Shield Disruptor

Unsure what class this would fit, but fighters only so it doesn’t get waaay too overpowered.


The module sits in an active slot and when activated produces a static aura around the ship for 1.25K with particle effects flowing inwards towards the host from all enemy ships nearby. In this time, the enemy shields take 2-300 Pts loss per second for the module’s active time of 5 seconds. When complete, the aura crashes in towards the host ship which promptly discharges it’s shields in a ParPurge fashion, boosting the damage output by 0.0001% for every shield point the ship has, the energy wave then explodes outwards and damages all ships in a radius for EM damage. The host ship has it’s energy and shields held at 0 for 15 seconds after “detonation” for the ship systems to recover before re-filling at it’s normal rate. As such, it is likely suicide to use the module.


For example.


1 ship in radius, host ship has 5000 Pt shield.


300*5, 1500 pt initial damage


0.0001*5000 = 1.5 x multiplier (adds a half)


1500*1.5 = 2250 pt EM damage and this will scale with more ships being in the AoE


The host ship cannot move but can fire in this time although missiles will disrupt the energy field. The module will be a very long cooldown, 1.5 - 2 minutes to avoid spam.

Host ship can recieve damage and be killed, if killed the energy field collapses and deals one quarter the amount of shield lost back to the players in EM damage, but the multiplier will not be added. Affected ships are able to fly out of the field and not recieve any further drain or damage.

What I’m hearing is parasitic remodulator but with less damage to enemies and self-damage instead of self-healing. And shorter range. But on fighters.


I don’t think you realize how long five seconds is, though. It’s enough for most frigates to move out of a pulsar’s range, so long as the guard with it on isn’t pursuing.

What I’m hearing is parasitic remodulator but with less damage to enemies and self-damage instead of self-healing. And shorter range. But on fighters.


I don’t think you realize how long five seconds is, though. It’s enough for most frigates to move out of a pulsar’s range, so long as the guard with it on isn’t pursuing.

it will need thinking over, perhaps remove the hold-downs and just drain shields and energy, i’m trying to think of a new frigball solution, put this in the middle of a frigball with an ECM to stun them with metastable and the frigball has a LOT of cumulative damage to all of them. I originally thought 0.01% per point of shield would be OK but for that calculation it came out as 37500 PT EM for one ship or close to that figure, which is utterly stupid because that is like, a whole Crus S worth of shield

it will need thinking over, perhaps remove the hold-downs and just drain shields and energy, i’m trying to think of a new frigball solution, put this in the middle of a frigball with an ECM to stun them with metastable and the frigball has a LOT of cumulative damage to all of them. I originally thought 0.01% per point of shield would be OK but for that calculation it came out as 37500 PT EM for one ship or close to that figure, which is utterly stupid because that is like, a whole Crus S worth of shield

Well, if you have a base damage from shield volume, and a multiplier from shield volume, that’s a formula with quadratic growth. Keeping it linear would be easier to balance.

Well, if you have a base damage from shield volume, and a multiplier from shield volume, that’s a formula with quadratic growth. Keeping it linear would be easier to balance.

the exponential growth is intended, it’s designed to make people GTFO of the area and anything that can’t won’t be punished all too severely