and I guess shrapnel) you have to adjust in high ping. Generally, aiming further from the target than the lead indicator works for me.

Yeah basically that lead on mouse hover does nothing with high ping except if you use lasers or they are flying straight at you XD A bit of trail and error leading the lead marker perhaps may land a few shots before you gain lock.

Ok good. I’m not crazy.

I was seriously about to go out of my mind trying to figure out how to dogfight with the blasted thing when the bullets are always several degrees off from the intended trajectory.


No you are not, aiming with shrapnel is quite insane with more than 150 ping and/or packet loss above 5%. 


You shoot in the right moment and position and the “blast” take another trajectory.

No you are not, aiming with shrapnel is quite insane with more than 150 ping and/or packet loss above 5%. 


You shoot in the right moment and position and the “blast” take another trajectory.

With packet loss even lazers have to be aimed upfront the hit box, this is not exactly a “proper” argument

No you are not, aiming with shrapnel is quite insane with more than 150 ping and/ or packet loss above 5%. 


You shoot in the right moment and position and the “blast” take another trajectory.


No you are not, aiming with shrapnel is quite insane with more than 150 ping and/ or packet loss above 5%. 


You shoot in the right moment and position and the “blast” take another trajectory.


yes, because this makes your explanation all that more valid

I’ll try again. 

With 150 ping (even without packet loss) and using shrapnel: you don’t have some sort of “lag” that can be fixed aiming a bit upfront the hitbox. The “shot” will just take a random unpredictable direction.


I’ve tried many times, even standing still (almost) against a standing fighter: the shot goes wherever he wants. It don’t happens all the times but it happens.

And this discussion is why I never bother with shrapnel cannon anyway