Ship Explosions

My suggestion is that depending on how the target ship was “killed” it has a different death.

Some examples are that if a ship is killed via lasers, it disconnects the person controlling it, just like they were killed, but leaves the ship to drift, and if hit several more times it will explode with a very large explosion.

Another suggestion is that destroyers have an extended death “cutscene” of sorts where when killed, it will flare up, drift for a few hundred meters in the direction that it was travelling, then explode in a massive ball of fire and possibly a radiation cloud.

Also, kills gained through missiles should detonate the ship immediately (minus destroyers) and other kills should have a little delay before the explosion so that ships have a tiny window time to escape explosion damage.

Some other examples are simply changing the power of the ship’s explosion based on module loadout and missiles left in the cartridge. It just seems like a massive spaceship covered in weapons and explosives and filled with fuel would make a much deadlier explosion.

When I first played the game, saw the explosions, I disliked them. I mean the explosion effect doesn’t look that good to be honest… But I like your idea. Add to it different classes have different explosions.

You do have to consider how it affects knowing that the enemy has died and not gone off radar etc. You would need some kind of flash and / or effects and the ship to instantly turn into a dead hull object so it will not interfere with the match mechanics. Additional effects of delayed explosion could then be added.

I’d be happy if the explosion graphic itself was updated and that the effect and ship hull had an initial vector of the ship’s last heading instead of stopping instantly.

I don’t mean that any of them stay on radar. As soon as a ship is “dead” there would no longer be a HUD indicator for it, but the effects would still be present. And with drifting ships that haven’t exploded yet, I’d say leave them flaming and with something like a 15s timer before detonation if nothing else hits them.

The idea itself is good, however i can see some performance drop devs may not want to trade for. This reminded me of a post i made about adding hull effects/model changes according to health % to simulate dmg into it (because a 1% hull volume ship looks just like one with 100%), but has the same performance problem pointed here.

Given that I have a better graphics card than 99% of people here, I don’t really care, but I see your point.

I’d love to see better explosion, but I don’t like the “Disconnect” idea. If you kill a ship with thermal weapons, it should melt. 

I’d love to see better explosion, but I don’t like the “Disconnect” idea. If you kill a ship with thermal weapons, it should melt.

Okay, ship with lasers melts, and ship with EM weapon disconnects the player so that they can respawn and leaves the ship ready to detonate.

+1 for the destroyer explosion and +1 for adding hull effects/model changes according to health !

That’s cool, but not so necessary at the moment. We improved graphics in the hangar before. Maybe someday, we will do something like that as well.

That’s cool, but not so necessary at the moment. We improved graphics in the hangar before. Maybe someday, we will do something like that as well.



What he said is clear as Federation logo honestly.


I think this is  a great idea  I would love to see more diverse explosions :  I made a video about explosions and there definitely needed to be more selection.



Your idea is cool, but we won’t focus on it now. We already improved the hangars earlier, so probably we will improve the explosions someday. 





How did they improve the hangar? By making your ship move around? Nope. They made them larger, changed lighting, etc, which means Graphical changes. Explosions are particles, particles in games are graphics. Also no one said that the huge hangar is the same size and look exactly the same and equal to the explosions that happen when you hold on your mouse button while tracking an enemy ship on the screen and manage to destroy it.

I don’t mean that any of them stay on radar. As soon as a ship is “dead” there would no longer be a HUD indicator for it, but the effects would still be present. And with drifting ships that haven’t exploded yet, I’d say leave them flaming and with something like a 15s timer before detonation if nothing else hits them.

This is what I mean by “go off radar”. People might still shoot the dead hull because it doesn’t explode - how do you know it’s dead or just used camo? You would need a decent indicator not just a hull as sometimes you are too far away to see such small changes

“Enemy Destroyed 3902”

Yes but that happens all the time. Nothing says you killed it like a sharp explosion.


A good compromise if you want eye candy is to have some sort of crisp explosion, *then* the additional effects like melted hull on fire (thermal), crackling blue sparks (EM), glowing shrapnel debris (kinetic).


Given destroyers have fancy dead hulls I’m sure they could easily do this, and to even make it an option where people with low graphics can just have the normal black hulls, and people with high graphics can have the additional effects/special hull model.