Ship bounty/reward system

Yeah yeah destroyers unbalance games and interceptors are OP. Did someone mention skills? Lel op.

Howabout we make things a bit more interesting by adding a dedicated score to each ship class. The idea goes that because certain ships are more of a threat than others, they should give more incentive to be killed. An example table would be like the following:

Class; Money/Synergy reward:

Bot; x1

Drone; x0.5

Stationary object; x0.5

Recon; x1.25

CovOps; x2.25

ECM; x1.75

LRF; x1.5

Engineer; x2

Guard; x1.5

Command; x1.25

Gunship; x2

Tackler; x2.25

Destroyer; x3

Now this is simply an example, though something like this would be very pleasing. The reward difference for each class should be very apparent in-battle so that people know what to target first. Or at least are given a hint. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This would make players not ignore the more powerful/unbalanced ships as much and if they managed to score a kill or a high assist then they will be rewarded for their work. Destroyers, CovOps, and Tacklers should be the highest on the priority scale, as they tend to be the most aggressive and abused classes.

If someone would like to re-work this system in the comments, please do. I am super tired and just had to put this out there.

Also friend said that the requirement to buy a number of ships before getting a new one is bs. He started only days ago. What’s this saying to you, devs? What’s this saying?


Did someone mention skills?

Because skills each class can be difficult and also easy to kill, therefore such a reward system is not really fitting.

Fox whats your problem bro why are u making such suggestions that really awkward i didnt get it ?

Why awkward? The idea (if I get it right) is that if some ships are harder to kill than others, you can get better bonus for doing that. Especially if we decide to limit amount of destroyers in battle doest it make them a more valuable target. Or you’d insist on “Still counts as one!”?..

asked same question and got a reasonable answer “u get more syn by killing it via making more dmg” (said by Kotsky)

Why awkward? The idea (if I get it right) is that if some ships are harder to kill than others, you can get better bonus for doing that. Especially if we decide to limit amount of destroyers in battle doest it make them a more valuable target.

Exactly this.

Bad idea… all ships should be treated the same

The only ships that should reward any more are Destroyers, purely for the amount of effort it takes to down them.