I would say that the linear regression better explains the data actually, simply because of the higher R^2 value.
Data sample is still too low to determine the final shape of the curve (or line)
For example yesterday R^2 was over 0.97, today a single drop at game number 10 ruined it
However - we know that there can be a part drop even after few dozens games. So it’s not zero.
As I declared before - all I did is I just played multiple games per day, recorded results, divided numbers of parts per game per number of loot slots and put it all on the chart. I will NOT speculate about how high the probability of drop is in this game.
I would say that the linear regression better explains the data actually, simply because of the higher R^2 value.
The difference is .007, hardly much higher. Besides, we know that it’s at least not entirely linear, since the chance for a drop is nonzero after 10 games.
But yeah, I think it’s probably piecewise linear. No definitive proof yet, though.
Well - as I said before - it would make much more sense if it was log function of the number of games instead of linear, but tbh it can be anything - linear till game number 7 then logarithmic, or spline or if it just flats out at 2% per slot. I just wanted to see if I have any trend regarding parts drop in relation to the number of games per day. After ten days:
I think I conclude my research on this topic. Doing it is boring as hell I spent easily over 30 hours flying ships I don’t like to get that data.
Could you put your raw data in a spreadsheet or something? I could definitely use it for more analysis. I don’t play the game nearly as much, but it’s still better to have more data.
The difference is .007, hardly much higher. Besides, we know that it’s at least not entirely linear, since the chance for a drop is nonzero after 10 games.
But yeah, I think it’s probably piecewise linear. No definitive proof yet, though.
Could you put your raw data in a spreadsheet or something? I could definitely use it for more analysis. I don’t play the game nearly as much, but it’s still better to have more data.
Of course: http://bit.ly/1UdchOP
Well - as I said before - it would make much more sense if it was log function of the number of games instead of linear
Hm, agreed. There are lots to choose from anyway. Not to speak how much you can do if you start to combine them with fuzzy multiplicators to make it even more lucrative or responsive to the actual pilots needs, if one whishes to do so.
Well at least, its not zero.
They might also collect data of how fast the population actually progresses, and adjust it.
I think the feedbacks more touch like “subjectively it seems dropping off a bit quick”. It’s really nice that they want to cure my addiction.
Hmm. I was talking to few players and apparently there was no such trend few weeks ago. You could farm as many bery/neo per day as you could, few of them are claiming to get over 40 impure neodium per day, for few hours worth of farming. I was dubious, till I saw a a screenshot of over 200 neodium plates and that player has all destroyers… So as CinnamonFake said - probably it was adjusted (or rebalanced ).
CinnamonFake (Today, 10:45 AM):
Decreased is a fact. All the details and reasons are still in patchnote 1.3.4, where it used to be.
The patch notes don’t say anything about the odds of a drop decreasing over time, but many of us find it happens.
“The amount of monocrystals in daily missions was decreased, because now this rare material could be found in PvP, PvE and Co-op.”
Also, lots of talking about it were in discussion.
That’s not what we are talking about!
We’re talking about how, in PvP and PvE, rare materials simply become unavailable after approximately 6 drops each day.
Probably because people could farm destroyer in two weeks, playing pve speedruns, which is considered “in no time” in this game.
Has anyone tried relogging/restarting after 5 victories, to see if you get the high initial droprates again? Also, any idea of what time it is reset, if it exists?
Has anyone tried relogging/restarting after 5 victories, to see if you get the high initial droprates again? Also, any idea of what time it is reset, if it exists?
In my case it looks like it’s tied to the game day (which in my case restarts at 1 AM) in similar way to x2 bonus. I played 40 games without logging out , beginning at 11PM, did about 20 of them before the new game day started, (got 7 parts in first 6 games), then I played 23 games after the turn of the game day without any parts. Then I relogged and got parts in 6 consecutive games (7 parts in total).
Relogging doesn’t give the high initial drop rate.
Something I found is although you have the correct max synergy ships in your slots, you wont get any drops unless you use one (or more?). I realised i had no R10 ships and to get consistent synergy i grinded PVE which if you are efficient can take as long as a pvp match.
So what I did was play a ship to Synergy 10, then move onto the next ship to level whilst keeping the synergy 10 ship in my slots. My drop rate was ZERO parts.
What I found was, unless I brought out a max synergy ship during one of the PVE rounds, I got zero drop chance. I was onto my third ship grinding to synergy 10 when i realised this. This is 100% accurate as tested over who knows how many games grinding ships to level 10 which is hundreds of thousands of synergy points with an average of 14k a match, (did it whilst watching TV as PVE is easy and mindless).
I’m wondering if this is true in PVP and if your drop rate is increased by EACH max synergy ship of the correct rank ACTUALLY PLAYED WITH in the battle.
Something I found is although you have the correct max synergy ships in your slots, you wont get any drops unless you use one (or more?). I realised i had no R10 ships and to get consistent synergy i grinded PVE which if you are efficient can take as long as a pvp match.
So what I did was play a ship to Synergy 10, then move onto the next ship to level whilst keeping the synergy 10 ship in my slots. My drop rate was ZERO parts.
What I found was, unless I brought out a max synergy ship during one of the PVE rounds, I got zero drop chance. I was onto my third ship grinding to synergy 10 when i realised this. This is 100% accurate as tested over who knows how many games grinding ships to level 10 which is hundreds of thousands of synergy points with an average of 14k a match, (did it whilst watching TV as PVE is easy and mindless).
I’m wondering if this is true in PVP and if your drop rate is increased by EACH max synergy ship of the correct rank ACTUALLY PLAYED WITH in the battle.
People already knew that. What makes me wonder is the last sentence… Someone should make some tests.
I’m wondering if this is true in PVP and if your drop rate is increased by EACH max synergy ship of the correct rank ACTUALLY PLAYED WITH in the battle.
I haven’t noticed this, but I’ll test it on Blackwood.
I haven’t noticed this, but I’ll test it on Blackwood.
If this is actually true, then doing fire supports becomes pretty pointless, since you can use just one ship.
The question we need to answer is:
What gives more chance, 1 more loot spot or using 2 more fully synergyzed ships?
If this is actually true, then doing fire supports becomes pretty pointless, since you can use just one ship.
The question we need to answer is:
What gives more chance, 1 more loot spot or using 2 more fully synergyzed ships?
I get bonus loot drop due to DLC and so far I don’t see much difference between pvp and pve acquisition rates.
I get bonus loot drop due to DLC and so far I don’t see much difference between pvp and pve acquisition rates.
I’m not talking about difference between pvp and pve. I’m saying: what if the ships that count toward the total % of a part dropping are only the ones that are actually flown in that particular mission? What if just bringing them in lineup and not using them does nothing?
Well in 1.3.6 the probability drops slower, but chance of getting parts in first games is seriously reduced.