Show death count

It would be nice if you could see your death count both total and in battle

Has already been suggested and it is not planned.

Well then I suggest planning for it. ;3

I believe this is a must for Team battle. Other modes can prescind from this (because it may discourage players from going for achievements to avoid dying), but Team battle is a mode where killing and dying is the key to victory: a player may get highest score/kills in his team (and believe he is the best player), but if he has died more times without providing true help to the team, he has only brought his team further away from victory. Capture the beacons is a game that relies a lot on kills/deaths, but you can easily check your and others amount of deaths, so no need to implement it there.

You can use the webapi for your death count. When you want I can write a nice overlay which shows your death count(I hope custom overlays are not forbidden as long I only use the logs and the webapi)

Sure you can do it with WebAPI, but why show kills? You can check it with WebAPI… No it would actually make some sense to show deaths after a game, this game calls itself MMO Space Shooter, and in each shooter game deaths are an essential factor and are indicated during and after battle. (At least the shooters I know)

Yeah to confirm feeders and be able to report them for assisting the enemy (which is against the game rules)

You can use the webapi for your death count. When you want I can write a nice overlay which shows your death count(I hope custom overlays are not forbidden as long I only use the logs and the webapi)

You won’t need the webapi for an overlay. Simply checking combat log will do

You won’t need the webapi for an overlay. Simply checking combat log will do

But not for the total kill count only for the per battle

Sure you can do it with WebAPI, but why show kills? You can check it with WebAPI… No it would actually make some sense to show deaths after a game, this game calls itself MMO Space Shooter, and in each shooter game deaths are an essential factor and are indicated during and after battle. (At least the shooters I know)

The Devs think otherwise (and I would be surprised when it would take more than 10min to implement it)


you died 6978 times. That’s all you need to know

Reactor Overload is my favourite module, after all. ;3

Edit: Well, at least one of my faves.

You can use the webapi for your death count. When you want I can write a nice overlay which shows your death count(I hope custom overlays are not forbidden as long I only use the logs and the webapi)

Ewww FPS drop…ill pass

I suggested this months ago as well, +1 would like this feature.