Uhmari, Evolution’s leader is a paranoid freak who can’t get along with anyone.
About 10 of us were just kicked from hearsay thinking we were spies.
I myself spent 260 hours in EVO, never having been in contact with another corp. Pretty pissed off.
We are looking for a new home. DYN, Pulse, NASA. Post here or Send me a PM.
We are looking for a new home. We are all well-trained in combat tactics.
There is my channel for some proof.
By the way, Intricate is Uhmari’s brother. Last I checked he was in Pulse, then DYN2, he is a spy himself.
http://youtu.be/qa_fHJzsuxU <—Some EVO play.
I’ll go talk with those leaders for you :)wt
Uhmari Won’t listen. Done tried that. He thinks everyone is a spy apparently. His own Officers are ramming at him for it and he doesn’t listen.
Hey, Vin. Sorry to hear about the drama. NASA sympathizes with the plight of you and your fellows.
We usually fly T3 and we stress teamwork over individual glory. Internal drama is not tolerated with us.
Here is our website if you want to get in touch. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Uhmari Won’t listen. Done tried that. He thinks everyone is a spy apparently. His own Officers are ramming at him for it and he doesn’t listen.
(mostly because I like memes and stuff)
ESB spies are everywhere! Beware: every player with 1500+ ELO and win ratio above 2 may be ESB spy! Kick them asap or they will reveal your secrets!
I meant I would talk to those NASA and Dynamis leaders for you :)wt
7 Officers were just telling Uhmari in TS about how stupid that move was, and he just over-shouts them all.
You are trying to tell an officer that he is yelling at the officers… Nice try dude
Evil Esb Spies ^.^ They are always stealing my secret cookie recipe
Just fought to defend EVO territory for many many hours, recently beat my longest session record with 17 hours. Went afk 10 minutes to grab some food, came back to my comp to find out I was kicked from corp and banned from the ts. Found out from one of the other officiers that Uhmari (the leader of Evolution) kicked me for being apparently being a spy. A spy who plays like 10 hours a day in sector conquest with a win rate of 1.30.
So while I wouldn’t have used the same words as Vin, I guess I can confirm the main point : Uhmari kicked legit players who, based on factual evidence from their profile, were helping EVO immensely. Valuable ex-EVO players will likely be looking for new corps since I doubt Uhmari will come to his senses before it’s too late.
Uhmari kicked a few members based on factual evidence that they are spies. Also 1.3 win ratio is about average.
In game profiles as factual evidence…
(see meme above)
Personally I am more interested in Uhmari’s secret cookie recipe. Does it involve the tears of our enemies?
you have no secret recipes, none worth stealing anyway, and by the way you still have spies. :lol:
Link for NASA is on our recruitment page.
I need these cookie recipes, having a party next week
I know which spy you are Flip, but won’t tell anyone
I need these cookie recipes, having a party next week
Spys leaked the recipes!! GET THEM QUICK!
I know which spy you are Flip, but won’t tell anyone
thanks man, you were worrying me there
*chokes on uhmari’s secret cookie recipe*