Show missiles on radar

Would be nifty if certain missiles, especially lock-on types, had an icon on the radar.
Alternatively, or additionally, having a beep rate that coincides with the distance of the nearest missile would help too.

imo radar is already too clogged to add even more info, but I totally 100% support a beep that indicates a lock and a faster beep for incoming missiles that increases it’s frequency the closer the missile gets.

I would loooooove to see missiles on the HUD, but that’s part of the stuff that makes them in any way effective. EM torpedoes would be 100% useless if they could be seen coming. It’s the surprise factor that makes them work. Though I would appreciate seeing doomsdays and cruise missiles.

Guided missiles should indeed be drawn as ‘Key objects’ around the HUD’s central element.

Modern military aircraft have an RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) function. It simply tracks active radars in the area with a short pip, and active locks on your aircraft with a long pip. When a missile launch is detected, a tone is generated and the point of origin can be determined by the flashing pip on RWR.

Of course, if the missile is not radar guided, then it will not be tracked. I once suggested this, but all we have is a missile indicator to the lower-right of the central element.

When someone locks onto you, their ship ‘marker’ will flash, but not the central element pip. They do not indicate missile launches however.

Speaking of missiles, sometimes there is no tone, as if the launch didn’t register on your client.

7 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I would loooooove to see missiles on the HUD, but that’s part of the stuff that makes them in any way effective. EM torpedoes would be 100% useless if they could be seen coming. It’s the surprise factor that makes them work. Though I would appreciate seeing doomsdays and cruise missiles.

The EM Torpedoes is why I specified “lock-on types” so that those wouldn’t be rendered obsolete.
So, anything that can track you and follow you around would show up on the HUD, or Radar, or just beep faster or higher pitch.

Lots of possibilities to deal with this, but the main request is really just any kind of meaningful feedback.

lol if you added an icon for torpedo then it would be useless


if you can’t spot the biggest blue rocket in the game going towards you with a distinguishable noise then you have a problem. 

You can spot any rocket visually if you look careful enough, not all rockets are that easy to be dodged tough.

4 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

You can spot any rocket visually if you look careful enough, not all rockets are that easy to be dodged tough.

if the rocket is slow enough to make a response quickly enough from a radar, then it can be dodged too. If it is too fast, what would be the point of adding an icon to the scanner if you wouldn’t be able to dodge anyway? On top of that, torpedoes are the slowest missiles in the game so…

13 hours ago, betatrash said:

Guided missiles should indeed be drawn as ‘Key objects’ around the HUD’s central element.

Modern military aircraft have an RWR (Radar Warning Receiver) function. It simply tracks active radars in the area with a short pip, and active locks on your aircraft with a long pip. When a missile launch is detected, a tone is generated and the point of origin can be determined by the flashing pip on RWR.

Of course, if the missile is not radar guided, then it will not be tracked. I once suggested this, but all we have is a missile indicator to the lower-right of the central element.

When someone locks onto you, their ship ‘marker’ will flash, but not the central element pip. They do not indicate missile launches however.

Speaking of missiles, sometimes there is no tone, as if the launch didn’t register on your client.

Someone read this and give attention, detecting radar guided missiles launch and flashing pip on radar and HUD would add a lot of immersion to the game and would allow interceptors to actively dodge missiles. IMO this idea just adds to the game.

Nice input, Betatrash.

1 hour ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

if the rocket is slow enough to make a response quickly enough from a radar, then it can be dodged too. If it is too fast, what would be the point of adding an icon to the scanner if you wouldn’t be able to dodge anyway? On top of that, torpedoes are the slowest missiles in the game so…

Yeah but having the icon on the radar would just help you find it easier, I feel like it would require more situational awareness to find it yourself, on some maps, the trails can blend in, on others, they are obvious, it can help you train to spot adaptive camo covert ops too for example, and Tai’Kin.

3 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Yeah but having the icon on the radar would just help you find it easier, I feel like it would require more situational awareness to find it yourself, on some maps, the trails can blend in, on others, they are obvious, it can help you train to spot adaptive camo covert ops too for example, and Tai’Kin.

then the torps would be totally useless. this would just make the radar hud too crowded.

24 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

then the torps would be totally useless. this would just make the radar hud too crowded.

I agree on this.

26 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

then the torps would be totally useless. this would just make the radar hud too crowded.

That’s what I’m trying to say, we don’t need this.

12 hours ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

That’s what I’m trying to say, we don’t need this.

What about the Cruise Missiles and Doomsday missiles? They can follow you for quite a long time.

They are easy to dodge with or without flares, but just because you dodged them once that doesn’t mean they will give up, at least for the Cruise missile, it should take like 7-10 seconds for it to come back, depending on what implants whoever launched them uses, they can use 4b to increase its turn and flight speed that can affect the time it takes, haven’t really tested it.

12 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

They are easy to dodge with or without flares, but just because you dodged them once that doesn’t mean they will give up, at least for the Cruise missile, it should take like 7-10 seconds for it to come back, depending on what implants whoever launched them uses, they can use 4b to increase its turn and flight speed that can affect the time it takes, haven’t really tested it.

Just cruise missiles atm. Doomsdays only have standard tracking like fighter homing missiles. And it’s actually a lot worse because it waggles around all over the place as it flies.

Okay, I’ll try again.

Don’t show the missile on radar or HUD, just flash the icon of the ship that launched homing missiles at you. you would still have to find the missile by eye. also, sound warning like real fighters would be cool to have, with an option to disable it if someone doesn’t like it.

14 minutes ago, Chernoplot said:

Okay, I’ll try again.

Don’t show the missile on radar or HUD, just flash the icon of the ship that launched homing missiles at you. also, sound warning like real fighters would be cool to have, with an option to disable it if someone doesn’t like it.

and what differrence would that make? An enemy who launched homing missile had to lock on you, and we already have a flashy icon if the ship locked you. ALL the hostile ships are the same, just another brick in the wall…

There is no need to add such a thing, you have a lock on and missile indicator icon, it’s enough for the HUD.