Server Select Should Select Server

If a player does not want to be on “any region”, and they select a region, they should get to wait it out until and if something is available on the selected region. I don’t like being used as entertainment filler for the anointed players on the other side of the Earth. I don’t like being the most technically crippled one on a team with the rest of the team on the other side of Earth. I’d be ok with waiting. If I don’t get something in 8 minutes, that’s fine. Getting no skirmish is better than getting skirmish on the other side of Earth.

This might lead to the issue that you would not get any match at all depending on server and time.

This might lead to the issue that you would not get any match at all depending on server and time.


That’s what he said. He does NOT want a match if there are none available in his region!

If I choose any region, and it puts me in a Russian match, I simply can’t do anything. Ping gets so high.

Thr thing is, when you select a server, the ping will be great(depending on server), but it might take 30 minutes to get a match. I just hit any region and pray that I get a decent server. Xp

i think you should get your region if you cancel queue after… i think 2:30 or so, and requeue;

at least at some point you get into a “wider” search area.

Another way is: Turn all servers into checkboxes instead of a selector. That would let people checkbox the ones they’re willing to enter. But really, if I don’t select it, I don’t want to be put on it.


I held it in too long to the point of being perturbed (perturbed off & on since 2013) instead of being able to post this with a good attitude. But, the positive effect of holding out is that I’m certain that this was worthy of mentioning and requesting.

The problem is that the game starts you off selecting your region that your PC is in, and you will get a lot of new players not getting games because no one will want to be on the South Asia server which means anyone from this region will get no games, and it will probably suck for everyone but the Russians… If anything they need to have it on any region from the beginning.


Perhaps if it only unlocks after a certain amount of time because it has the potential to make matches even worse for a lot of players. Another one of those problems where more players would fix it to a degree.

Turn all servers into checkboxes instead of a selector.



That could mean yes or no. You want the servers as checkboxes or the current single selector?