Ship part economy

A nice change to have implemented would be one that makes ship parts in to a genuine economy instead of a “well I may or may not get it so why even try” challenge. I understand that your goal is to make the game seem less “pay to win”, but this is entirely not the way to do it.

The first problem that must be addressed is part bundles. They are unpredictable and a complete waste of money. Instead of part bundles for purchase, make bundles exclusively part of daily rewards and make individual parts purchasable for small amounts of gold. This way, players can tell exactly how much GS each item costs and can trust that spending their money will actually get them what they want. I suggest that all the parts be merged in to one currency called “premium parts” and each be buyable for a solid price of 15GS or so. This should apply to Monocrystals and Destroyer resources as well. This way, players are also not forced in to playing with ships they do not like and can use whatever maximum synergy ships that they want. This should also play in to the tier system so that ranks 1-3 can only get 1 part at a time from loot, ranks 4-6 can only get 2 parts at a time from loot, and so on.

Tl;Dr: Bundles were and are an awful idea and the parts need to be buyable for a set price per unit. Also, having multiple currencies for each ship is complete madness. Ship parts need to be a unified currency.

Not to speak off that you can’t even farm them in OS…

1 minute ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Not to speak off that you can’t even farm them in OS…

That was actually my original proposition to them. Though as you can see, it has evolved in to something much more.


It was originally intended as a sort of way to make standard ships less expensive and also a way to gain crafting parts easier.

4 minutes ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Not to speak off that you can’t even farm them in OS…

Because OS in useful for something else ?


The only useful thing with OS is the mysterious container, and you need to buy it. Without this item, OS is useless. 

You win more of everything in PvP/PvE



But yeah they seriously have to do something with those bundles. I’d gladly buy items to get a destroyer, but no way I play lottery.


1 hour ago, Lord_Xenon said:

Not to speak off that you can’t even farm them in OS…

You cannot farm the ship parts, but you can farm components for the ship parts.

That’s exactly the point. Introducing a system that penalize some of its playerbase. This need to be changed!

16 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Also, having multiple currencies for each ship is complete madness. Ship parts need to be a unified currency.


After you unified all ship parts to an universal one, could you farm them on every full rank ship? Like farming with R7 full rank ship so that you collect the pieces for stingay/brokk?

I have made a suggestion about that as well.

Developers will implement it in the future, hopefully soon.

On 10.07.2016 at 11:31 PM, TheDarkRedFox said:

a sort of way to make standard ships less expensive and also a way to gain crafting parts easier.

Unfortunately, that’s the way to close the game, low prices don’t work as supply booster, and we can’t do exactly that.

23 hours ago, Koromac said:

I have made a suggestion about that as well.

Developers will implement it in the future, hopefully soon.

Tokens as a feature for Vets or reward for big ingame events are really good idea we think. Working on it)

Don’t tell me that I’ll have to craft those SC ships when I’m not even close to get one?