Ship Customization Colors.

Malkavian here,


 Just a very minor gripe I have with the ship customization that I would love to see in the future. So i’m a big fan of the player customization in any game, (And Devs, it’s a great way for you to make more money and buy us more servers!) and I love the fact I can get myself a new paint-job. But one question, why is there no Pink color? Really? You guys have three different variants of “Blue” but not a single purple or pink? Did they guys doing the texture work just not want to do that?  So anyways, add a pink into this system and I would gladly shell-out more money to paint ships!


 For the  TL:DR: I want to color my ship pink, thanks.



What should be added is a pallete so you can chose ANY color

TL:DR: I want to color my ship pink, thanks.

And neon and metallic colours. 

What should be added is a pallete so you can chose ANY color





I want to paint my ship Transparent.

I want to paint my ship Transparent.

I still want bright neon pink. Can you imagine the humiliation of being shot down by such a ship?

I want to paint my ship Transparent.


From the Wookiepedia article about the Y-wing:


“It was a rugged design, but it had some design flaws requiring constant maintenance, which led to many aggravated maintenance crews getting fed up with constantly having to remove the superficial hull plating and disposing of it altogether. Due to this, many Y-wings had no hull plating (except on the cockpit), exposing the internals of the main hull.


I still want bright neon pink. Can you imagine the humiliation of being shot down by such a ship?


The horror!

I still want bright neon pink. Can you imagine the humiliation of being shot down by such a ship?

Do not forget to add the smiley face sticker.

Do not forget to add the smiley face sticker.


Just the cat eyes for me


neon pink lumifiber on black … then the eyessss

Is it too much to ask for a pink spaceship with a Hello Kitty sticker on it? We’ve been asking for this for a long time. We want it. Now.

Is it too much to ask for a pink spaceship with a Hello Kitty sticker on it? We’ve been asking for this for a long time. We want it. Now.


Do the devs even have the rights to use the Hello Kitty image?

I think if a ship is elite or fully synergized you should be allowed to paint it for free…once…like name change - second change costs mulla

PS want ‘overgrown’ ‘well used’ & ‘rust’ as a colour options / textures…

Do the devs even have the rights to use the Hello Kitty image?


We could make an offbrand, SC version


Hi Meowmeow