Shot-Laser [Weapon]

Name: Laser Shotgun

Type: Primary weapon

Ranks: 5-15

DPS: 3,250 Thermal (does not scale with number of turrets)

RoF: 60shots/min

Critical chance: 15%

Critical damage bonus: 70%

Max range: 3,110m

Spread: 7.5deg

Beams per shot: 20

Tooltip: “Probably the deadliest light-show you’ll encounter!”


For what shipclass is this?

>>DPS: 3,250 Thermal (does not scale with number of turrets)<<

What you mean with that? Is it Damage Per Shot? A la one turret shoot only each time like phase/coil mortar?
Else this statement make no sense.

28 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

For what shipclass is this?

>>DPS: 3,250 Thermal (does not scale with number of turrets)<<

What you mean with that? Is it Damage Per Shot? A la one turret shoot only each time like phase/coil mortar?
Else this statement make no sense.

As in the following:

two turrets: both fire and deal 3,250thermal.

four turrets: all four fire and deal 3,250thermal.

six turrets: all six fire and deal 3,250thermal.

its not that hard of a concept.



thoughi think it should be for intys, as they already have shrapnel and that EM shotgun. Laser shotgun would just top it off.