Shield Regeneration Hull module.

I would like to suggest a T4 and T5 module that uses the hull slot on all ship types. interceptor, fighter, frigate, etc.

This module will supply shield regeneration at the cost from any number of places. for instance, it could act like the passive armor in that it costs hull defense for an increase in energy regeneration. 

This will simply add in shield regeneration, and my hope is, a good amount of it. 

Add in a similar increase to what the capacitor power relay adds, and it will be a good module addition. 




  1. This is a Hull slot module

  2. This module will add shield regeneration at a cost that of which the developers will choose. 

  3. This will be in no way op, and it will add the the amount of builds available for pilots to use within the game. 



I believe this would be a wonderful edition to the game, and it’ll allow new ways to build ships. 

More options are a must! please continue to create new and exciting modules, developers. I really love your guys’/girls’ work! :slight_smile:

I see what do you want to do there :slight_smile:

Regeneration on Guard suck!

I tried with all T V Mark 4 shield regeneration modules, etc. and implants. Even T2 ships can beat a T5 Guard, if there is more than 1.

But I agree, we should have more types of equipment, so I support this.

Interesting idea. Kinda like how Adaptive Shields add to hull resists while being a shield module.

Also it shouldn’t be as strong as a dedicated shield module, or it comes with a heavy penalty somewhere on the appropriate type.

In fact, I’d like to see a line of modules that buff a different type of stat at a penalty for further specialization and customization.

I would opt for something like reverse adaptive shield for those who dont like to move very often. Something like, if ship’s speed is below 80% (not including afterburners) shield regeneration is increased by X% and hull resists are increased by X, but not as strong as galva.

Regeneration on Guard suck!

I tried with all T V Mark 4 shield regeneration modules, etc. and implants. Even T2 ships can beat a T5 Guard, if there is more than 1.

But I agree, we should have more types of equipment, so I support this.

the best way to make a shield regeneration build is to merge it with resists. For instance, on the T-rex MK.II and the rank 13 Inquisitor, (though the Inquisitor S and the Patriarch can be built similarly)

you would put on 2 anti thermal modules, and one anti kinetic on the shield. add in 3 capacitor power relays, and finally, put on the 12c/12 bottom implant for +shield regeneration at below 50% speed. 

As a note, the 7c/7 bottom implant will ensure your modules don’t stop the shield regeneration because of lack of energy while within battle, as the enemy will power you.

This puts up a basic defense that can be stacked on one of the two defense types it’s strong against to 250+, and it will add in regeneration worth much more than simply adding in shield

regeneration upon shield regeneration module. You’ll be able to defend against all attack types by at least 50%,  all at once, with the possibility of forgoing the third to stack one of the two.

This goes well with using both the shield booster L and the emergency shield boost together, after all. 

Personally, I add in the signature masking for an extra bit of…flair.

Basic implants for it - 1c,2c,3c,4a,5a,6a,7c,8b,9a,10c,11b,12c,13a,14c,15c/a

(left to right 1-15, and top to bottom a-b-c)

It goes without saying, while within battle, ensure your energy capacitors are at full for maximum regeneration.

Honestly, I don’t think this type of module is necessary. Shields regenerate by default, there’s a shield module for extra shield regen, and there is a capacitor module for extra shield regen, plus 2 actives for shield regen on guard (1 for everything else). Shields don’t need another thing to heal them. If anything, hull needs another option for regen, as there is only regenerative coating, repair kits, and liquid metal injector (on guards) available.


Regeneration on Guard suck!

I tried with all T V Mark 4 shield regeneration modules, etc. and implants. Even T2 ships can beat a T5 Guard, if there is more than 1.

But I agree, we should have more types of equipment, so I support this.


It doesn’t suck, and guards are supposed to fall under focus fire (and no, it would take an entire team of T2s to take down a well-built T5 guard). With both shield regen active mods on a T5 guard, as well as a good setup of shield modules, a T5 guard is a force to be reckoned with that will take several skilled T5 pilots to kill.

it is my belief that this will also improve regeneration builds and tanks for engineers, even the Naga.

It will also add in more options for the secret project ships to choose from in terms of what ship slots to create on the ship, and certain builds will be made optimal, instead of having to rebuild said ship from the ground up to make it use-able for another style.

it is my belief that this will also improve regeneration builds and tanks for engineers, even the Naga.

It will also add in more options for the secret project ships to choose from in terms of what ship slots to create on the ship, and certain builds will be made optimal, instead of having to rebuild said ship from the ground up to make it use-able for another style.

Secret Projects - more than 9 slots will probably never be accepted, not even any additional options.

We are currently waiting for customizable synergy ranks and Deconstructor, but beside that I do not think that the ship will get anything more.

I was referring only to the addition of new modules, rather than more ship slots; If one person chooses 3 hull slots, 1 shield, 2 engines, 2 capacitors and 1 cpu on a caltrop, of all things, they’d still be able to build something tanky without having to start from scratch again because they’d still have some similar module types to choose from, unlike now,

where such a build just doesn’t really have much variety in how you’d arrange the modules.

The last thing Guards need is to be tankier.

The last thing Guards need is to be tankier.

Guard Conflict is now must common.