Ship Bonuses in the New Matchmaking System (Discussion)

Welcome to discuss [Ship Bonuses in the New Matchmaking System](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/31875-ship-bonuses-in-the-new-matchmaking-system/)


Limited number of destroyers in same battle. +1

Maybe another addition could be that players with destroyers in their slots could still join in a battle where the destroyer limit was reached but these players wouldn’t be allowed to choose and go fight with any destro. Basically it would be grayed out like in pve when inappropriate rank is lined up as well.

Edit: Except in hard difficulty with capture the beacon mode. If it is still available in skirmish at all.   

"Another innovation is in a change of the number of pilots on destroyers in battles. Now each team can have only 3 players who have destroyers of any rank in their slots.  " Nice, this is a move in the right direction! Now can we make this two or one please? (or even zero for that matter :P) Also can you make this apply in weekend tournament as well? Constantly fighting against 8 destroyer teams is just stupid.

As for the rest of it well I’ll repeat what I said in my bug report: if you are going to do this, then why not just put all 15 ranks in the same games with appropriately scaled bonuses? Or why not just make all ship stats exactly the same and then make the game purely based on aiming skill and map knowledge, as opposed to ship-building skill? These bonuses do not compensate for skill, available modules, speed and manoevrability (so this is indirectly a nerf to federation). There is no way you can properly balance things out like this.

I had hoped it was just a bug, but of course it is a feature that you decided not to mention in the patch notes… Thanks. You should just stop writing patch notes, they are a waste of time!

2 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

Limited number of destroyers in same battle. +1

We’re looking forward to do the same in Leagues

5 minutes ago, Sinaka said:

Edit: Except in hard difficulty with capture the beacon mode. If it is still available in skirmish at all.   

Unfortunately along with all the other “dumbing down” changes, CTB mode was removed from regular pvp. There was apparently no solution for the people bringing only one ship, and dying quickly so it had to be removed, even from t5. You can still play it in league if you have the patience.

5 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Unfortunately along with all the other “dumbing down” changes, CTB mode was removed from regular pvp. There was apparently no solution for the people bringing only one ship, and dying quickly, so it had to be removed, even from t5. You can still play it in league if you have the patience.

Oh, yeah. I remember now. I haven’t played much t5 pvp lately. 

6 minutes ago, CinnamonFake said:

We’re looking forward to do the same in Leagues

In SCL the limit should be lower then. I don’t remember seeing 3 DD in one team. Maybe the limit could be like this: 2 (one on each side) or 4 (two on each side) destroyers can be in battle at the same time. How about this? Actually this could work in pvp too.

LOL!  ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) No more whole team with destros. 

Does this mean that I can no longer bring, say, 2 r9 ships with 2 r10 ships into the same battle? But I can bring 2 r10 and 2 r15 into the same battle and be able to fly them? And will the rank 10 ship have the damage and resistance bonus even though I have a r15 in a slot?

6 minutes ago, FilthHound said:

Does this mean that I can no longer bring, say, 2 r9 ships with 2 r10 ships into the same battle? But I can bring 2 r10 and 2 r15 into the same battle and be able to fly them? And will the rank 10 ship have the damage and resistance bonus even though I have a r15 in a slot?

I’m afraid you still can drag lower ranks into higher difficulty battles. Your highest ship rank in your slots will determine the difficulty you will play in but mounted low ranks will still be there. Always been that way. This is one thing that this new mm system should resolve. This was the problem through the whole weekend.

So, ships from outside of the rank range of a difficulty level should not be allowed to queue or should be locked if any mounted.

I like whole-destro teams. Its fun, balanced and temporary anyway since we all focus on R14…

Limiting number to just 3 means any player who has destro in slot but won’t pick it has more impact on team balance dont you think?

Imo this the bonuses are just bullshit:

Spark(r15): 4k DPS 27% crit chance and 121%crit dmg = 5306.8dps

8391 Hull, 124pts resistances (and I didn’t get my rank resistances ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

Orelus(r12): 4.2k DPS 37% crit chance and 103% crit dmg = 5880dps

8461 Hull, 124pts resistances on EM and Thermal, 94 on kinetic + a 50% bonus I really get(idk how they calc these 50% so I don’t do anything here)

Prometheus Fire(r10): 3kdmg + 1k rank  bonus, 33% crit c, 80% crit d = 5056dps

So r12 ships are now stronger then r15… (and r12 has the same modules only 3 missing implants)



is it possible that the Hard difficulty table is wrong? since I haven’t got any resistances with my r15?

2 minutes ago, John161 said:


is it possible that the Hard difficulty table is wrong? since I haven’t got any resistances with my r15?

You should get 20% on rank 15 as well. If you’re sure that you’re not getting any, then bug report is expected. With logs, as always. The main point here was to increase living time on highest ranks.

as i remember the weapon for engineering ‘Eclipse’ Launcher 15 's allowed ranks is 11-15.

so is that means the same weapon on r15 ship is 2025 dps, but on r11 ships is 2025 * 1.35 = 2733.75 dps?

so what’s the point to get higher rank? it only make u become weaker and weaker?

just get some pic about R15 long range Black Dragon and R12 long range Atlas



as it shows, R12 get a 2831 dps and R15 get a 2910 dps.

so in the pvp r12’s dps will be 2831*1.2=3397.2 and r5’s dps will be 2910?

well…so why should we get the r15? to get 15% decrease on dps?


I think the system is not “good” (yet?).

I’m playing right now on the border between easy and medium. (three Rank 5 Ships)

At the moment I get a few easy games and many medium games. I understand why this is so. More Rank 5-9 than Rank 1-5 Players.

The simple games are doable (From my perspective). But probably a player with a rank 1 ship here says something different ; - )

The middle games are very difficult for me. I feel mercilessly weaker than the others. Above all, in the area of mobility and versatility.
More modules and more space for modules / improvements.

The worst is that I can not “learn” from the opponents because I do not have access to most of the “tools” with my ships.

Other point that I do not understand but probably have to do with game-internal mechanism.
Why 1-5, 5-9, 10-15 instead of 1-5, 6-10, 11-15?


4 minutes ago, Savanna said:

just get some pic about R15 long range Black Dragon and R12 long range Atlas


as it shows, R12 get a 2831 dps and R15 get a 2910 dps.

so in the pvp r12’s dps will be 2831*1.2=3397.2 and r5’s dps will be 2910?

well…so why should we get the r15? to get 15% decrease on dps?

Don’t forget that R15 is less tankier…

i know it may hears so bad, but as a player who like this game maybe i should remind you.

the same things happened before, the pve is changed, high rank ship can’t used in low rank pve any more, and players find out that when their levels up and up, they become weaker and weaker.

so we all know what happened after that, we can’t see how many players is online anymore.

So, we don’t need the group making rule anymore?

I don’t get the logic, sorry. Now making lower rank ships stronger than high ranks? Ok, I get it in low ranks such 1-5, because they don’t have alot of modules, but r10 and above? As has been pointed out, an r12 ship will succeed the r15 in both tank and firepower. If I’m not mistaken, a r12 will have access to all modules as well.