Ship Information Should Default to Full

Thanks to the Microsoft approach of showing information(hiding it behind 50 menus) new players have no idea how anything works. There’s no need for this to be simplified at all.


that or their should be a button (like when you hold ctrl to see stat changes, or alt to see special module details) you can hold to look at full even without it being on in the settings. 



Also full should let you see the optimal range on weapons, because unless I am more unobservant that normal, it only lists max range.


Also full should let you see the optimal range on weapons, because unless I am more unobservant that normal, it only lists max range.


Pretty sure you can see optimal range on the weapon display/tooltip, rather than the ship info.

Eh, what can I say? Another very intelligent choice from the devs, like having the option to have the “marks” around the enemies turned off by default, so every new player has a the worst experiencie in their life while trying to figure out where the hell are they being shot or where their enemies are.

hui, I am on the internet :slight_smile:


I fully support this.


And I also like to see this infos in-game:


[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20483-damage-resistance/?hl=resis)


(A very good description of how resis/dmg works)





Bumping. Something should be done about this… i see people asking about it everyday