Selectable in game chat.

Hi, would it be possible to allow us to select and copy chat messages / PMs?


This would allow us to paste messages into google translate and communicate with people of different nationalities much more quickly.


For Example - At the moment I have to write down and type Cyrillic into an online Russian keyboard, then copy and paste into translate. Its extremely time consuming and makes conversation difficult.



Hi, would it be possible to allow us to select and copy chat messages / PMs?

This would allow us to paste messages into google translate and communicate with people of different nationalities much more quickly.

For Example - At the moment I have to write down and type Cyrillic into an online Russian keyboard, then copy and paste into translate. Its extremely time consuming and makes conversation difficult.


i think they should make a built-in translator in game that is in the options so no mater what language they are typing in it comes out in english and when u type back it changes it to they lanugae that they selected

i think they should make a built-in translator in game that is in the options so no mater what language they are typing in it comes out in english and when u type back it changes it to they lanugae that they selected

These translators are usually very bad.

The cyrillic stuff is always just insults, at least that’s all I ever get, and the few times I ran it through Google translate it half choked on it indeed.

i think a live translation is overkill, and already failed in uo very early, since then no game ever has attempted that again.


but some kind of rightclick menu “copy” which at least could copy a line (maybe multiple) or personal ingame mail message to the clipboard would be nice, so we can extract the links ourselves.


until then however a workaround is to search the chat log files if that youtube link was uber important :slight_smile:


not sure if pms are also stored there :frowning: so ppl pls kindly use the forum pms if possible.