Ship tree not fitting on screen

Sorry that the discussion thread has not been opened yet, but I would really like a fix for this. I play in very low resolution, and the ship tree does not fit on my screen. The horizontal one had no problem. Could you please fix this soon? It is very uncomfortable, beacuse I can’t see the ship ranks, and use the scroll bar on the right (if there is one which I hope, because mouse scrolling is too slow)



What resolution u have?


Yeah 1024x768

Sorry that the discussion thread has not been opened yet, but I would really like a fix for this. I play in very low resolution, and the ship tree does not fit on my screen. The horizontal one had no problem. Could you please fix this soon? It is very uncomfortable, beacuse I can’t see the ship ranks, and use the scroll bar on the right (if there is one which I hope, because mouse scrolling is too slow)



Wouldn’t this fit better into an bug report than into discussion

Wouldn’t this fit better into an bug report than into discussion


I’m sick of posting bug reports, they never get treated properly.


Like with our dreadnought bug report that STILL has not been solved, even after a major patch. Or if it has been solved, we have not been notified.

If there is an issue, it needs a bug report.