Shrapnel Cannon projectile speed bugged?

And this discussion is why I never bother with shrapnel cannon anyway


But the weapon is so cool I want to use it even if it’s harder and worse.

i prefer shrapnel in empire ships because of this, being on trajectory before you shoot, is better, than rotating and shooting, so your own speed kills your manouver; at very close quarters, you always have to aim more by intuition, and the first of the shots may go “somewhere”.


it might happen with other weapons too, but with the shrapnel you basicly notice it because of it’s alpha style attack?

it might happen with other weapons too, but with the shrapnel you basicly notice it because of it’s alpha style attack?


See, that’s the thing. I swapped out to Plasma Guns, and now I can dogfight without any problem at any angle.


The Alpha Style attack does make misses that much more devastating, but it still shouldn’t be THAT far off. Not to the point where anything other than a straight forward shot misses by a mile.