Ship customization (exterior)

I was wondering if it’s planned to give the players the ability to customize their ships. I know that there will be different modules for a ship, but do they affect the looking of the ship? And it would be also nice to have some customizable paintjobs on the starships :good: . IMO, it’s good to be able to change the looking of your space bird sometime :yes_yes: .

nice idea…this reminds me of the modular ships system of black prophecy and dark star one…

paint jobs will allow players to costumize their ships in a way rarely seen in spaces games…maybe they also

could include different lights - need for speed in space :slight_smile:

nice idea…this reminds me of the modular ships system of black prophecy and dark star one…

Yeah, but in BP it was pretty bad I think, just the same modules all over and over again with some minor changes. It wouldn’t be bad if there would be more spaceships not just 2, the Tyi and the Genide…

agreed…hopefully the devs / pubs of star conflict are more willing to reconsider and include ideas from the community

I was wondering if it’s planned to give the players the ability to customize their ships. I know that there will be different modules for a ship, but do they affect the looking of the ship?

Yep, modules and weapons are visible in game in your ship.

I like this idea

Visual customisations that change nothing gameplay wise, are a great way of making some extra cash too.

Give people a few free ones, then get you’re art team to make some better ones and then why not charge for them (micro style)

This would significantly up the game filesize though, and would probably also mean that the graphical requirements are higher