Ships / Progresion / Workshop

I’ve seen the future, and there the tech line is a path where you unlock diferent ship designs.


Upgrading shield and energy capacitor and recharge time.


And where one can upgrade any ship for more module slots.


A complex future in a complex Open Space where one have to dive in and where to find the materials needed for upgrades.


An open future where one pilot can join or create a wing with strangers in OS.


With an on board communicator where contracts with interesting rewards are seen.


And where one can send the full cargo back to your bay.


A future where one can see the number of cargo slots of a ship when docked.


And a lot of things…but now I am bored.

Can you see the future? Can you give me the lottery numbers? Please? Or at least some results of football matches?


A complex future in a complex Open Space where one have to dive in and where to find the materials needed for upgrades.


In fact, you can spend all your life looking for materials in OS, Try to build a destroyer. Farming only in OS and you’ll see.




An open future where one pilot can join or create a wing with strangers in OS.


Ask for players in chat or your corporation and form you wanted wing. OS is better in squads.



And where one can send the full cargo back to your bay.



Are you looking for cargo drones to send cargo back to your bay? [ORCA1911 Guide to OS](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/29834-how-to-34open-space34/)



And a lot of things…but now I am bored.


First try to develop a game and you’ll understand what happening here. You can see the future, but the game has to be coded.

I’m sorry doubble post  :fed011:

It’s a paradox,if that will happen will break the game harder than Kim broke the internet. #neveragain